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Welcome!. Retreat 2011 - Goals. Remember who we are and what we’ve done Look at what we can accomplish in 2011-12 Review a proposed organizational configuration for the LNCDC Establish the LNCDC structure for 2011-12 Enlist the membership Get it going!!. LNCDC – Who We Are.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome!

  2. Retreat 2011 - Goals • Remember who we are and what we’ve done • Look at what we can accomplish in 2011-12 • Review a proposed organizational configuration for the LNCDC • Establish the LNCDC structure for 2011-12 • Enlist the membership • Get it going!!

  3. LNCDC – Who We Are • 50+ non-profit members representing the essential human services agencies of N. Meck / S. Iredell • Private citizens who care about their community • Members of the faith community • Government officials • Diverse groups with diverse areas of focus, all centered on improving their communities in the Lake Norman area and the lives of the people in them

  4. LNCDC – WHY We Are • Communication – Collaboration - Advocacy • To spread awareness by bringing together service providers to share information and discuss issues impacting housing, healthcare, education, and social/family issues in our four towns • To advocate and build momentum for social change • To build collaboration and increase the effectiveness of member agencies in individual and joint efforts

  5. LNCDC – What We Are • Grassroots collaborative • A powerful network of agencies and individuals • Significant force for change with phenomenal potential • People working with their “spare time” to make a difference because they understand the importance

  6. LNCDC – What We’ve Done • List of deliverables we’ve produced or impacted is impressive

  7. BUT…. • The major benefits of the LNCDC to our clients have been the results of the relationships, the network, the collaboration that have evolved among our members.

  8. LNCDC – How We’ve Grown

  9. Org Structures in the Past • Started with 5 subcommittees (Health, Housing, Transportation, Families in Crisis, Education) • Added 2 more in 2005 – Latino Outreach, Transitional Housing • 2006-2008 – Dropped to 4 –Education, Health, Housing, Social Issues • 2008-2009 – Added Advocacy • 2009-2010 – “Decommissioned” committees in favor of “action teams”

  10. Opportunities in 2011 • UW creating new Community Needs Assessment • Most likely focuses: Health, Education, Housing • “Stability” issues, e.g., domestic violence, included in these 3 • Community Catalyst Project • Most likely focus: collaboration between and optimization of agencies • Local Issues • Example: ongoing issue of N. Meck Magistrate • Need to Recruit New Members • Agencies not attending, esp. in S. Iredell • Need to re-structure • “Spare time” and self-directed action teams not working

  11. LNCDC – Organization • You’re about to see a proposed organization • Straw man– please give input, make recommendations • Thoughts that went into the design • This is a spare time activity for us all – need to minimize the workload to that which we can actually accomplish • Only one committee report/mth • We don’t spend nearly enough time taking care of the LNCDC itself • The UW/CC studies will not be finished until later • We have local issues that need attention • We need to do more outreach to other agencies, and more publicity about the LNCDC itself

  12. Chair • Vice Chair • Secretary • Past Chair • Infrastructure Chair • Outreach Chair • 1 Representative from each of the Working Groups LNCDC Exec Board LNCDC Professional Development Building Skills Workshops Infrastructure* Bylaws Meetings & Events Retreat • Local Issue Working Groups*** • Collaboration / Optimization • Education • Health • Housing Outreach** Communication PR Recruitment Wiki * The Infrastructure Group works on establishing and maintaining bylaws and processes of the LNCDC. ** The Outreach Group works on recruitment, public relations, the Wiki and branding of the LNCDC. *** The Local Issue Working Groups deal with specific need -driven issues(e.g., need for a magistrate in our area) as well as emerge from local assessments such as the Catalyst project and United Way needs assessment.

  13. LNCDC – Organization Proposal • Outreach / PR Committee • Branding and recruitment for LNCDC,especially recruiting new member agencies • Includes all PR functions • Challenges for 2011 • Agency recruitment • Scheduling times to meet with and talk to agency leads creating materials, following up, etc • Public Relations • Promoting LNCDC activities, managing media contacts, producing press releases, supporting event publicity

  14. LNCDC – Organization Proposal • Infrastructure Committee • Establish and maintain processes of LNCDC • By-laws and other internal documents • Membership / wiki / minutes / email lists / etc • Manage events • Meetings agenda • Annual retreat • Volunteer fair

  15. LNCDC – Organization Proposal • Local Issues • Not permanent committees • Ad-hoc committees formed to deal with specific need-driven projects (e.g., the magistrate)

  16. LNCDC – Organization Proposal • Collaboration / Optimization Committee • Find and promote opportunities for our members to collaborate on projects, share resources, optimize services. • Many objectives for 2011 will come from the Community Catalyst Project, but not all • We should look for opportunities ourselves regardless

  17. LNCDC – Organization Proposal • Committees that will react to UW Needs Assessment: • Education • Health • Housing • We’ll evaluate the need for a “Social Issues” committee after we see the UW needs assessment

  18. Discussion Groups • Sit with the committee you’d most like to join • Assess/critique/modify the overall purpose/charter of the committee • Define the committee’s objectives for 2011-12 • ELECT A CHAIRMAN • Create a roster of members • Schedule your first meeting • Create a preliminary plan of action using template • Report

  19. Infrastructure Committee

  20. Next Steps • Committee rosters will be updated to WIKI • Committee first meetings • Set-up of local issues groups at next LNCDC meeting • Six-month evaluation of committees / structure

  21. THANK YOU!!!

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