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Measures to strengthen Initial Teacher Education BRIDGE PRE-SERVICE COP 04 October 2017

This project aims to enhance the quality of initial teacher education by supporting quality research, developing teaching standards, creating curriculum frameworks, providing comprehensive materials and assessment tools, offering capacity development for academics, and ultimately strengthening teacher education programs.

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Measures to strengthen Initial Teacher Education BRIDGE PRE-SERVICE COP 04 October 2017

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  1. Measures to strengthen Initial Teacher EducationBRIDGE PRE-SERVICE COP04 October 2017

  2. Enhancing the quality of initial teacher education through projects 2015/16 – 2019/20

  3. TLDCIP Theory of Change • Quality research that is needed to inform the development work in the range of focus areas is supported; • Teaching standards (knowledge and practice standards/competence standards) for the specific focus areas within ITE programmes are developed; • The standards are used to inform the development of curriculum frameworks for the focus area; • Well-designed comprehensive materials that support the delivery of courses within the focus area; • Assessment tools that enable the reliable assessment of initial teacher education students and newly qualified teacher’s ability/competence in the area are developed; • Capacity development opportunities for teacher education academics involved in these of initial teacher education are provided; • Ultimately, the main result must be strengthened initial teacher education programmes that enable new teacher graduates to teach competently as beginning teachers.

  4. Establishment of Teaching Practice/WIL Platform for ITE Funding Policy HR Capacity Development Implementation protocol

  5. Establishment of Teaching Practice/WIL Platform for ITE (cont.) • A Round Table on Teaching Practice was convened on 27 July 2017 at DBE Conference Centre. About 50 people participated including representatives from the DHET, DBE, PEDs, universities, SACE, ETDP SETA, teacher unions • The main outcome was conceptualization of a teaching practice platform and a process towards putting it in place. • The process will involve convening a series of working groups focused on aspects of the platform. Groups will be convened between now and end March 2018 for 2-3 days. The output of each working group meeting would be a framework document that describes how that aspect must be built into the overall platform. • The framework documents developed by each group will be collated into an overall Teaching Practice Framework, to be presented to a representative group of delegates at a Teaching Practice Indaba in April 2018 and where it will be interrogated, critiqued and refined. • Thereafter the plan is to take it through the various approval processes and to implement.


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