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Base Point/GREDP Analysis 8/4 - 8/5/2010

Base Point/GREDP Analysis 8/4 - 8/5/2010. Settlement Intervals Analyzed = 38,675 During 24 Hour LFC test: 90 Settlement intervals minus 5 with bad data = 85 intervals by 455 Resources 95.23% Percent of Intervals that Resources passed GREDP and did not receive BPD charge (36,832)

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Base Point/GREDP Analysis 8/4 - 8/5/2010

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  1. Base Point/GREDP Analysis 8/4 - 8/5/2010 Settlement Intervals Analyzed = 38,675 During 24 Hour LFC test: 90 Settlement intervals minus 5 with bad data = 85 intervals by 455 Resources 95.23% Percent of Intervals that Resources passed GREDP and did not receive BPD charge (36,832) 1.02% Percent of Intervals that Resources failed GREDP and received BPD charge (394) 3.75% Percent of Intervals that did not match (either fail GREDP/no BPD or pass GREDP/with BPD (1,449) 1.63% Percent of “no match” intervals that are WGR Resources (631) 2.12% Percent of “no match” intervals that are non-WGR Resources* (818) *These “no match” intervals caused by various exclusions on either side

  2. Base Point/GREDP Analysis 8/4 - 8/5/2010 “No match” WGR intervals caused by mismatch HSL data Total number of all WGR SCED intervals analyzed = 24,030 62.98% Percentage of intervals SCED HSL less than COP HSL 27.37% Percentage of intervals SCED HSL greater than COP HSL 9.65% Percentage of intervals SCED HSL equal to COP HSL Options for Reducing Instances of WGR Base Point Deviation Charges: Increase QIRR which is currently set at 2 Increase KIRR which currently set at 10% dead band Use SCED HSL in Base Point charge calculation (requires system change)

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