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Greetings to all the participants of CCAST ILC Accelerator Workshop
1. ILC Accelerator Related R&D in India S C Joshi, V C Sahni
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore,
2. Greetings to all the participants of CCAST ILC Accelerator Workshop & 1st Asian ILC R&D Seminar under JSPS Core University Program & Members of IHEP, Beijing (Team members (partial list): S B Roy, PK Kush , J Dwivedi, P Shrivastava, S Krishnagopal , TA Puntambekar, P Khare, AM Puntambekar…) RRCAT, Indore and other Collaborative Institutes.
4. Major Accelerator Centres in India Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
(Indus-1 & Indus-2 SRS, 10 MeV Industrial Linac, DC Accelerator etc.)
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata
(224 cm Variable Energy Cyclotron, K-500 SC Cyclotron Accelerator, RIB facility etc.)
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre , Mumbai
(7 MV FOTIA, 10 MeV e- Linac for Radiation Processing etc.)
Inter University Accelerator Centre, N Delhi
(15 MV Palletron & SC Linac Modules for energy augmentation etc.)
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
(14 MV Palletron, SC 150 MHz QWR based Linac Booster for energy gain)
Institute of Physics, Bhubaneshwar
(3 MV Tandem Palletron Accelerator mostly for Materials Science)
5. Accelerator Programs in RRCAT Operation of Synchrotron Radiation Source Indus-1
Indus-1 Utilization
2.5 GeV Synchrotron Radiation Source Indus-2 (beam storage experiments are now in progress)
Medical & Industrial Accelerator Development
100 MeV Proton LINAC Development (Proposed)
Prototype subsystem development for 1 GeV Rapid Cycling Proton Synchrotron for SNS (Proposed)
RRCAT-CERN Collaboration
Assistance to University Centers for Accelerator
Mangalore University Microtron
6. Hallmark of Our SRS Program is
Intense focus on indigenous development & qualifying sub systems through home efforts.
These include the magnets & their power supplies, vacuum chambers, ion pumps & gauges, beam diagnostic accessories, RF driver and control systems etc.
Vendor development for many high quality components for these accelerators.
12. SCRF R&D Activity & International Collaborative Program on
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India
13. New Programs Related to ILC / SCRF Cavity Development at RRCAT
Participation in International Collaboration
Development of SCRF Cavity & Associated Technology & their Applications.
14. International Collaborative Program on ILC/X-FEL
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India
16. Design SC-RF cavity structures + beam physics.
Fabricate SC-RF cavity structures & also try new designs.
Establish facility for Chemical and thermal treatments of SC-RF cavities .
Evaluate and characterize superconducting materials.
Establish Cavity testing & characterization facility
Study Surface science of superconductors; New materials for SCRF Cavities.
Pursue R&D in cryogenics & RF aspects. R&D Methodology for Development of SCRF Cavity
17. Activity on SCRF Cavity Structure (Kick-off) Development of 1.3 GHz TESLA Type single cell cavity
Structure design
Die & punch Design for cavity half cell
Tooling Development for cavity half cell machining
RF Frequency measurement
Welding setup for Single Cell Cavity
Frequency tunning setup for single cell
18. Simulation of Single Cell SCRF Cavity
19. Forming Simulation of Half Cell
20. First Attempt of Forming of 1.3 GHz Half Cell in Copper
22. Plan for SCRF Cavity Processing / Clean Room Facility
23. Proposed EBW Facility Major Specifications
Electron Gun– 15 kW – 70 kV,
Welding chamber 3000 mm (L) x 1000 mm (W) x 1200 mm (H) with two Cryogenic pumps and run out platform.
Y axis, by the Electron Gun, 200 mm travel, CNC controlled.
X axis, by the worktable, 1300 mm travel, CNC controlled.
CNC Rotary Manipulator with tail stock
Tilting system, 0° to 90°
General Control System with CNC
24. Engineering Facilities at RRCAT
28. Future Plans for Enhancement of Cryogenics Facility at RRCAT Approx. 200 lit/hr Liq Helium Production/ with Approx. 5,000 – 10,000 Lit storage
Development of 2K Test Cryostats
Development of SCRF cavities testing facility
Approx. 400 lit/hr Liquid Nitrogen Production
30. Experimental Facilities at RRCAT for Superconducting Materials 16 Tesla Cryo-magnet with variable temperature insert (Oxford Instruments, UK) for transport properties measurements.
Thermal properties (specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermoelectric power) measurements system (PPMS, Quantum Design, USA) in the temperature range 2-300 K and in the presence of magnetic fields up to 9 Tesla.
Home made ac-susceptibility measurement system in temperature range down to 77K. This facility is now extended to 4.2K using a new helium cryostat.
Temperature dependent electrical conductivity measurements down to 77K using liquid nitrogen cryostat and down to 35K using an indigenously made closed cycle refrigerator.
Home made Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) working down to 77K.
Argon arc furnace for synthesis of metallic alloys and intermetallic compounds