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Resources. Programa Inglés Abre Puertas Unidad de Currículum y Evaluación Ministerio de Educación. What is an educational resource ?. It is something such as a book , film or picture used by teachers or students to provide information. Classroom resources 1. Classroom supplies

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  1. Resources Programa Inglés Abre Puertas Unidad de Currículum y Evaluación Ministerio de Educación

  2. Whatisaneducationalresource? Itissomethingsuch as a book, film or pictureusedbyteachersorstudents toprovideinformation.

  3. Classroomresources 1. Classroomsupplies 2. Authentic material 3. «Makeyourown» materials 4. Textbooks 5. Classmaterials 6. Teaching guide 7. CD withsongs, chants 8. DVD with films

  4. Discussion • Why do mostteachersteachfromthetextbook? • How can computers be usedtoteach English? • How can a volunteermakethedifference?

  5. Resourcesfrom PIAP and Textbookarea

  6. Howto Use Textbooksin theClassroom Plan theunitsorlessonswithyourteacher. Use thelisteningactivities, games and reviewpagestopractice in pairsorgroups. Use the CD toexercise and createyourown new activities.

  7. Listening Lessons and Resources

  8. Speaking Lessons and Resources

  9. Probable situation: When you get to your region, your teachers will often ask you to give a specific type of lesson. For example: We are doing a unit on hobbies. In my class we will read the text on page 122. Okay, I can do a listening or a speaking activity No problem, maybe I can have students ask each other about their favorite hobbies Can you do a listening activity about hobbies in your country on Monday. Tuesday, can you do a speaking activity with this?

  10. A resourceis a toolforteachers and a keyelementforstudents

  11. Thank You

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