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Dipartimento di Ingegneria delle Costruzioni, dell’Ambiente e del Territorio Università degli Studi di Genova. DICAT. Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering. Head of Department: Paolo Blondeaux. Via Montallegro 1 - 16145 Genova – www.dicat.unige.it. DICAT.
Dipartimento di Ingegneria delle Costruzioni, dell’Ambiente e del Territorio Università degli Studi di Genova DICAT Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering Head of Department: Paolo Blondeaux Via Montallegro 1 - 16145 Genova – www.dicat.unige.it
DICAT Founded in 2007 bythe civil, environmental, building and architectural researchers of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Genova DICATconsists of 49 faculty members 24 technicians and administrative staff 16 contract researchers 19 post-doctoral researchers 25 PhD students Educational activity: The teaching activity of the DICAT faculty members covers degrees in: • Civil Engineering • Environmental Engineering • Building Engineering and Architecture • and fundamental courses for other Engineering degrees • DICAT is the centre of the doctoral courses in Fluid Dynamics and Environmental Engineering Processes and Structural and Geotechnical Engineering in the Doctoral School of Science and Technologies for Engineering
DICAT Research activities of DICAT Mechanics of Solids and Materials Conservation and Earthquake Engineering Design and Construction of Marine Structures Hydrology Morphodynamics Port and Coastal Engineering Wind Engineering and Dynamics Fluid and Bio-fluid Mechanics Geotechnical Engineering Building Technology Material Engineering Energy and Process Engineering Environment Architectural Design
Group of Morphodynamics A research team of DICAT works in the field of morphodynamics, which is the study of the evolution of landscapes and seascapes in response to the erosion and deposition of sediment. The main interests of the group are in morphodynamics associated with rivers, coasts and estuaries.
Coastal Morphodynamics People: Prof. P. Blondeaux – Prof. G. Vittori – Dr. G. Besio - Dr. N. Tambroni Collaborations: Utrecht University - Granada University - HR Wallingford – UPC Barcelona - Twente University – Delft University of Technology - Cambridge University – Naval Postgraduate School Monterey – M.I.T – Politecnico di Bari – Oxford University - Technical University of Denmark - University of Nottingham – University of Ancona River and Estuarine Morphodynamics People: Prof. G. Seminara – Prof. M. Colombini – Dr. A. Stocchino - Dr. M. Bolla Pittaluga Dr. V. Garotta – Dr. N. Tambroni – Dr. J. Costa University of Firenze – University of Padova – University of Trento –University of Urbana-Champain - University of Minnesota - Imperial College - University of Bristol - Florida State University - University of Tokyo - University of Kyoto – University of l’Aquila Collaborations: Fluid and Bio-fluid Mechanics People: Prof. A. Bottaro – Prof. P. Blondeaux – Prof G. Seminara – Prof. M. Colombini – Prof G. Vittori - Dr. A. Stocchino – Dr. D. Biau – Dr. H. Wedin – Dr. J. Favier – Dr. A. Dauptain Collaborations: University of Toulouse – University of Salerno – University of Nancy – Imperial College - CERFACS
Hydrology Rainfall-runoff modelling Hydrologic requirements for hydropower design Hydrologic measurements Topics: Rainfall-runoff transformation. ARMA and Neural Network modelling of hydrologic time-series. Hydrology and Hydroelectric Power Plants. Water Resources management. Soil-water relationships. Hydrologic measurements. People: P.Bartolini E.Carcano E.Cordano Collaborations: Colorado State University. The University of Arizona.
Hydrological processes in natural and urban watershed Topics: analysis and modeling of extreme hydrological events, geo-morpho-climatic characterization of the hydrological response of natural drainage network, space-time structure of intermittent rain field, error estimation in tipping bucket rain gauges,metals partitioning and speciation inrainfall-runoff process,storm water runoff pollutionmonitoring and modelling, sustainable urban drainage systems… Collaborations & highlights of group work: People: P. La Barbera L.G.Lanza Hydrology 2006 “Correlation Patterns and information flows in rainfall field”; Urb. Wat. 2007 “Hydrologic influence on stormwater pollution…”; Hydrol. Proc. 2004 “The impact of TBRs measurement errors on design rainfall for urban-scale applications,, WMO Laboratory Intercomparison of Rainfall Intensity gauges A. Molini C. Berretta I. Gnecco A. Palla
Port and Coastal Engineering Topics: Port and maritime structures. Specification of design wave for maritime structures. Seismic vulnerability of port structures. Devices for energy production from wave motion. People: Prof. L. Rebaudengo Landò Prof. S. Stura Dr. R. Gentile Collaborations: University of Lecce. University of Padova. University of Roma. Ligurian Region. European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering.
Material Engineering and Interfaces • Topics: • Ceramic Material sintering and stress analysis. (Instron, Dynamic Laser Young Modulus) • Porous Material, Polymer Composites, Ceramic Functionalized Biomedical Cements • Powder Engineering, Surface Area (BET) • Wetting and Interfaces analysis at Macro-Micro size (Static, Dynamic Wilhelmy, Viscosimetry) People: Marco Capurro Luigi Barco Fabrizio Barberis Paolo Cirillo • Collaborations: • University of California, Berkeley CNR • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – LBNL ENEA • National Institute of Standard and Technologies – NIST ANSALDO
Process Engineering Research Team - PERT Topics: Chemical and electrochemical heterogeneous kinetics, chemical and electrochemical reactors, steady-state and dynamic simulation of process engineering systems, programming and accomplishment of experimental tests, data analysis and identification problems, equipment scale-up and dimensioning, environmental themes, … People: Elisabetta Arato Barbara Bosio Paolo Greppi Nicola Di Giulio Michela Mazzoccoli Daniele Bernocco Zaida Chavez Romero Daniela Pellegrini Green hydrogen and syngas from biomass or sludge Energy production from fuel cell systems and CO2 capture Collaborations: Univ. Politecnica de Valencia Univ Catolica S.to Toribio de Mongrovejo Università di Trento CIRPS ABB CNR Ansaldo Fuel Cells ENEA Ansaldo Ricerche ERG A.M.I.A.S. FISIA CESI Paul WURTH Water treatment (desalination and conditioning) Gas-liquid interaction in high- temperature metallic systems
Architectural Urban Design Topics: Projects of revaluation and compatible reuse of industrially interesting buildings. Reintegration with new technologies and materials, environmental sustainability. People: ARCH_IN Industrial Archaeology Laboratory (responsible S. De Maestri) Collaborations : A.I.PA.I. (Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Archeologico Industriale), T.IC.C.I.H. (The International Commitee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage) Regione Liguria Soprintendenza ai Beni Ambientali e Architettonici della Liguria Direzione Regionale per i Beni e le Attività Culturali della Liguria Fondazione Ansaldo
Topics: The scientific activity turns to the assertion of the drawing, not only regarded as an instrument of communication but, principally as an indispensable instrument for the analysis of the environment and the existing historical manufactured based on thematic of: survey, architecture city drawing representation, as well as on the typological characters. The principal study-thematics are: buildings and public squares, materials and constructive techniques, for the conservation of the cultural properties besides for the cataloguing and the reclaiming of monuments. Survey and knowledge for the historical architecture Collaborations : U.I.D. (Unione Italiana per il Disegno) CRUIE (Centro di Ricerca in Urbanistica e Ingegneria Ecologica), Regione Liguria Soprintendenza ai Beni Ambientali e Architettonici della Liguria People: G. Guidano M.C. Cigolini M.R. Croce E. Merello G. Pellegri
Urban and territorial planning Topics: Natural Risks and Territorial Safeguard, Town Requalification and social and economic Revitalisation, Mobility and Infrastructural and harbour planning, Environmental Sustainability at different scales (neighborhood, territorial and urban planning, urban design), Strategic Environmental Evaluation Sustainability Map Infrastructural planning Mobility Analisys Risk scenarios People: Collaborations: P. Ugolini (Director CRUIE) A. Chirico Regione Liguria, Regione Piemonte, Provincia di Savona, Provincia di Cuneo, Comune di Genova, Dip. DICATA Brescia, ESRI/Galileian Plus, CSTB (FR), BRGM (FR) F. Conelli, F. Cumbo,I. Delponte, F. Pirlone, R. Rovida, I. Spadaro, P. Tirelli
Group of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering • Mechanics of Solids and Materials • Soil and Rock Mechanics - Geotechnical Engineering • Seismic safety and Preservation • Building Technology • Wind Engineering and Structural Dynamics • Laboratory for Material Testing (established in 1904, enacted in 1936): • Experimental research and tests for a third party on material characterization, diagnosis of existing structures and damage; analysis of structural and geotechnical systems; …
q z x y Mechanics of Solids and Materials Topics: analytical and computational mechanics, elasticity, fracture and damage mechanics, contact mechanics, constitutive modeling, composites, interfaces, biomechanics, masonry mechanics. impactor structural composite Biaxial Strength of brittle materials – project for the Italian MIUR Collaborations & highlights of group work: 2 mm multiple delamination - Scienza delle Costruzioni, McGraw-Hill, 2003. - Nonlinear models for nonmetallic materials, Kluwer, 1999. - Publications in: JMPS, IJSS, J. Biomechanics, Int. J. Fracture, Int. J. Engrg. Science, J. Elasticity, J. Applied mechanics, Eur. J. Mech. - Northwestern Univ., IL, Univ. Of California at Santa Barbara, CA, Univ. Of Arizona at Tucson, AZ, Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison, WI, USA; Rockwell Scientific, CA, USA. Z-pins Modeling multiple delamination due to impact – project for the Office of Naval Research, USA People: L. Gambarotta, R. Massabò, I. Monetto, R. Sburlati, A. Cavicchi, G.M. Andrews, A. Bacigalupo, A. Brencich
Slope stability-Risk assessment COMPUTED MEASURED Large scale model testing Geotechnical structure modelling Soil and Rock Mechanics - Geotechnical Engineering Topics: Mechanics of saturated and unsaturated soils; mechanics of rocks and rock masses; soil-structure interaction; foundation engineering; slope stability and risk assessment; soil reinforcement techniques; physical model testing. Collaborations & highlights of group work: Papers published on international Journals (Geotechnique; J. Geotech. Eng. (ASCE);ASCE GSP; Proc. of ICE; Soils & Foundations; etc..) Technical Univ. of Turin and Milan; City Univ. of London; Italian Geotech. Society; Int. Technical Committee ITC18 of ISSMGE; Industry; etc.. People: R.Berardi, G.Dalerci R.Passalacqua, R.Bovolenta A.Baretto, G.Mercurio
Earthquake Engineering Conservation Engineering Seismic Damage Assessment Modeling of existing buildings Modeling Seismic analysis Experimental tests Risk Analysis Monitoring and Diagnosis Retrofitting Collaborations & highlights of group work: • Research collaboration with ReLUIS, INGV, Eucentre (Pavia), UPC Barcelona (Spain), UNAM (Mexico City), BRGM (France), Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage. • S. Lagomarsino served in the drafting panel of the “Guidelines for evaluation and mitigation of seismic risk to cultural heritage” (GU n. 24, 29/1/2008) and the Italian seismic code (OPCM 3431/05 – NTC 2008). • Papers published on International Journals (Earthquake Spectra, ASCE, JEE, EESD, IJAH ) • Development of a software for the seismic analysis of masonry buildings (TREMURI) People: S.Lagomarsino S.Podestà C.Calderini S.Cattari E.Curti S.Parodi S.Resemini
Group of Structural Health Monitoring A team of DICAT is active on Structural Health Monitoring research. Research topics include: application of innovative sensor technologies (fiber optics), data analysis and interpretation for damage identification from static and dynamic monitoring, diagnostics and decision support tools. Main applications on bridge, heritage and maritime structures Team members: A. Del Grosso, F. Lanata
Arup & Parteners Building Technology Topics: building materials and technology, experimental characterization, sustainability of constructions, … Physic, mechanics and chromatic characterization Architectural concrete elements for roof and façade Sustainability of Constructions Collaborations & highlights of group work: Collaboration with: Magnetti Building, Italy; Quality Building, Italy; … E. Dassori, reviewer for European Standard, Precast Concrete Products – Wall Elements: Product Properties and Performances (CENTG229/WG1/TG8 – N.349). R. Morbiducci, member of European Commission COST, Action C25, Sustainability of Constructions People: E. Dassori R. Morbiducci www.dicat.unige.it
Wind Engineering and Structural Dynamics People: G. Solari G. Piccardo L.C. Pagnini L. Carassale M.P. Repetto F. Tubino A. Freda Wind field simulation Monitoring Collaborations & Key Positions: IAWEInternational Association for Wind Engineering Wind tunnel tests Wind & Structures. An International Journal Centre of Excellence on Wind Effects on Buildings and Urban Areas, Tokyo Masterin Wind Engineering, Genoa-Milan Works Fatigue cycles
Design and Construction of Marine Structures People: Enrico Rizzuto Topics Loads and responses of marine structures Structural reliability of marine structures Risk based design of marine structures Structure-borne noise propagation, acoustical planning on board ships Noise emissions from ships Unconventional materials and joints for marine applications Present memberships International Ship 6 Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC) 1998-2012 Committees: Extreme Hull Girder Loading, Fatigue Loading, Risk Based Design, Design Principles &Criteria International Forum on Engineering Decision Making (IFED) Advisory council Joint Committee on Structural Safety (JCSS) Off-shore, Marine & Artic Engineer.Conf.(OMAE) Symp. Org: Structures,Safety & Reliability Ongoing projects MARSTRUCT Network of Excellence in Marine Structures (2004-2010) E.U. COSTAction TU601-Robustness of Structures (2007-2011) Manag.Comm.&WorkG1 SILENV-Ships oriented Innovative soLutions to rEduce Noise&Vibrations (2009-12) VII FP Co-operations RINA,CETENA, FINCANTIERI, D’Appolonia, IST-Lisbon, DNV-Oslo, NTNU-Trondheim DTU-Copenhagen, ETH–Zurich, Univ. of Strathclyde-Glasgow, Newcastle Univ.,........