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Internal Facilitator Training

Join our training workshop to learn about the Ohio Improvement Process, building leadership teams, improving instructional practices, and monitoring student progress. Develop SMART goals, strategies, and action steps to enhance student learning outcomes.

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Internal Facilitator Training

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Presentation Transcript

  1. InternalFacilitator Training Fall 2015-2016

  2. Today’s Agenda • 8:30 Welcome • 8:45 The “Why” • 9:30 The “How” • 11:15 Lunch (on your own) • 12:15 Internal Facilitator Disposition • 12:45 Facilitating Teacher Teams • 2:00 Next Steps • 2:30 Closing


  4. Change Happens

  5. Mind Set




  9. Building Adult Capabilities to Improve Child Outcomes: A Theory of Change Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University

  10. The Ohio Improvement Process Goals:

  11. Placemat Activity

  12. HOW Do We Do This Work?

  13. Benefits of the Ohio Improvement Process

  14. Stage 0: Planning and Preparing for the Ohio Improvement Process

  15. Building Leadership Teams Responsibilities Develop, implement, and monitor the focused building improvement plans Build a school culture that supports effective data-driven decision making Establish priorities for instruction and achievement aligned with district goals Ensure conditions for, support and monitor Teacher Based Teams Monitor and provide effective feedback on adult implementation and student progress using the Ohio 5-Step Process Report building-level adult and student results to DLT and TBTs Make recommendations of resources, time, and personnel to meet district goals

  16. Teacher Based Teams Responsibilities • Improve instructional practices by following the Ohio 5-Step Process: • Focus on adult implementation of instructional practices • Report results to the Building Leadership Team (BLT) • A TBT 5 Step Process should not happen in just one week. The overall student strengths and weaknesses determine the instructional practices. Because the team is addressing weaknesses of their students as an entire group, implementation of the agreed upon instructional practices may take a few weeks. • Share work with the BLT and DLT and celebrate successes!

  17. Teacher Based Teams Subject Area Grade Level Vertical Cross Content TBTs should include ALL instructional personnel, especially Intervention Specialists.

  18. Placemat Activity

  19. The Big Picture - Stage 0... • A building is only as strong as its foundation. A team’s focus should be: • data driven • common goal • collaborative in nature • Set ground rules for meetings. Develop structure and routines to increase productivity and keep the group focused on their mission.

  20. STAGE 1: IDENTIFY CRITICAL NEEDS DATA --- ask and answer essential and probing questions to identify… …strengths, needs and causes.

  21. New Decision Framework • Coming around the time that the 2014-2015 report cards are posted • Current communication indicates that districts will need to complete the New Decision Framework once the report cards are posted

  22. Placemat Activity

  23. The Big Picture - Stage 1……... • Look at your available data you already have. • Focus on real needs based on relevant data. • Choose 2 or 3 high need areas. • Everyone works together in collaboration for a common goal: • to improve student learning and change teacher practice.

  24. STAGE 2: DEVELOP FOCUSED PLAN Produce one focused, integrated plan that directs all district and/or building work and resources Goals Strategies Action Steps Indicators

  25. Goals • Usually 2 or 3 SMART goals • 1 math, 1 reading, 1 culture/climate • 1 academic, 1 culture/climate • District Level – building plans must use the district goals (cannot have their own)

  26. Strategies • 1 or 3 focused strategies within each goal • District Level – building plans must use the district strategies (cannot have their own) – but a building can “ignore” a district strategy if it does not apply to them ie: a school can ignore an ELL strategy if it does not have any ELL students • Strategies must be monitored! • Adult implementation indicators • Student performance indicators

  27. Action Steps • As many as needed for each strategy • Focus on teacher actions • Specific to each plan – district actions for district plan and building actions for each building plan

  28. Outcomes of Stage 2 Establish Adult Implementation and Student Performance Indicators for every Strategy Create Action Steps to support Strategies Review, revise, and adopt OIP Plan • Develop 2-3 SMART Goals • Compose 1-3 Strategies for each Goal

  29. Watch School Plans • ODE is finalizing the process for the Watch School plans; it will be in the school improvement component of the CCIP. • Watch schools will receive supplemental letters with clearer expectations for their plans.

  30. Placemat Activity

  31. The Big Picture - Stage 2……... Based on your 2-3 high need areas, develop a plan focused on adult implementation indicators Clearly communicate the plan to all levels - DLT, BLT, & TBTs. Agree as a team to implement the plan. MONITOR the plan!

  32. Stage 3: Implement & Monitor the Plan Stage 3 describes ways to systematically and systemically implement focused strategies and actions identified in Stage 2. Stage 3 also explains how to create an ongoing monitoring approach to gauge the degree of implementation and its effects on adult practice and student performance.

  33. Ohio Leadership Advisory Council Teacher-Based Teams in Action • http://www.ohioleadership.org/video_library.php?up_mov_id=148

  34. Implementing & Monitoring the Focused Plan • Implement the Plan Systematically and Systemically • Maintain a Culture of Inquiry Through Collaborative Structures and Processes

  35. Align HQPD Across District Plans and Building Plans to Achieve Results

  36. Apply a Balanced Assessment System for Monitoring Student Performance Indicators

  37. Monitor and Analyze Changes in Student Performance and Adult Implementation to Make Midcourse Corrections and Report Plan Progress • Design an Intentional Monitoring System Resource 20: Sample Protocols to Support the OIP This resource offers protocol options for a district and/or building to use with their collaborative structures. Each protocol is for a different purpose as described in the OIP Guide. • Protocol for Developing “Look Fors”

  38. Make Midcourse Corrections and Report Plan Progress • Resource 20: Sample Protocols to Support the OIP • Tuning Protocol • Generalize Successes Across the District so Lessons Learned Become Systemic Resource 20: Sample Protocols to Support the OIP • Protocol for Analyzing Success

  39. Which brings us to…… The primary vehicle for achieving these goals is: the 5 Step Process

  40. 5 Step Process Step 1: Collect and chart data Step 2: Analyze data Step 3: Establish shared expectations for implementing specific changes. Step 4: Implement changes consistently. Step 5: Collect, chart and analyze post data. How these steps are implemented varies depending on the meeting level (DLT, BLT, TBT).

  41. STEP 1: Collect and Chart Data TBT level: The primary focus is on identifying how students are performing/progressing. • Teachers collect the data identified in the Building plan and bring to TBT meeting.

  42. Data should include: • item analysis • number and percentage of students proficient vs. non-proficient • subgroup data.

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