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Pertemuan 25 Presentasi 2. Matakuliah : R0124 / Teknik Komunikasi Arsitektur Tahun : 2005 Versi : <<versi>>/<<revisi>>. Learning Outcomes. Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu :
Pertemuan 25Presentasi 2 Matakuliah : R0124 / Teknik Komunikasi Arsitektur Tahun : 2005 Versi : <<versi>>/<<revisi>>
Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : • Mengkombinasikan strategi presentasi dalam arsitektur dua atau tiga dimensi secara manual maupun dengan alat bantu visual
Outline Materi • Presentasi dengan komputer • Animasi • Kelebihan komputer dibanding media lain
Presentasi dengan komputer • PROSES MERANCANG
Presentasi dengan komputer Computer Imaging
Presentasi dengan komputer • There is no more versatile tool for design studies than the computer. It can produce images and viewpoints that were previously thought to be impossible. Archi will have to totally re-assess the way they look at and study an architectural space, or structure. Not only can the computer produce images from an infinite number of viewpoints, but the images can be enhanced, rendered, altered and processed many different ways, depending on the software used. • These images were produced to study aspects of design. The first sequence was for an observatory project. The images were first created in a 3-D modeling program where the wire-frame views were created. This outlined the forms, and the various perspective views could be studied in this mode. Then the images were further enhanced are rendered in a “paint program”. This is where surface attributes, such as transparency, reflectivity, color and texture were assigned. Next, the images were processed in another program which could add graphic elements that would have been more difficult in any of the other programs. Here, backgrounds could be added along with other painted images, such as the night scene with moon and clouds appearing at the top of the tower.
Presentasi dengan komputer • This combination of possibilities make computer images one of the most versatile design and presentation tools. It contributes both to the study of architectural form, and to the presentation of images in a format which encourages an imaginative approach.
Animasi • One of the latest developments in visual presentation involves the combination of several electronic imaging techniques. No longer do we need to be satisfied with sngle views drawn by the architectural artist, or single CAD images produced by the computer artist. By merging the technologies of computer imaging and videotape recording, totally animated sequences are now possible. • These animated sequences can be produced by establishing the movement sequence and check points along the way. These are called”keyframes” in the animation sequence. They can be programmed by the designer using a common PC based program. The animator then crates the images within these parameters. At the same time they are produced with much higher resolution. They can then be transferred to a laser videodisc, and then to video, or directly to video. The images can also be output to film recorders for high resolution slides, transparencies, or color prints.
Animasi • These animated sequences can be produced by establishing the movement sequence and check points along the way. These are called”keyframes” in the animation sequence. They can be There is no limit to the subjects that can be described by the animation sequence, and no limit to the degree of sophistication of the images. The sequence on the left used flat planes and graphic colors to depict movement within a space. First in the entry area, showing a stairway to a second level. Next, there is a view going up the staircase , then a view towards a balcony, and finally a view to the large open space below. The spatial elements are rendered as flat planes of color with minimum detail or considerations of light or shade. • The sequence on the right is just the opposite. It shows maximum use of sophisticated software rendering program which allows total control of values as well as the movement within the space. To dramatize the sequence it is depicted as an illuminated night scene. The movement within the scene or equally dramatic, as the motion within or ends with extreme close-ups of the residential details, an other ornamental features. This is indicated of the high artistic quality that can be imparted to a seemingly steril electronic imaging sequence.
Animasi • Dengan sistem SOM , dapat diketahui bagaimana dan dimana suatu bayangan bangunan akan jatuh dan bagaimana pula sinar matahari menembus masuk bangunan tersebut.
Animasi Studi interior untuk pemilihan finishing dan warna Aksonometri denah, memudahkan persepsi ruang.