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The Use of OO-Modelling Principles (OOM) and UML Notation to Define Signalling Requirements

ITU Workshop "Use of Description Techniques". The Use of OO-Modelling Principles (OOM) and UML Notation to Define Signalling Requirements. Raphael J. Schumacher, Rapporteur Q.8/11 Swisscom AG, Switzerland. Geneva, 23. Nov. 2002. A little story about a personal experience in.

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The Use of OO-Modelling Principles (OOM) and UML Notation to Define Signalling Requirements

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  1. ITUWorkshop "Use of Description Techniques" The Use ofOO-Modelling Principles (OOM) andUML Notation toDefine Signalling Requirements Raphael J. Schumacher, Rapporteur Q.8/11Swisscom AG, Switzerland Geneva,23. Nov. 2002

  2. A little story about a personal experience in... attempting to motivate the use ofobject-oriented modelling techniques in SG11 ... advocating the advantages for the experts’ work ... the attention achieved in the process ... observations and conclusions ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  3. 1 Introduction Preamble About Signalling Requirements The OOM Story in SG11 2 Why OO-Modelling & UML OO-Analysis & -Design (OOA/D) OO-Modelling (OOM) Telecom vs. Computing 3 OOM for BICC Requirements Purpose and Benefits Existing BICC CS2 Signalling Requirements Supplementing BICC Signalling Requirements 4 Results & Conclusion Reception by the meetings Personal observations Long-term view Contents Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  4. 1 Introduction Preamble About Signalling Requirements The OOM Story in SG11 2 Why OO-Modelling & UML OO-Analysis & -Design (OOA/D) OO-Modelling (OOM) Telecom vs. Computing 3 OOM for BICC Requirements Purpose and Benefits Existing BICC CS2 Signalling Requirements Supplementing BICC Signalling Requirements 4 Results & Conclusion Reception by the meetings Personal observations Long-term view Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  5. SG11 Signalling Requirements - what’s this? • Question to be answered before protocol development starts:“What do we expect the particular signalling protocol to do?” • A collection of functional requirements on a signalling protocol that is destined for specific purposes and applications: • That is, signalling requirements need to identify... • The context of usage (= equal to an applicability statement?) • All the scenarios that need to be applicable • Hence signalling requirements would contain • Signalling [network] architecture and functional elements • Description of network functions that are needed • Functional elements to be implemented ( != physical elements) Ideally... Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  6. The Proposal for SG11 BICC Capability Set 3 (Bearer Independent Call Control) • BICC is a framework for providing ISDN services over transport technologies beyond simply TDM: ATM AAL1, AAL2, IP, MPLS. • In the light of the starting BICC CS3 activity, further ways to improve the modelling techniques for envisaged signalling architecture were seeked. • This resulted in a contribution brought into WP 2/11 at the SG11 meeting in Mai 2001: Delayed Contribution D.229 – 2/11Aim: to propagate the idea of using OOM and UML for the development of signalling requirements Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  7. 1 Introduction Preamble Story line About myself and SG11 2 Why OO-Modelling & UML OO-Analysis & -Design (OOA/D) OO-Modelling (OOM) Telecom vs. Computing 3 OOM for BICC Requirements Purpose and Benefits Existing BICC CS2 Signalling Requirements Supplementing BICC Signalling Requirements 4 Results & Conclusion Reception by the meetings Personal observations Long-term view Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  8. Object-Oriented Analysis & Design (OOA/D) • A very, very little history: • late 1980s: OO programming languages (Smalltalk, C++) • early 1990s: OOA/D techniques (Booch, Rumbaugh, Jacobson, ...) • late 1990s: joint effort to develop the UML standard; adopted by OMG • OOA&D as conceptual tool was originally directly associated with software development: • OOA:Analysing a system and its environment, as well as the requirements on the system, seen from a user’s perspective • OOD:Documentation on the concept, and the design of the implementation (== the inside of the system) • UML: UML as notation standard; UML tools with the purpose to automatically create program code out of the object-oriented models. Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  9. Object-Oriented Modelling (OOM) • Simply going beyond the purpose of developing software : • OOA, OOD & UML are description techniques, thus probably also applicable for other things than software development. • Meanwhile, modelling is used in many areas, e.g.: • Business engineering: modelling of enterprises in terms of purpose, processes and organisational entities • Service development: service components and their associations amongst themselves as well to network capabilities • Database design & data warehouses: data structures, specifications for data mining and information exchange (XML/DTD) • Telecom Operations Map (TOM): a framework for a process architecture suitable to telecommunications service providers • Network Management Systems: managed objects (MIBs)  Why not make profit from OOM & UML in ITU efforts as well? Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  10. Telecommunication vs. Computing • Telecommunication & computing industry is converging • How will the demarcation line look like in - let’s say - 5 years? A grey area by best... • Who will be faced to communication standards in future? • SW developers incorporating telecom modules into vertical products • Integrators struggling with service convergence  telecommunication services won’t remain stand-alone products • As a consequence, the dominant customers of ITU standards will more and more be... • software engineers for whom OOM has become everyday practise • service providers which need to cope with the increased complexity • Telecom services convergence, a long-term business need  consolidating portfolios require clean concepts, interfaces & APIs Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  11. 1 Introduction Preamble Story line About myself and SG11 2 Why OO-Modelling & UML OO-Analysis & -Design (OOA/D) OO-Modelling (OOM) Telecom vs. Computing 3 OOM for BICC Requirements Purpose and Benefits Existing BICC CS2 Signalling Requirements Supplementing BICC Signalling Requirements 4 Results & Conclusion Reception by the meetings Personal observations Long-term view Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  12. OOM can be used to: define processes and information flows identify relationships between processes and information increase the degree of reuse (protocol) requirements and components Benefits: further refine the scope of BICC capabilities and their protocols improve the common understanding of terminology improved documentation of BICC and its evolution (CS1..CS3) improve quality control and consistency check on protocol designs trace protocol standardisation (from req’s to test specifications) OOM @ BICC: Purpose and Benefits Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  13. Signalling Transport Network Other service supplier networks TE Other service supplier networks TE Access Control Signalling Call Control Signalling Bearer Control Signalling Call & Bear Control (CBC) Signalling Access Network CMN-x ISN-B TSN-x ACN-E ISN-A GSN-x GSN-y CSF-C CSF-N CSF-R CSF-G CSF-N CSF-T CSF-G TE TE SWN-1 SWN-2 SWN-3 ACN-w BCF-G (x) BCF-G (y) BCF-R BCF-J BCF-R BCF-N (z) BCF-A (a) BCF-N (v) BCF-T (w) BCF-R BCF-R Backbone Network Connection Link Joint Domain Bearer Inter-working Function (BIWF) Bearer Inter-working Function (BIWF) Backbone Network Connections Network Bearer Connection (end to end) Existing BICC CS2 Signalling Requirements Intro OOM BICC Results Scope of Signalling Requirements ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  14. Overall Requirements Use Cases -> helps to refine scope Supplementing BICC Signalling Requirements 1/6 Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  15. Information Flows Use Case -> overview of scenarios Supplementing BICC Signalling Requirements 2/6 Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  16. Supplementing BICC Signalling Requirements 3/6 Information Model Class diagrams -> improve understanding the principle idea of BICC Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  17. Supplementing BICC Signalling Requirements 4/6 Information Model further refined class diagrams Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  18. Supplementing BICC Signalling Requirements 5/6 Zooming into individual BICC components “Play it again Sam!”, and: Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  19. Supplementing BICC Signalling Requirements 5/6 And there’d be much more to be modelled! Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  20. 1 Introduction Preamble Story line About myself and SG11 2 Why OO-Modelling & UML OO-Analysis & -Design (OOA/D) OO-Modelling (OOM) Telecom vs. Computing 3 OOM for BICC Requirements Purpose and Benefits Existing BICC CS2 Signalling Requirements Supplementing BICC Signalling Requirements 4 Results & Conclusion Reception by the meetings Personal observations Long-term view Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  21. Achieved Interest Remarkable interest shown by SG11 management Moderate interest seen from participants progressing work Gap between S.P. and Suppliers Statement of Scepticism Nice, but do we really need this? Learning curve steep enough? Return on investment? UML not a bit too formal? Possible Reasons for Spectisism (Past) Experiences with Notations SDL:Widely adopted within SG11 (protocol standards, typically specifying the state machines), but applied in the right way? TTCN:ratio of sophistication vs. value was not perceived to be very promising to individuals Little popularity of concept work “With IP, everything is easier” Reception by the Meeting (of WP 2/11) Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  22. “Contemporary” factors Time pressure -> get out standards fast Little resources available -> reduce efforts to the minimum Increased Fluctuation -> people change,know-how changes... Current quality control system -> iterative approach: changes to standards as implementers discover imperfect parts “Hidden” factors Conceptual work generally having a hard time benefits not convincing enough ITU “hidden law”:A playground for different parties with particular interests. Lobbying e.g. to... advocate a specific solution slow down progress of work? -> often, full transparency is not necessarily desired -> poisons top down approaches Personal Observations Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  23. Think positive! Complexity in telecom will continue to increase -> a common understanding of technical and conceptual issues is indispensable Parties with particular interest in transparency: Governments:regulation, lawful interception Service Providers:service convergence challenge, cope with network complexity Summing up Need for conceptual work still an indisputable necessity adoption of new techniques takes a lot of time-> patience with optimism Factors for success/failure: on actual participation (parties) market pressures (competition) the mood of telecom business Better days will be coming again Personal Long-term Views Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  24. Thank you! ...and enjoy your stay in Switzerland ...despite the *?+!%ç&*/ weather! coffee breaknow? psst! ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  25. Supplemental BACKUP ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  26. Links & Book References 1/2 OOA/D • http://www.sdmagazine.com/articles/1999/0006/0006a/0006a.htm • “Building Object Applications That Work: Your Step-By-Step Handbook for Developing Robust Systems with Object Technology” by Scott W. Ambler (Cambridge University Press, 1998) OOM • http://www.ambysoft.com/eCommerceArchitecture.html • http://www.sdmagazine.com/articles/1999/0004/0004o/0004o.htm • “Business Engineering With Object Technology” by David Taylor (John Wiley and Sons, 1995) • “Enterprise Modelling with UML” by Chris Marshall (Addison-Wesley, Object Technology series, 1999) Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

  27. Links & Book References 2/2 UML • http://www.omg.org/uml • http://www.rational.com/uml • “The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual” by Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson (Addison-Wesley, Object Technology Series, 1999) • “The Unified Modeling Language User Guide” by Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson (Addison-Wesley, Object Technology Series, 1999) Intro OOM BICC Results ITU Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" Geneva, 23 November 2002

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