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WATER IS LIFE. Surface Water Scenario in Rajasthan. TOTAL WATER ON EARTH. 3% (37.5 mill.cu.Kms) Freshwater. 11% groundwater upto 800m. 11% groundwater below 800m. 1% in lakes, rivers and streams etc. 97% (1320 mill.cu.Kms.) in Oceans (saline Water). 77% in glaciers & ice caps.
WATER IS LIFE Surface Water Scenario in Rajasthan
TOTAL WATER ON EARTH 3% (37.5 mill.cu.Kms) Freshwater 11% groundwater upto 800m 11% groundwater below 800m 1% in lakes, rivers and streams etc. 97% (1320 mill.cu.Kms.) in Oceans (saline Water) 77% in glaciers & ice caps
Water Resources - NATION Total ground water 431.44 BCM Total surface water 1869.35 BCM Comparison with World
Surface Water Resources System at a Glance Rajasthan Surface Water Resources Water within State 21.71 BCM Interstate water 17.88 BCM Total Surface water 39.59 BCM Irrigation projects Completed Total Major & Medium 118 Minor 6688 Total 6846 Irrigation Potential Createdin Million Ha. 3.713
Status of Groundwater availability • Net ground water availability • through recharge 10.79 BCM • Total ground water draft 14.51 BCM • Net groundwater balance (-) 3.72 BCM • Stage of Development 135 Percent
The Unkind Nature & Handicaps 2/3rd part of the state is desert- (this partis bigger than all states except UP, MP, AP & Maharashtra) Aravali Ranges Recurring Droughts Large Tribal Population Wide Seasonal Variation in Temperature 2/3rd (more than 50º to below 0 º) 1/3rd Scanty & Erratic Rainfall Jaisalmer :138 mm Cherapunji :11000 mm Average Annual Precipitation : 531 mm Western part : 318 mm Eastern Part : 688 mm
Some Facts On Water Resources in Rajasthan • Rajasthan with an area of 34.27 million hectare, is the largest State of the Country . 66% area is desert. • It holds 10.45% area, 5.40% population & 18.70% livestock of the country but has only 1.16% surface water and 1.72% ground water of the country. • Out of 25.7 million ha cultivable land only 7.67 million ha is irrigated. 65% irrigation is dependent on ground water and 35% is from surface sources. • 83% water is used for agriculture, 11% for drinking water and 6% for industrial & other uses. Continued ……
Some Facts On Water Resources in Rajasthan • Water resources are not only scarce but highly unevenly distributed both in time & space. Recurrent droughts. • Per capita water availability is 640 cum as against minimum international standard of 1000 cum. With growing population at fast rate, this is likely to touch 438 cum in 2045 bringing Rajasthan in absolute scarcity category. • 98% inter-state resources, 78% utilizable surface resources and 137% of ground water resources already utilized. • With the exploitation rate of 137%, the ground water situation is precarious.
Drinking Water Supply : Some Facts • Huge imbalance between demand & supply: Urban deficit & rural deficit is 2994 mld water is likely to reach 7884 mld by 2040 • 40% villages/habitations are affected by quality. 75% of country’s fluoride affected habitations are in Rajasthan. • 58 towns get water supply once in 48 hours, 15 once in 72 hours and 9 once in 96 hours. • Water is being transported to 65 cities/towns and about 10500 rural habitations at present. • 91% drinking water schemes are based on ground water.
Water: Key to development of Rajasthan • Water is livelihood issue in Rajasthan. About 70% people in rural area depend on Agriculture & animal husbandry for livelihood • Water & poverty are closely interlinked in the context of Rajasthan • Water availability would determine the future course of development of the State
Issues & Constraints • Growing imbalance between demand & suppy.Present deficit is 8.0 BCM and likly to increase to 9.0 BCM by 2015 • Uncertainty &reduced availability of water • Inequity of access to water • Low operational efficiency of water distribution system • Depleting ground water resources & deteriorating quality of water • High cost of services, low cost recovery and low level of expenditure on O&M • Lack of ownership amongst the stakeholders
Key initiatives • Supply side management • Tap remaining potential: Water shed approach • Restore ground water balance • Recycling of used and wastewater • Prevent water pollution • Reduce Ttransmission &Distribution losses • Water harvesting & Recharging • Drinking water supply in water deficit areas from assured surface sources: Water Grid System Continued ……
Demand Management • Improvement in Irrigation efficiency • Rationalize tariffs • People’s participation • Water Regulatory Authority • Ground Water legislation • Water campaign • Improvement in service delivery • Water Audit • Benchmarking of schemes & projects
Practical & doable steps required by public • Conseve every drop of water : stop wastage • Roof top water harvesting • Revival of Traditional system with sense of owenership and maintain them • Water recharging • Efficient use of water • Prevent water pollution
Initiatives taken up so far • State Water Policy modified and adopted in February 2010. • Creation of SWRPD :- A separate State Water Resources Planning Department (SWRPD) has been created to separate the overall multi-sectoral water resources planning functions for the various category of water users from the sub-sector specific irrigation/other water service deliveries. • Participatory Irrigation Management:- RFPMIS Act, 2000 and Rule, 2002 enacted by the government. In June 2010 government has issued order for giving 50% share of the water charges collected by the WUAs to them. 1736 WUAs have been formed and systems transferred to 659 WUAs for irrigation management and O&M responsibility.
Initiatives taken up so far • Training & Water Campaign:- Various trainings to farmers are being imparted for efficient and conjuctive use of water in irrigation through modern technologies i.e. drip and sprinkler system • IEC activities:- Jal Abhiyan, Jal Chetna Yatra and Jal Mela have been organised under European Union SPP programme for better awareness among stackholders. • Water Auditing and Benchmarking:- The work of water auditing and benchmarking is in process for improvement of performance of irrigation schemes. • Water Resources Information System:- Web based WRIS serves as Decision Support System (DSS) for planning, storage, distribution and management of the water for the irrigation, drinking and other purposes. It enables users and stakeholders to maintain up-to-date information on projects, dams, reservoirs, canals, anicuts, weirs, surface and ground water resources including recharge, chemical analysis and water quality of available water, crops, Water User Associations, etc.
Initiatives taken up so far • Integrated Water Resources Management: IWRM plan in 3182 Gram panchayats of 82 blocks of 11 district are being prepared. 1700 plans have been prepared and approved. • River Basin Planning: River basin planning for 14 river basin is in progress for better management of available water resources. • Sprinkler Irrigation System:- In Narmada Canal System sprinkler system has been made mandatory in 2.46 Lac ha area. Similarly in Indira Gandhi Canal Project 27449 ha have been taken up for sprinkler system. • O&M Manual:- O&M manual has been prepared in the year 2010 and enforced for better maintenance of existing irrigation systems. • SCADA :- Supervisory Control and Automated Data Acquisition has been installed in Indira Gandhi Canal Project and same is proposed to be installed on Gang and Bhakra Canal System for better management of water distribution.
Save Water Preservation Conservation & Utilization of every drop of water