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Critical Thinking Made Bloomin ’ Easy

Critical Thinking Made Bloomin ’ Easy. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Develop Critical Thinking. Recreated for DPS College Ready Institute - 2011. Bloom’s Taxonomy Pyramid. Knowledge. Count Define Delineate Describe Label List Match Name Point. Quote Recall Record Relate

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Critical Thinking Made Bloomin ’ Easy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Critical Thinking Made Bloomin’ Easy Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Develop Critical Thinking Recreated for DPS College Ready Institute - 2011

  2. Bloom’s Taxonomy Pyramid

  3. Knowledge • Count • Define • Delineate • Describe • Label • List • Match • Name • Point • Quote • Recall • Record • Relate • Repeat • Select • Specify • State • Underline

  4. Comprehension • Associate • Compute • Describe • Discuss • Explain • Express • Extrapolate • Generalize • Identify • Locate • Outline • Paraphrase • Report • Restate • Review • Rewrite • Summarize • Tell

  5. Application • Apply • Demonstrate • Dramatize • Employ • Graph • Illustrate • Interpolate • Interpret • Manipulate • Modify • Operate • Practice • Schedule • Show • Sketch • Solve • Translate • Use

  6. Analysis • Analyze • Appraise • Arrange • Break down • Calculate • Categorize • Classify • Compare • Contrast • Criticize • Critique • Debate • Diagram • Differentiate • Distinguish • Examine • Experiment • Inspect • Inventory • Question • Relate • Separate • Solve • Test

  7. Synthesis • Arrange • Assemble • Collect • Combine • Compose • Construct • Create • Design • Devise • Explain • Formulate • Group • Manage • Organize • Plan • Predict • Prepare • Prescribe • Propose • Rearrange • Reorganize • Setup • Specify • Transform

  8. Evaluation • Appraise • Assess • Choose • Compare • Conclude • Criticize • Critique • Determine • Defend • Estimate • Evaluate • Judge • Justify • Measure • Prioritize • Prove • Rank • Rate • Recommend • Revise • Score • Select • Support • Value

  9. Examples • Knowledge: How long did each child have to grow their seed for the emperor? • Comprehension: Explain why Ping cried when the emperor asked him about his pot. • Application: How can you apply the moral of this story to your life? • Analysis: Compare Ping to the other children. • Synthesis: Propose how the story would be different if it took place in America. • Evaluation: Judge whether the other children in the story were good or bad. Defend your opinion.

  10. You Try • Determine why the emperor cooked the seeds. Analysis • Use the moral of this story to write a story of your own. Application • Predict what Ping’s rule will be like. Synthesis

  11. You Try • Name who encourages Ping? Knowledge • In life, determine if all seeds grow. Why or why not? Evaluation • Describe the place where Ping lived? Comprehension

  12. What is Critical Thinking? “ Critical thinking is self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way.  People who think critically consistently attempt to live rationally, reasonably, empathically. ” - Dr. Linda Elder, September, 2007 - educational psychologist and a prominent authority on critical thinking. In short – reflecting on your thinking.

  13. Which levels enhance Critical Thinking? Critical Thinking

  14. Why do these three levels support Critical Thinking?

  15. Creating Higher Level Thinking from Lower Levels

  16. Lower to Higher - Example Level 2 Level 6

  17. Group Practice

  18. After the Question Is Asked How will students demonstrate their response to your request?

  19. The Future How do you plan to use this information in the future?

  20. Resources • http://www.kyrene.org/schools/brisas/sunda/litpack/BloomsCriticalThinking_files/v3_document.htm • http://www.quia.com/rr/210997.html • http://www.criticalthinking.org/ • http://edtech.clas.pdx.edu/presentations/frr99/blooms.htm • http://www.criticalthinking.org/aboutCT/define_critical_thinking.cfm • http://appl003.lsu.edu/slas/cas.nsf/$Content/Study+Strategies+Tips+and+Tools/$FILE/BloomsOriginal.pdf • http://classweb.gmu.edu/ndabbagh/Resources/Resources2/bloomstax.htm • Adapted from CT.org - jmansfield

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