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Jeopardy. End of Cold War. Reagan Domestic. Foreign Misc. 80s/George H.W. Bush. Rise of Conservatism. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy End of Cold War Reagan Domestic Foreign Misc 80s/George H.W. Bush Rise of Conservatism Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question Conservatives want government to take a _______________ role in people’s lives.

  3. $100 Answer Smaller

  4. $200 Question What groups of people would support a conservative domestic agenda?

  5. $200 Answer *Wealthy/business owners *Banks *Big Business/corporations *Religious groups/Moral Majority *Elderly (possibly)

  6. $300 Question The political organization formed by Evangelical Christian leaders was?

  7. $300 Answer Moral Majority

  8. $400 Question What were at least two goals of the Conservative Movement?

  9. $400 Answer *Shrink the size of the Government *Reduce government regulations *Lower Taxes *Promote family values *Strengthen National Defense

  10. $500 Question Name as many effects of the Conservative Movement of the 1980s as you can.

  11. $500 Answer *Republican control of the presidency and then the Congress *Cuts in taxes and government spending *Dramatic increase in national debt *More conservative Supreme Court *Increased defense spending *Deregulation

  12. $100 Question Reagan’s economic program, nicknamed “Reaganomics” was based on ___-side economics?

  13. $100 Answer Supply-Side

  14. $200 Question Why was Reagan unable to achieve Balanced budgets during his presidency

  15. $200 Answer He increased defense spending while at the same time cut taxes.

  16. $300 Question What program, important to older Americans, did Reagan not make cuts in?

  17. $300 Answer Social Security/Medicare

  18. $400 Question Who was the first female Supreme Court Justice appointed by Ronald Reagan?

  19. $400 Answer Sandra Day O’Connor

  20. $500 Question Reagan showed his lack of support for _______________ when he fired all of the people in THIS(__________) industry who went on strike.

  21. $500 Answer Unions; Air Traffic Controllers

  22. $100 Question This allowed open criticism of the USSR and Freedom of the Press

  23. $100 Answer Glasnost

  24. $200 Question Gorby’s Economic Reforms that allowed for some free enterprise in the USSR

  25. $200 Answer Peristroika

  26. $300 Question Which satellite country was the first to gain its independence from the USSR?

  27. $300 Answer Poland

  28. $400 Question How did Communist hardliners feel about Gorby’s reforms?

  29. $400 Answer They wanted to overthrow Gorbachev for his liberal policies, but were unable to.

  30. $500 Question When did the Cold War officially end?

  31. $500 Answer The USSR was declared officially dissolved on December 25, 1991

  32. $100 Question Non-Communist government of Nicaragua, supported by Reagan’s administration BONUS: What was the name of the Communist government they were trying to overthrow?

  33. $100 Answer Contras Bonus: Sandinistas

  34. $200 Question Congress put this in place to stop U.S. from aiding the Contras for a two-year period.

  35. $200 Answer Boland Amendment

  36. $300 Question Islamic group (considered terrorist group by U.S.) based in Lebanon, responsible for taking American hostages in 1980s

  37. $300 Answer Hezbollah

  38. $400 Question Panamanian leader that U.S. forces (under Bush) captured and convicted of drug trafficking charges

  39. $400 Answer Manuel Noriega

  40. $500 Question A student-led, non-violent protest for Democracy was crushed by the military in this place

  41. $500 Answer Tiananmen Square

  42. $100 Question Code name for the coalition-led attack on Iraqi forces to get them out of Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War.

  43. $100 Answer Operation Desert Storm

  44. $200 Question Why were people so upset with George H.W. Bush?

  45. $200 Answer He lied about NOT imposing new taxes during his campaign and then DID when he became president. BONUS: If you know his (in)famous quote: “Read my lips, no new taxes!”

  46. $300 Question What were some of the problems in America in the 1980s?

  47. $300 Answer • Illegal drug us • AIDS crisis

  48. $400 Question What did Iraqi forces do as revenge for being kicked out of Kuwait?

  49. $400 Answer • Set oil wells on fire • Dumped Oil into the Persian Gulf

  50. $500 Question What were some of the controversies over the Persian Gulf War?

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