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Find the top four gemstone jewelry trends that will shine in 2023 with this informative PowerPoint presentation by GemsNY. Learn about the latest styles, colors, and designs that will make your jewelry collection sparkle.
Most PopularGemstone Jewelry for 2023 In this fashion-driven world, there’s always room for gemstone jewelry. The idea of beautificationand jewelry pieces encrusted with precious or semi-precious gemstones are so closely associated in today’s world that you can’t expect fashion jewelry trends without them. Jewelers in the US today spare no effort in coming up with stylish jewelry pieces madewithgemstonesthatrockthefashionworldlikenothingelsedoes. Theexhilaratingandartisticdesignsofjewelers,whencoupledwiththe beauty and appeal of gemstones, cause a sensation in the fashion world that’stoohard to resist.
If you also want to take a slice of trendy gemstone jewelry pieces that are callingtheshots in thepresenttimes, you’re not alone. So,let’slearnaboutfourofthebestgemstonejewelrypiecesthathave taken thefashion world bystormin2023. SolitaireSapphireRing Well, you might feel that you’ve been cheated after reading the title of the first trendy gemstone jewelry piece in this article because it's a classicblingthat'sbeentrendingforsolong.But,that’snotright,you’re notbeing cheated,atleastnot withthisarticle. Can’tclassicstrend?Well,theysurelycan.Look,sapphireisagemstone that has always been on the bucket list of everybody, especially women of allages. So, it’s evident that a sapphire jewelry piece, especially a solitaire sapphirering,willbeontopofthislist.Also,thefactthatthisgemstone jewelrypiecestillremainsonthebucketlistofmostpeoplein2023can beattributedtothenever-endingdemand forsolitairesapphire engagementrings. People who haven’t found love yet are especially the ones who’ve broughtsolitairesapphireringsontopofthegemstonejewelrytrends in2023.
Besidesthat,haveyoueverseenasolitairesapphireringinreal?Well, if you experienced this pleasure before, you would not be doubting why this gemstone jewelry piece stands out in 2023. Solitaire sapphire rings aresoimposingthatyoucan’thelpbutfallinlovewiththemeverytime you take a look at them. Let’s move on to the next trendy gemstone jewelry thatyou should tryin2023. EmeraldTennisBracelet Do you know the story behind tennis bracelets and how they got their name?Well,Ithoughtso.Thetennisbraceletgotitsnameintheyear 1978. Christine Marie Evert, the American tennis player, was playing a match at the U.S. Open in 1978 when her line bracelet fell off her wrist becauseitsclasphadbroken.Worriedaboutherbracelet,sheaskedfor timeoutinordertofinditsmissingpiecebeforeplayingthenextpoint.
After the match when she was being interviewed, the famous American tennisplayercalledthemissingpiece ofherjewelrythe‘tennis bracelet’. This is how the tennis bracelet got its name. Soon after this mishapthathappenedwithChristineMarieEvert,everybodywentcrazy fortennisbracelets. Today,evenaftermorethan3decades,tennisbraceletsarerunningthe show. Thus, this gemstone jewelry piece has secured the number two position on our list. While tennis bracelets earlier used to be fashioned with diamonds only, thesejewelrypiecesarenow fashionedwithcolorgemstonesand combinations of color and colorless gemstones. In 2023, emerald tennis bracelets are pulling the strings. So, that’s the second item on your bucket list!
WhiteGoldAlexandriteEngagementRing Next on our list of gemstone jewelry pieces that you should try in 2023 is a white gold alexandrite engagement ring. Well, it’s about time you got engaged, Karen! Jokes apart, if you’ve reached that stage of a relationship where you and your partner want to celebrate it with a tactile impression of the love that the two of you share, ask him to get awhite gold alexandriteengagementring. You most probably would have seen many people marking their love story with an Alexandrite engagement ring by now because Alexandrite makes a great engagement ring stone. I mean, it’s got a beautiful appearance and reliable durability to be chosen as the center stone of anengagementring.Besidesthat,alexandrite’scolor-changingproperty surelymakes this gemstonemorethanworthy for an engagementring. Moreover, white gold seems to be the perfect metal for this gemstone jewelry piece. That’s because the luster of this metal amplifies the beauty of alexandrite like nothing else does. Also, the unusual color change that this gemstone emanates is tough to manifest as boastfully withothermetals as withwhite gold. So,it’sabouttimeyougaveyourmanahintaboutproposingtoyouwith a white gold alexandrite engagement ring. You can do so by telling him thatyoulove alexandritejewelry.
Or, you can simply tell him that you want a white gold alexandrite engagementring. Imean,whynot? TanzaniteDangleEarrings Lastbutnotleastonourlistisapairoftanzanitedangleearrings.Ifyou haven’theardabouttanzanite,you’renotalone.Tanzaniteisoneofthe mostbeautifulgemstonesandanaffordablealternativetosapphire.It’s a blue to violet color gemstone that was discovered in 1967. Because of the gemstone’s relativelyrecent discovery,it hasn’t yet got much attention. However, now that tanzanite dangle earrings are trending in the US in 2023, tanzanite is gaining ground. Dangle earrings are a cut above the rest.Theylookbothelegantandstylishallatthesametime.Peoplelike fashioningtheirdangleearringswithtanzanitesbecausethese gemstones enhance the look and feel of this type of earrings. So, it’s a must to try. Moreover, tanzanite dangle earrings are modern fashion jewelry pieces that you can pair with all types of outfits and other jewelry pieces. TheBottomLine These were four of the best trendy gemstone jewelrypieces that you should try in 2023. All four items on this list are making strides in the fashion jewelry world nowadays. Therefore, every bling from this list willturn headswhereveryou go.