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7 Color Gemstone Jewelry Pieces Every Woman Should Have

Discover the 7 color gemstone jewelry pieces that every woman should have. This PowerPoint presentation showcases stunning gemstone jewelry designs and offers valuable insights into selecting the perfect pieces to enhance your collection.

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7 Color Gemstone Jewelry Pieces Every Woman Should Have

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  1. Best 7 Gemstone Jewelry Pieces Every Woman ShouldOwn Wouldyounotwant tobegiftedwith ajewelryiteminstead of chocolates or perfume? Well, as per a survey published in 2019 on an onlinenewsportal,almost60%ofthewomenexpressedthattheywould liketoreceive a jewelryitemas a giftas opposed toanythingelse. Amongthelistoffavoriteswereearrings,necklaces/pendants, bracelets, engagementrings,and fashion rings.

  2. These results speak for themselves that if you really want to see your girlhappygothejewelway.Hereisalistofthetop7gemstonejewelry pieceseverywoman desires. SapphireRing AftertheBritishRoyaltytookadetourfromconventional diamondrings to favor a blue sapphire ring in Princess Diana’s and later in Princess Eugenie’s engagements, the demand for sapphire skyrocketed as more andmore people startedfollowing suit. Sapphirehasbeenassociatedwithroyaltyandclass.It’snowonderthat asapphirering,especiallyabluesapphireringisalwaysinthemindof a girl and she always desires to have one in her vanity may not be that extravagant though. Besides, there are many colors of sapphires which allare availableatGemsNY if youwanttobecreative with your ring. EmeraldRing Whenyouthinkofgreen,youthinkofCleopatrawhotodateisknown forherobsessionwithemeraldstotheextentthatsheownedthemines toherself.Womentodaymaynot ownanemerald minebutthey certainly like to feel like Cleopatra and a splash of vibrant green, which isthesymboloflove and rebirth, willmake her feellikeaqueen.

  3. This emerald stone ringwith a solitaire green center stone set in classic goldissuretotakeyourbreathaway. Youcanembellishitwith diamondsorother stonesof choiceatGemsNY. RubyRings Ifyou’rewonderingifhavingacoupleofringsinhervanitywilldissuade awomanfromhavingmore,thenyoushouldaskVictoriaBeckhamwhose loveforstoneringsneedsnointroduction.Shehasoveradozen gemstoneringsinhercollection. Theredofarubyringisasymbolofpassion&extravaganceanditmakes itswearerstandoutwithitsglory.GemsNYisarepositoryofnaturaland certifiedgemstonesofvariousshapesandsizeswhereyoucanfindgems thatsuityour style.

  4. SapphireEarrings Earrings have always been on top of the list of must-haves irrespective ofthepairsyoualreadyhave.Womenalwayswanttohavemorevariety because the more pairs of earrings you have the less likely you are to feelboredwithany ofthem.Besidesaccentuatingyourpersona, earringsalsocomplementtheoutfityousportwhethercasualorformal. What makes sapphire earringsenthralling is the wide spectrum of colors they are available in. Blue sapphire earrings, pink sapphire earrings, yellowsapphireearrings,andwhitesapphireearringsallprovideendless choices with different metals and shapes. Make your own earrings with an easy online userinterfaceavailable atGemsNY. AlexandriteEngagementRing Are you ready for the big moment of your life? A stone as unique as alexandritecanbetheperfectchoiceforyourmomentousoccasion. Oftencalled‘EmeraldbydayandRubybynight’thescintillating alexandrite exhibits different colors under different lights, giving you the pleasure of owning one stone for the price of one. Not only this but alexandriteisalsosaidtochangeitscolorfromgreentoredirrespective oflightingconditionsifthereisanykindofdangerlurkingonitswearer. Alexandrite used to be the stone of Tsar in Russia but it’s no longer restricted to aristocrats. You can get your own alexandrite engagement ringand create alegacy fortimes to come.

  5. GemsNY carries natural alexandrite gemstones from the most sought after origins and you can view the certificate of authenticity right on thewebsite. RubyNecklace Necklacesareperhapsthemoststrikingpiecesofjewelryawomanputs onandmanytimestheselectionofanoutfitisdeterminedbythe necklaceyouwanttowear.Withsomanystylesofnecklacestochoose fromitbecomesdifficultto zeroin on any one. However, the one that stands the test of time to spread its radiance forever is a sleek ruby necklace. Fine ruby gemstones put together to perfectionintheformofagoldorplatinumnecklacewillcertainlymake youthecynosure of anygathering.

  6. EmeraldPendant Anecklacewithoutapendantwouldbeastorywithoutanend&itwould be an injustice to the one and only centerpiece that is hard to miss. An emerald pendantgives completeness to your necklace. The splendid green of emeralds always captures our attention not just for its beauty butalso foritseye-soothing color. When celebrities such as Angelina Jolie and Julia Roberts adorn the unmistakable green pendant, they set the stage on ‘green fire’. Would you not like to steal the limelight for once, if I told you an emerald pendantisthekey?Youcangetyouremeraldpendantfromtheindustry leaderinbespokejewelry- GemsNY. Womenwearjewelrysimplybecausetheyloveit,theyfeelmore feminine,more confident,morebeautiful,and so on.

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