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Divine Orchestration of Gospel's Spread at Ebenezer Baptist Church

Unveiling the power of Acts 10, where the Gospel transcends barriers of prejudice to reach all, fulfilling Acts 1:8, Matt 28:18-20, Mark 16:15. Witness how God orchestrates the spread of His message through diverse individuals, breaking down societal divisions with divine revelation. Discover the transformative impact of prayer across biblical narratives, highlighting God's sovereign control over events for the Gospel’s sake.

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Divine Orchestration of Gospel's Spread at Ebenezer Baptist Church

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  1. Transcendent…Omnipresent GOD Orchestrating & Choreographing The Spread Of The Gospel Ebenezer Baptist Church 3.3.19

  2. The Gospel Goes To All People • Acts 1:8; Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15 fulfilled • Jews had been the “exclusive” recipients now the Gentiles. • Acts 10 is possible the most important transitional chapter in the entire Bible.

  3. Acts 10:1-11:18 is the longest single narrative in the book of Acts • Acts 8-conversion of Ethiopian Eunuch, son of Ham; Acts 9-Saul, son of Shem and now Acts 10-Cornelius-son of Japheth. Division of humanity-Gen. 6:10

  4. The Gospel Breaks Prejudicial Barriers • Eph. 2:1-22 • The Jews despised the Gentiles-They were “dogs” (Matt 15:21-28) • “Your prejudice might not be my prejudice, but some form of it tries to grow in every heart.” Charles Swindoll

  5. God uses dietary restrictions for the sake of the gospel. (Lev. 11) • This is not a statement on “pigging out” but a statement on the gospel although things will change (I Tim. 4:1-5)

  6. The Gospel Brings The Light and Goes Where There Is Light. (II Cor. 4:1-6) • God did not leave us without the revelation (light) necessary for salvation. • General revelation-God communicating to man His existence and His character through nature and reasoning, apart from any words or language.

  7. Special revelation-Godcommunicating to man using words and other supernatural means. (praise God, He didn’t just leave us with nature and reasoning) • We are all responsible because we all have been given some light (Rom. 1) • Cornelius begins to seek God as a result of the light (Jn. 1:9) by which he was drawn.

  8. If your without Christ pray (Acts 10:4) God is certainly under no obligation to hear your prayers, but He does. (Jer. 29:13) • The people of Nineveh prayed that Nineveh might be spared (Jonah 3:5-10). God answered this prayer and did not destroy the city of Nineveh as He had threatened.

  9. Hagar asked God to protect her son Ishmael (Genesis 21:14-19). • In 1 Kings 21:17-29, Ahab fasts and mourns over Elijah's prophecy concerning his posterity. God responds by not bringing about the calamity in Ahab's time.

  10. The Gentile woman from the Tyre and Sidon area prayed that Jesus would deliver her daughter from a demon (Mark 7:24-30). Jesus cast the demon out of the woman’s daughter.

  11. God Will Orchestrate and Choreograph How He So Chooses For The Sake Of The Gospel • Paul the missionary for the Gentiles was in Arabia, God gives a vision to a Jew and a vision to a yet unbelieving Gentile for His purposes. • God uses human instruments to spread the gospel, who have you told recently?

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