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VD-HCBS Readiness Reviews

Understand the process of conducting VD-HCBS Readiness Reviews for initiating participant-directed services. Includes comprehensive components needed, review process, and resources to get started. Contact specialized team members for assistance.

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VD-HCBS Readiness Reviews

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  1. VD-HCBS Readiness Reviews October 21, 2009 Dianne Kayala, Director of New Initiatives Mollie Grotpeter, FMS Lead National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services Boston College

  2. Who are we? • The NRCPDS is a non-profit organization with the mission to spread the availability of quality participant-directed programs to all persons • Work both with AoA and the VHA to advance this mission • Readiness Review Team: all have significant state-level program experience Suzanne Crisp Sandra Barrett Dianne Kayala Mollie Grotpeter - FMS

  3. Purpose of Readiness Reviews • Identification of program components needed to institute VD-HCBS • Employer Authority • Budget Authority • Systematic review of each VD-HCBS component • Identify TA needs, if any • Aid in problem-solving, if needed • Give everyone the assurance that the program is ready to serve veterans

  4. Components of Reviews • Program Overview • Intake • Assessment • Service planning • Flexible Budgets – Goods and Services • Employer skills assistance • Support Services • Capacity to utilize traditional service providers

  5. Components of Reviews (cont) • Program Administration • Staffing • Roles and Responsibilities • Hiring Issues • Communications • MOUs • Information Technology • File Maintenance • Provider Agreements

  6. Components of Reviews (cont) • Policies and Procedures • Who can be employee? • Rates of pay • What goods and services – can savings occur? • Clear intake through discharge processes • Participant Involvement • Program Development and Advisement • Quality Management and Improvement • Incidents and risk management • Provider and participant monitoring

  7. Components of Review (cont) • Financial Management Services • Budget Management • Service Payments, Reimbursements and Reports • Tax, Labor and Worker’s Compensation Rules and Regulations • Customer Service

  8. Readiness Review Process • The Tool is completed by each AAA (or SUA) who intends to enter into a provider agreement with the Veterans Health Administration • The NRCPDS and The Lewin Group are available to provide assistance at any time during the process and to link to others with similar challenges if requested • Upon Tool completion, it is submitted to the NRCPDS who schedules a follow up call to review responses and clarify anything not understood • The FMS section may be done separately if requested by the AAA or SUA

  9. Readiness Review Process (cont) • The NRCPDS (and The Lewin Group where applicable) continue to work with the AAA and/or SUA until all Readiness Review areas are sufficient to start the local VDHCBS program • Once the program is ready, the NRCPDS prepares a summary report that is sent to the AAA/SUA to review for accuracy • When approved by the local AAA/SUA, the NRCPDS will send a copy of the report to the VHA central office, local VAMC and AoA.

  10. General Resources to Get Started • Developing and Implementing Self-Direction Programs and Policies: A Handbook Located with other valuable resources at: www.participantdirection.org • Materials on the Cash and Counseling Demonstration and Replication Projects including research findings on participant direction can be found at: www.cashandcounseling.org

  11. Readiness Review Contacts: • Contact Suzanne Crisp for AR, IN, MA, NH, or VA: suzanne.crisp.1@bc.edu • Contact Sandy Barrett for AL, FL, GA, MI, MT, NY, OR, SC, or WA: sandragbarrett@sbcglobal.net • Contact Dianne Kayala for CT, HI, IL, LA, ME, MD, MN, NJ, WI or for any unlisted state to be assigned: dianne.kayala.1@bc.edu • Contact Mollie Grotpeter for all states regarding FMS Readiness: mollie.grotpeter@annkissam.com

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