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Math: A Language, Puzzle, and Rollercoaster

Explore the many facets of math, from division to multiplication, in this intriguing and complex journey. Discover how math is like a maze, a scrambled egg, and a crossword puzzle. Like a Black Hole, it can pull you in and make concentration difficult. Experience the learning process as a cake with frosting, or a blind taste test between ice cream and broccoli. Solve the puzzling ownership of a mule with Mr. A, B, and C's true and false statements.

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Math: A Language, Puzzle, and Rollercoaster

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  2. Math is Like… • A language • A puzzle • A rollercoaster. You’re starting to get really good at division, and then your teacher switches to multiplication… • An infinity symbol – interesting and complex…

  3. Math is Like… • A maze, and you have to make it to the other side… • A scrambled egg – delicious but if you have too much it’s like the eggs were rotten… • Doing a crossword puzzle. You know it but you don’t. Your brain is scrambled. Sometimes it’s fun but sometimes it’s just hard. • A Black Hole pulling me in and I can’t concentrate on what’s going on…

  4. Math is Like… • Meh… • Riding a bike for the first time… • A cake. You start with the cake – that’s the learning part – but then you get to the frosting when you’ve accomplished it… • When you have to close your eyes and eat something when you have no idea whether it will be ice cream or broccoli …

  5. Mr. A, B, and C are arguing about the ownership of a mule. Each man makes ONE true and ONE false statement. Who owns the mule? A. • 1. It is C’s mule • 2. It is not my mule B. • 1. It is NOT C’s mule • 2. It is A’s mule C. • 1. It is my mule • 2. B’s second statement is false.

  6. A. • 1. It is C’s mule • 2. It is not my mule B. • 1. It is NOT C’s mule • 2. It is A’s mule C. • 1. It is my mule • 2. B’s second statement is false. (Remember: Each man makes ONE true and ONE false statement.)

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