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Promoting Aarhus Convention in UNECE Agreements

Detailed account of promoting Aarhus Convention principles in UNECE environmental agreements. Includes workshops, public participation events, and implementation projects in Armenia.

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Promoting Aarhus Convention in UNECE Agreements

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  1. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements LarisaKharatova Ministry of Nature Protection Geneva 23-24 February 2011

  2. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements RoAhas ratified 4 UNECE environmental conventions: • UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution(21.02.1997) • UNECE Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context(ESPOO) (10.09.1997) • UNECE Convention on Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents (21.02.1997) • UNECE Convention on access to information, public participation in decision making and access to justice in environmental matters (Aarhus) (01.08.2001)

  3. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements RoA has not ratified UNECE Convention on Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes -Protocol on Water and Health is signed and is in the process of ratification

  4. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements • Organization of public listening under ESPOO convention, coserning construction of new nuclear station in Armenia • In this event have been involvedmass media, public authority, NGOs. • Information about this event was posted in the national Web-page

  5. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements

  6. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements

  7. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements In the framework of the UNECE Convention on Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents was implemented the «Internatioal Warning and Alert Plan for Kura River Basin»Project

  8. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements Under this project in Armenia has been organized seminars with participation of the public and many NGOs.

  9. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements • In the framework of theUNECE Convention on Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents in Armenia has been organized a workshop on “Safety of tailing dams”.

  10. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements

  11. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements

  12. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements • In the framework of theUNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollutionin collaboration with the Ministry of Nature Protection of the RA was organized “International Workshop to promote the ratification of the Protocol on Heavy Metals acrose the entiere UNECE Region

  13. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements

  14. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements

  15. Promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the UNECE environmental agreements Public discussion about Water Code of RA

  16. Thank you for attention

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