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Memory and Repetitive Arithmetic Machines

This article delves into various memory technologies like S-RAM, D-RAM, and NV-RAM, explaining their features and differences. It also explores the architecture of repetitive arithmetic machines, including address decoders and tristate buffers. With these building blocks, the text illustrates how to construct machines capable of complex computational tasks like calculators and vote counters.

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Memory and Repetitive Arithmetic Machines

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  1. Prof. Sirer CS 316 Cornell University Memory and Repetitive Arithmetic Machines

  2. Memory • Various technologies • S-RAM, D-RAM, NV-RAM • Static-RAM • So called because once stored, data values are stable as long as electricity is supplied • Based on regular flip-flops with gates • Dynamic-RAM • Data values require constant refresh • Internal circuitry keeps capacitor charges • Non-Volatile RAM • Data remains valid even through power outages • More expensive • Limited lifetime; after 100000 to 1M writes, NV-RAM degrades

  3. S-RAM Data • A decoder selects which line of memory to access • A R/W selector determines the type of access • That line is then coupled to the data lines • How do you build large memories? Address Decoder

  4. Tristate Buffers • A device that couples a logic line to a wire

  5. Big Memories data enable • Memory banks in parallel, with tri-state buffer and decoder to select which bank to couple • The enable bit controls connection of data bits and clocking of internal flip-flops 2 12 addr

  6. Summary • We now have enough building blocks to build machines that can perform non-trivial computational tasks

  7. A Calculator • User enters the numbers to be added or subtracted using toggle switches • User selects ADD or SUBTRACT • Muxes feed A and B,or A and –B, to the 8-bit adder • The 8-bit decoder for the hex display is straightforward (but not shown in detail) 8 … reg 8 led-dec adder 8 8 … mux reg 8 0 1 mux add/sub select doit

  8. A Vote Counter led-dec 8 reg • Data values flow from set of parallel registers (a register file) • to the addition unit • back into the register file 8 s1 .. mux 8 reg 1 0 clk s4 s4 s3 reg enc deco s2 s1

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