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The Never Ending Story: College Readiness. Christi Morgan English Professor/TSI Coordinator. Coastal Bend College Snapshot. Multiple Campus Institution comprised of 4 sites Service Area over 9,400 square miles (20.8 people per square mile)
The Never Ending Story:College Readiness Christi Morgan English Professor/TSI Coordinator CADE 2018
Coastal Bend College Snapshot • Multiple Campus Institution comprised of 4 sites • Service Area over 9,400 square miles (20.8 people per square mile) • 68% of students enter as underprepared in one or more area • 54% of enrollment dual credit/dual enrollment (serving 20 counties) CADE 2018
The Spark of Change: 2013 Prior to 2013: • Every IHE chose placement test; some liberty to placement scores • DevEd English and Reading taught separately (2 levels of each) • Very little acceleration Beginning Fall 2013: • Every Texas Institution utilized the same placement exam; prescriptive placement scores • DevEd English and Reading were combined: IRW (Integrated Reading and Writing- 2 levels) • Limited additional acceleration (prior to HB5 & HB2223) CADE 2018
Additional Change: 2013-2017 1. The beginnings of Mathways: Quantitative Reasoning, *Algebra, Statistics 2. HB5: districts must partner with at least one institution of higher education to develop and provide college preparatory courses in English language arts and math. Requires that the courses be designed for grade 12 students whose performance . . . indicates the student is not ready for college-ready coursework. 3. HB2223: requires that certain percentage of underprepared students enrolled in DevEd be reported as enrolled in a co-requisite model, which allows the student to enroll in the entry-level college course but requires co-enrollment in a DevEd course/intervention designed to support the student’s successful completion of the college-level course 4. Lowered Writing cut score to 340 CADE 2018
New state mandates and the need for new interventions We knew we needed interventions that could: CADE 2018
Redesign of College Readiness at CBC TSI Coordinator, academic deans, and faculty • Creation of accelerated options in DevEd IRW and Mathematics • Creation of co-requisite models for upper level DevEdIRW (0312) and upper level Math (0322) paired with college level gatekeeper course • Creation of TSI Boot Camps for testing preparation • Creation of curriculum assistance and training for HB5 High School College Readiness Course CADE 2018
A Transition from Traditional Courses to Accelerated Models CADE 2018
Traditional 16 Week Sequences CADE 2018
Traditional 16 week Sequences Success Rates In IRW Courses CADE 2018
College Readiness Interventions at Coastal Bend College CADE 2018
Accelerated Sequences: College Readiness in Reading and Writing CADE 2018
Scaling Accelerated Sequences: College Readiness in Reading and Writing CADE 2018
Spring 2017 IRW & Co-requisites CADE 2018
Scaling Co-requisites to 4 Campuses Coastal Bend College: MATH: Phasing out upper level “stand alone” Math 0322. Students placing into Math 0322 are co-enrolled in NCBM 0124 and Math 1314. READING & WRITING: Phasing out upper level IRW 0312. Students placing into IRW 0312 are co-enrolled in NCBW 0112. CADE 2018
TSI Boot CampsInstructional Preparation for TSI Assessment CADE 2018
TSI Bootcamps: Reading, Writing, Math Coastal Bend College Model: -- Pretest -- 3.5 Hour Intensive Review of Subject Area -- 30 minute Break --Test TSIA in that Subject Area • Course Offered through CE • Student pays for Bootcamp and the one section of the Assessment CADE 2018
Formation of TSI Bootcamps CADE 2018
TSI Bootcamp Results… Percentages Scoring College Ready CADE 2018
Roadmap for Bootcamp CADE 2018
HB5 High School College Readiness Course Requirements • 12th grade students who have met the passing standard on the English Reading and Writing, and Math I and II End of Course Exam. • Partnered high school must have signed MOU with IHE • Faculty must attend training (2 options) CADE 2018
Contact Information Christi Morgan TSI Coordinator, English Professor chrism@coastalbend.edu (361) 664- 2981 x3004 CADE 2018