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Secrets of Selling: A Practical Guide for Successful Salespeople

Explore the art of selling products, services, and ideas with expert tips and strategies to excel in your sales career. Learn the essential skills and mindset needed to succeed in the world of sales.

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Secrets of Selling: A Practical Guide for Successful Salespeople

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  1. Praktikum iz Poslovne Komunikacije Lloyd, SELLING, Dorling Kindersley, UK Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  2. Important Question! Can I be a Salesman? - If you ever sold anything – it means you can! - If you ever got a job – it means you can! - If you ever presented a concept convincingly – it means you can! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  3. Secrets of Selling (1) • Selling a product of yours: Web. • Selling yourself (selling your services): CV. • Selling your idea: PowerPoint. Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  4. Secrets of Selling (2) • Before selling, get to know your prospect! • Surf the web (for dependant and independent sources): Google. • Ask friends (both those who work there now or worked there before): Pub or Spo or Sch. • Get experienced (both with good and bad products or services): Touch and Feel. • If the company you sell for has a dubious reputation, your job will be much harder! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  5. Secrets of Selling (3) • To Keep in Mind: - Never accept a sales job unless you have a clear understanding of the payment system. - Ask about other benefits, too; often times they are more important. - Education opportunity; at the very beginning, to not go after well paid jobs that teach you little! - Check about the company policies: Changes on the fly, or hidden opportunity traps. - Make sure you know what you are good for! - Use the brain and guts feeling in the process of decision making! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  6. Myths of Selling • Gift of the gab! - What sells is the gift for listening! • Gift of the gab is a gift of the blab! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  7. Hints of Selling • Less is more! - The Best Tailor of Britain. - THE BEST TAILOR Of THE WORLD. - The best tailor of the village. Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  8. Sales Philosophy • Extroverts Make the Best Sales Persons. • Sales people are made, not born. • It is far more important to focus on issueslike persistence, energy, independence,and fast thinking. Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  9. Sales Secret • Sales people are constantly on stage! • Simple presentation or the elevator pitch! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  10. VVS in Selling • Me vs You -> Us • Switch from win-loose into win-win… • Be truly helpful, and that means get informed about the prospect’s needs. • Sales people should not talk; they should ask. • The prospect should be the one who talks: whoever tells first – looses! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  11. Getting the Right Job • Easy to find – easy to loose! • Sources of interview opportunities: - Paper based news. - Networking: If passive, pick up the phone. - Internet: Specialized sites www.stepstone.co.uk www.totaljobs.com www.gisajob.com • Your e-CV is electronically searched for keywords, and you get an automatically generated email: reject or interview offer. So, make sure that you utilize the right keywords in your e-CV. Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  12. Job Search • Agencies - Finder’s fee is typical, and charged to the employer, after the applicant survives the prespecified amount of time. • Search Firms - Paid by the number of interviews they provide; - Known as head-hunters: If an agency or a search firm or an individual asks for fee, head out of he door! • Remember: Looking for a job is a full-time job! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  13. Getting an Interview • Once you pinned down a good job to apply for, the first next step is to submit a CV. • CV is a sales brochure! • It must be short (1+2, onion style for reusability, with pointers to details on your personal web site). • Must be accurate (no quotations out of context; everyone gets a chance, but only one error to make). • Clear (essence explained in few words – the best way to recognize an intelligent candidate). • It must include: Contact Objectives Experience Awards Qualifications Education At the end: Excellent references available on request • WHO IS THE BEST PERSON TO TEACH ON THE SUBJECT? Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  14. The MIT Experience • Excellent references available on request, WHICH explains whyI am a best candidate, for the position in Kuwait. After graduating from MIT, I plan to apply for a job in Kuwait, so this project will prepare me excellently for my major objective. One reason that makes me a best candidate for Kuwait is the fact that I come from a country in Europe in which the Moslem minority almost outnumbers the Christian majority, which means that myself (as a Christian) can “talk the language of the West,” and at the same time, I can understand the mentality of the Arab world (back home some of my best friends happen to be Moslem). So, I can serve as a bridge, needed so much to bring harmony into Middle East! • Morale: Be inventive! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  15. The PURDUE Experience • Three percent of applicants are chosen directly from the school, because they bring fresh ideas, but you have to convince the system that you are a 3% person, with the right claims in the STATEMENT of PURPOSE, analyzed by neuro, psycho, and socio experts! Morale: Be creative! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  16. The Stanford Experience • Basketball Morale: Be flexible! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  17. Preparing for the Interview (1) • Classical Approach: - Get familiar with both the company and the industry. - Anticipate questions and practice with family or friends. - Video tape or mirror practice. - Prepare your own questions (make sure they are strong). - No salary and benefit questions until you get an offer(ANTICIPATE THAT YOU WILL ASK THOSE QUESTIONS AFTER). • Unorthodox Approach: VM Interview at Purdue Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  18. Preparing for the Interview (2) • Anticipated Questions: - What were your responsibilities at your previous job? - What did you like about your previous job? - What did you dislike? - Why did you leave your previous jobs?If you were fired, do not blame the employee! That is viewed as problems in dealing with others Put it on the circumstances! - What are your short-term goals? - What are your long-term goals? - What were your main achievements? - Tell about a failure, and how did you handle it? - Strengths? - Weaknesses? - Why you like to work here? Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  19. Preparing for the Interview (3) • Questions to Ask: - Training. - Opportunities to advance. - A typical day. - Plans for growth. Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  20. The Interview Etiquette (1) • Social pleasantries, like weather, view, parking, … • Only one opportunity to leave the first impression, so show enthusiasm and positivism during the first 15 minutes. • The handshake must send a clear message about the major two questions of a typical interviewer: - CAN HE/SHE DO THE JOB? - WILL SHE/HE DO THE JOB?They do not give offers to ignorant and to those who might turn them down. Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  21. The Interview Etiquette (2) • It is not only the words! • Those who saw the K-N debate on TV, thought that K won;those who listened to the radio, thought the opposite! • Also: - Eye contact. - Friendly smile. - Relaxed body language. - Complementary appearance, compared to the interviewer. - Be in time (explain the Purdue experience). - Compatibility with CV keywords. Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  22. Winning Impressions • Challenge, Tenacity, Productivity, Autonomy, Variety, Success, Independence, Money, Persistence, Goals, Growth, Learning. • When asked about weaknesses, explain them honestly and say what you have done to overcome them; or explain them as your strengths dressed into the cloth of weakness. • Remember, confident people talk openly about their failures (Lessons Learned and Errors Made). Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  23. Before the End of the Interview • Before the session end, try to finish with a commitment from the interviewer that he/she will take some action to move you along the hiring process. • At the departure, restart your interest in the job, and thank for the interviews time, with a smile! • Do not forget to bring with the interviewers biz card and/or relevant contact parameters. Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  24. Tips for the Interview • ON THE FOLLOW-UP INTERVIEWS INCORPORATE THE KNOWLEDGE GAINED IN THE PREVOIUS INTERVIEW(S). This will further demonstrate your interest in the company, and your ability to listen. • NEVER INTERRUPT THE INTERVIEWER. They like the interviewee in the proportion to the time they talked. • Do not talk about your successes. • Ask them to talk about theirs! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  25. After the Interview • Make notes – a good preparation for the follow up interview. • Send a thank you email, and express your being impressed with … • Close the letter with: I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU SOON! • About refusing to give up! • Mac sa dve ostrice! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  26. Go for the Goal • Get specific, be simple, have a plan, deal with obstacles (do not panic), commit time, … • Prioritize your prospects and develop the timetable to contact them. • Use social contacts to expand your prospect base. • Use the modern theory, if needed. Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  27. Prospects Today – Customers Tomorrow! • Important: Close ratio (ratio of closed sales to contacted prospects). • Also: Amount of revenue per sale: Higher prices, or More copies? Both require analysis and planning! • What you expect is what you get! • Keep record, how far from the goal you are! • Send positive messages to yourself! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd 'C'mon Sir, think POSITIVE' 'OK I'm positive it won't work !'

  28. About Time • Effective me MGMT strategies as needed! • Ask yourself: Am I making the best use of my time right now? • Learn how to benefit from busy wait: Always have it in the car! Always have it in the pocket! Of course, it is better to minimize the busy wait time! • Exploit multitasking (time-sharing). • But, planning with priorities is essential! Big rocks first: There is always time for … Nobel Laureates loose their luggage; Clerks write down all details precisely, but never get a Nobel Prize! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  29. Time Sink • It is easy to get sidetracked! First do your highest priority, and then read email, and respond to it. (story from the Helsinki airport) • Learn how to divide the less desirable jobs into smaller doable pieces! • Divide et impera! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  30. Time Organization • Do not work on C level activities during prime time! Prime time is for A level activities, only know to say NO, in a polite way. Those who say YES to everybody, typically have a need to be liked, but you will also be liked if you give a friendly explanation when saying NO; Also, you will create enemies if you accept all offers, and you do not dedicate respectful time to your YES-es. • If you are to accomplish something thru human interaction, spend time with those who have the power of saying YES, or the power of showing the path to those who can say YES! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  31. Prospecting • The act of seeking out prospective customers. • Cold call = a phone call to a prospect whom the sales person does not know, and for whom there has been no referral. • Warm lead = a prospect referred to you thru your network; He calls you because he is in need. • Makes sense to pursue the hot ones first, and leave the cold ones for later. Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  32. Philosophy • REMEMBER, PEOPLE LIKE TO DO BUSINESS WITH THOSE THEY DO BUSINESS WITH: IT IS THE EASIEST TO GET A CONTRACT FROM AN OLD CUSTOMER, UNLESS… • Referral is an introduction by someone who is respected by the prospect. • Indirect introduction: Tell my name when you call! • Direct introduction: Call after I tell you that I have called to tell about you! THE MOST EFFECTIVE IS THE REFERRAL OF A SATISFIED CUSTOMER! • Always go back to the source of referral, to say thank you! That leads to new referrals! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  33. IF YOU ARE FAMOUS, IT IS EASIER TO SELL! How one becomes famous? Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  34. How to Make a Cold Call Warmer? • Send a letter before you call! • If you want it to be read, never make it longer than a page! • Include a P.S. with your major sales pitch! • No matter what people do with a letter, they read the P.S. • Set up a time of the day for cold calls. • Be cool when talking! • Smile while you call. Have mirror before you, to make the smiles warmer. • The other sides KNOWS when you smile, although that is a phone call. • If a cold call is successful, the probability increases that the next one will be successful, too. • Of course, in front of yourself keep a paper with all items to say. • If-the-else hints, for more sophisticated situations. • What if you run to a secretary? • Either build credibility by referring to your letter. • If she never got it, offer to resend • If she is arrogant, play games to get around her, in a legal way, of course! • Even if the prospect shows 0.001% of interest, ask for a meeting. • If you feel you are close to setting a meeting, suggest it be only 15 minutes; • And reinforce that, if no satisfaction, the day will be called off exactly 15 min later. • The major objective of a cold call is to set up a meeting! • Remember that Friday appointments are likely to be cancelled! • If you keep getting the voice mail, or busy line, try unconventional times (Saturday morning or 10pm)! Could be very effective! • After the appointment is made, remind by phone! • If no appointment is made, but the prospect is valuable, write down the date of the follow up call; In the meantime, send some brochures and do not bring the stress from a previous unsuccessful call to the next one. That will result in another unsuccessful call. • Bottom line: The more prospects you contact, the more you get Know the game of large numbers (jail …) The tracking system should include a column for each stage in the process! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  35. Qualifying your Prospect • No sense in spending time with a low-probability-of-closing prospect! • Ask yourself all the qualifying questions related to your prospect! • Is the company making money? • Does the person have authority to order a purchase? • Will the prospect buy the product? • Will he buy it from me? Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  36. Remember the Importance of: • Who? • What? • Where? • When? • Why? • How? Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  37. The PreSale CheckList • Dressing, Mission Statement, Brainstorming, WhatIfTheProspectIsNotThere, WhatElse. • Understand your product, from features to benefits! • ANTICIPATE!!! The story about the 100Watt bulb!! • Your cell phone should never ring ding the contact with your prospect! And if you pick up the cell phone, it is like saying to the prospect: THAT PERSON IS MORE IMPORTANT TO ME THAN YOU ARE! • TREAT ALL THE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN THE PROSPECT’S OFFICE WITH THE SAME LEVEL OF RESPECT! • REPEAT ONE WORD OVER AND OVER TO YOURSELF: LISTEN! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  38. Building Rapport and Trust • Arrive a few minutes early. • Break the ice: Find common interests with your prospect. Tell a related anecdote, but do not mention real names. • Avoid mentioning stereotypes about your prospect. • Avoid ethnic issues. • Bring him/her up, but carefully. • Concentrate on prospect’s needs; ask meaningful questions. • Do not bluff if you do not know the answer to a prospect’s question. • Never run down your competition!!! • Mirror your prospect!!! • Use a form of conversational hypnosis! • TRUST YOUR PRODUCT! Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

  39. Lloyd, SELLING,Dorling Kindersley, UK Questions? Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Beograd

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