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Smart Sustainable Urbanism: Advancing Sustainable Cities Through ICT

Explore the interconnection between smart and sustainable urbanism, measuring environmental performance, setting objectives, and addressing challenges in creating innovative, efficient, and competitive cities that enhance quality of life.

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Smart Sustainable Urbanism: Advancing Sustainable Cities Through ICT

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  1. Smart Sustainable Urbanism Fay Al Khalifa University of Bahrain www.fayalkhalifa.com

  2. Agenda 01 Definition of Terms Smart Sustainable Urbanism Indicators Sustainability Assessment Tools Indoor Air Quality Concluding Remarks 02 A Conceptual Framework of Smart Sustainable Cities. Smart Urbanism, Sustainable Urbanism, Smart Sustainable Urbanism How can we measure the Environmental Performance of Buildings? An important Criterion in the Assessment of Buildings Sustainability Setting objectives and milestones 03 04 05

  3. Introduction

  4. Introduction Recent literature on Urban Sustainability stressed on the interrelationship between the two concepts of ’Smart’ and ‘Sustainable’. Smart Urbanism Sustainable Urbanism SSU • One cannot be ‘smart’ without being ‘sustainable’ and with today’s technological advancements ‘smart technologies’ are vital in any sustainability initiative

  5. Definitions Smart Sustainable Urbanism In the literature There is no one “best” meaning for Sustainable Urbanism or Smart Urbanism. The terminologies benefit from the international debates around the definition(s) and meaning(s) of “sustainability”.

  6. What is Smart Urbanism? ‘emergent’ urbanism or ‘open source’ urbanism or even ‘sustainable’ or ‘collaborative’ urbanism

  7. What is a Smart City? a high tech intensive, advanced urban settlement that connects peoples’ information and city elements using modern technologies to create a greener, more sustainable city, with increased quality of life and competitive, innovative commerce.

  8. Drivers of Smart Urbanism Smart Urbanism has seven drivers to foster emergence. All are overlapping and self-reinforcing. All are essential: COLLABORATIVE CONNECTEDNESS COMPACTNESS COMPLEXITY Places that capitalize on the collective and collateral benefits of closeness, contiguity and concentration. Places that foster cohesiveness, sense of community, and build social capital. Places that offer a choice of movement modes that are a consequence of coherent networks. Places that offer the rich, varied and cumulative benefits of evolved mixed use development.

  9. Drivers of Smart Urbanism Smart Urbanism has seven drivers to foster emergence. All are overlapping and self-reinforcing. All are essential: COOLNESS CO-PRODUCTIVE CO:EFFICIENT Places that factor in local environmental capital in all aspects of daily life. Places that are comfortable, creative, and confident that have a strong sense of identity, ethics and values. Places that are open to emergence and change by facilitating individual and collective actions.

  10. What is Sustainable Urbanism? ‘ecological’ urbanism or ‘green’ urbanism or even ‘new’ or ‘environmental’ urbanism

  11. Defining Sustainable Urbanism What is sustainable urbanism? how can sustainability be defined in reference to the city? and what are the important elements of sustainable urbanism? Sustainable urbanism is both the study of cities and the practices to build them. Urbanism that focus on promoting their long term viability by reducing consumption, waste and harmful impacts on people and place while enhancing the overall well being of both people and place. Well being includes the physical, ecological, economic, social, health and equity factors, among others, that comprise cities and their populations.

  12. ‘Research showed that different communities are likely to develop slightly, or even significantly, varying conceptualizations of sustainable urbanism, depending on their economic, environmental, social, political and cultural circumstances and on the value judgment of the local community

  13. Sustainable Urbanism TimeLine 2019 1990s 2002 2007 2017 2018 “Sustainable Urbanism” Coined by Professor Susan Owens of Cambridge University in the UK Graduate program named Sustainable Urbanism was founded by professors Michael Neuman and Phillip Tabb at Texas A&M University First International Conference on Sustainable Urbanism at Texas A&M University and Sustainable Urbanism by Douglass Farr Sustainable Urbanism Master’s program at UOB SSU Lab founded by Dr. Fay Al Khalifa and Co-founder Dr. Nehal Al Murbati at UOB A study of Smart Sustainable Urbanism Indicators in Bahrain by Dr. Fay Al Khalifa

  14. Smart Sustainable Urbanism A smart sustainable city is an innovative city that uses information and communication technologies (ICTs) and other means to improve quality of life, efficiency of urban operation and services, and competitiveness, while ensuring that it meets the needs of present and future generations with respect to economic, social, environmental as well as cultural aspects.

  15. Smart Sustainable Urbanism How to advance and sustain the contribution of sustainable urban forms to the goals of sustainable development with support of ICT of pervasive computing? 

  16. Five Challenges for SSUs  Smart Sustainable Cities is an underdeveloped concept. There are five challenges that need to be addressed for smart sustainable cities to materialize.  SSU calls for organizations, requiring a reconsideration of which actors need to be involved in the planning and governance of the city  Mitigating Measures  Top-Down and Bottom-Up  Strategic Assessment  Competence  Governance  Cities must craft mitigating measures at the same time as they encourage technology for efficiency improvements, and they must closely follow how ICT is shaping society  It is in the interest of both city administrations and ICT companies to increase city administrations’ competences in ICT solutions for Smart Sustainable Cities Cities should weight the benefit of both approaches and implement the most suitable at the local level  Without this, “Smart Sustainable Cities” risks becoming just a label without validated content

  17. Measuring SSU An international Challenge International Research indicated that a significant barrier to achieving urban sustainability globally is the absence of a clearly articulated methodology for reporting on the sustainability of the urban environment. Bahrain is no exception.

  18. KPIs • Setting sustainability indicators have been proven to be the best method for driving sustainable urban development. • There are today hundreds of various frameworks as cities differ substantially in terms of their available resources, sizes of population, and urban metabolic processes. • The indicators provide simple, measurable evidence that experts need to create and maintain cities, which are healthy, environmentally friendly, and economically productive. • Nevertheless, choosing an appropriate set of sustainability indicators is a difficult task.

  19. Indicators should have Performance assessment tools Explanatory tools Pilot tools Pilot tools that aim at evaluating policy-making processes that promote sustainable development. Explanatory tools that aim at translating concepts of sustainable development into practical terminologies. Performance assessment tools that aim at evaluating the efficiency of various sustainability-related efforts.

  20. Key Measurements of Smart Sustainable city

  21. The Notion of SSU entails more than just the implementation of technologies and strategies aimed at meeting today's needs without compromising those of future generations. It is also about understanding the city itself: its identity and its goals, its stakeholders and their priorities, and in that way, identifying the attributes that would tailor to the uniqueness of each city while enhancing its overall living quality and sustainability with the support of ICTs.

  22. The UN SDGs Insert the title of your subtitle Here

  23. VNR Bahrain’s report Key national proprieties in relation to the global goals of 2030

  24. Bahrain’s Achievement of the SDGs How well are we responding to the SDGs? Measuring Progress Setting Objectives Setting Indicators Link with GPA  An international committee of interagency and statistical experts has set a collection of 232 indicators to measure the progress of the country towards the achievement of the SDGs objectives  The government has linked the achievement of the SGDs with the GPA  Bahrain identifies 169 objectives for the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  The indicators are monitored on a semi-annual basis and the targets and indicators are re-evaluated every year

  25. Bahrain’s Achievement of the SDGs How well are we responding to the SDGs? 78% Of the SDGs are now aligned with the GPA. Nonetheless, Bahrain focuses and reports mainly on three pillars of sustainability: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and social sustainability. The cultural and the political pillars of sustainability are not as emphasized as the former three pillars, although are embedded within the targets of other pillars.

  26. Bahrain’s challenges to SSU  Bahrain identifies the following challenges to sustainable development Mitigation Plans The mitigation of the impact of climate change on agriculture, biodiversity, water, coastal resources and health, requires the adaptation of the suitable green technologies, funding, national capacity building and raising the public awareness. Resolving Conflicts Addressing terrorism, and extreme conflicts to maintain unity and preserve national gains. Attracting Investment Attracting businesses and investment via sustaining a flourishing economy that provides rewarding jobs for the citizens. Governance Empowering the role of policy making and evidence-based statistics to improve public service, transparency and SDG delivery.

  27. A different shade of Green? Assessing the suitability of international sustainability rating tools for adoption in Bahrain

  28. The Impact of Urbanism Buildings globally account for: 33% 25% 17% 40% Carbon dioxide emissions The energy and materials use Fresh water Usage The harvest of wood The NPDS document identified the following issues: 3 4 2 1 The country is in need to address its international obligations relating to sustainable development low level of public awareness and not being taken seriously in development projects Sustainability issues need to have sufficient importance on the political agenda and in national policies Bahrain is in need for a sustainable natural resource management system.

  29. Sustainability Rating Tools and indicators 11 international sustainability rating tools were compared according to the following criteria

  30. Sustainability Rating Tools and indicators The results showed that the LEED is the best system to implement in Bahrain 2 3 1

  31. Indoor Air Quality An important Criterion in the Assessment of Buildings Sustainability 15% 16 out of 110 Possible points are accredited to IAQ in the LEED Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance and Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control are required

  32. IAQ Why it is important to control and monitor IAQ? Eventually reduced productivity

  33. Implementing Smart Management Systems

  34. Concluding Remarks • Bahrain is with no doubt moving forward towards a more sustainable future. • The government is continuously trying to reform its structure, systems and policies to be in line with the global sustainability movements. • We discussed the interrelationship between “Sustainable Urbanism” and “Smart Urbanism” in the literature. • We examined Sustainable Smart Urbanism definitions, targets and indicators in relation to the goals of the GPA of Bahrain and its urban sustainability reporting in response to the SDGs.

  35. Concluding Remarks • We discussed Sustainability Rating Tools and their importance in measuring and controlling sustainable urbanism at the Micro level • We examined the importance of Indoor Air quality as an important Criterion in the Assessment of Buildings Sustainability. • We stressed the importance of IAQ monitoring and management for occupational health and proposed simple measures that could be taken at the individual level.

  36. FOLLOW OUR WORK ON Thank You .. Feel Free to Capture and Share … @SSU_LAB WWW.SSU.UOB.EDU.BH SMART SUSTAINABLE URBANISM LAB For future collaboration kindly contact: Dr. Fay Al-Khalifa University of Bahrain Department of Architecture and Interior Design Email: fayalkhalifa@uob.edu.bh / alkhalifa.fay@gmail.com Mobile: 00973 36554466

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