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Understanding Chaos in Chaotic Systems and Chua's Circuit

Explore the complexities and applications of chaotic systems and Chua's Circuit, including bifurcation, periodic orbits, and local/global behavior. Learn about secure communication and the dynamics of nonlinear systems. Delve into the realms of chaos theory with practical examples and theoretical discussions.

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Understanding Chaos in Chaotic Systems and Chua's Circuit

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  1. Chaotic systems and Chua’s Circuit by Dao Tran Missouri State University KME Alpha Chapter Presented at KME Regional Meeting, Emporia State University, KANSAS

  2. Outline • Linear systems • Nonlinear systems • Local behavior • Global behavior • Chaos and Chua’s Circuit • Bifurcation • Periodic orbits • Strange attractors

  3. Motivation/Application • Secure Communication S(t) Transmitter (Chaotic) y(t) Receiver S’(t) Information signal Transmitted signal Retrieved signal Transmitter Vc(t) Chaos generator (Chua’s circuit) r(t) + Buffer Inverter Message signal

  4. Motivation/Application Receiver r(t) Vc(t) Chaos generator (Chua’s circuit) s’(t) Buffer -

  5. What is Chaotic System? • Phenomenon that occurs widely in dynamical systems • Considered to be complex and no simple analysis • Study of chaos can be used in real-world applications: secure communication, medical field, fractal theory, electrical circuits, etc.

  6. What is Chua’s Circuit? • Autonomous circuit consisting two capacitors, inductor, resistor, and nonlinear resistor. • Exhibits a variety of chaotic phenomena exhibited by more complex circuits, which makes it popular. • Readily constructed at low cost using standard electronic components

  7. Linear systems • Linear System of D.E • General solution • The solution is explicitly known for any t.

  8. Linear systems (cont.) • Stability • Equilibrium points • If Re(λ)<0 => Stable • If Re(λ)>0 => Unstable

  9. Linear systems (cont.) • Stability • Stability of linear systems is determined by eigenvalues of matrix A. • Invariant Sets • (Generalized) eigenvectors corresponding to eigenvalues λ with negative, zero, or positive real part form the stable, center, and unstable subspaces, respectively.

  10. Linear Systems (cont.) Consider the linear RLC circuit Applying KCL law and choosing V2 and IL as state variables ,we obtain the differential equation:

  11. Linear System (cont.) With the fixed values of R, L, and C, using MATLAB, we obtained the solution

  12. Nonlinear systems • Even for F smooth and bounded for all t є R, the solution X (t) may become unpredictable or unbounded after some finite time t. • We divide the study of nonlinear systems into local and global behavior.

  13. Local Behavior • Idea: use linear systems theory to study nonlinear systems, at least locally, around some special sets, a technique known as linearization. • In this work, we consider: • Linearization around equilibrium points. • Linearization around periodic orbits.

  14. Local Behavior (cont.) • Linearization around equilibrium points • Equilibrium point is hyperbolic if no eigenvalues of the Jacobian at the equilibrium point has zero real part. • Hartman-Grobman Theorem: nonlinear system has equivalent structure as linearized system, with A=DF(x0), around hyperbolic equilibrium points.

  15. Local behavior (cont.) Linear system Non-linear system

  16. Local behavior (cont.) • Linearization around periodic orbits • A periodic solution satisfies • Find periodic orbit by solving the BVP • Determine the Jacobian matrix A(t) = DF(δ)

  17. Local behavior (cont.) • The fundamental matrix of a linear system is the solution of • If the periodic orbit has period t, then we define the monodromy matrix as • Stability • If |µ|<1, stability • If |µ|>1, unstability • If monodromy matrix has exactly one eigenvalue with |µ|=1, then the periodic orbit is called hyperbolic

  18. Local behavior (cont.) • Consider the nonlinear system • This system has periodic orbit (cos t, sin t, 0), of period

  19. Local behavior (cont.) • Linearization about the periodic orbit is the linear system where A is Jacobian evaluated at the periodic orbit, namely:

  20. Local behavior (cont.) • The corresponding linear system has a fundamental matrix: • We evaluate at to get monodromy matrix. Forα=1/2, MATLAB gives eigenvalues 0,1 and 4.8105, 1.0.

  21. Global Behavior • Study is more complex • One investigates phenomena such as heteroclinic and homoclinic trajectories, bifurcations, and chaos. • we focus in chaos, but this is closely related to the other concepts and phenomena mentioned above.

  22. Chaos and Chua’s Circuit • Main goal is to give brief introduction to underlying ideas behind the notion of chaos, by studying the system that models Chua’s circuit. • Chua’s circuit consists of two capacitors C1, C2, one inductor L, one resistor R, and one non-linear resistor (Chua’s diode).

  23. Chua’s Circuit (cont.) If we let X1 = V1, X2 = V2 and X3 = I3, Chua's circuit is

  24. Chua’s Circuit (cont.) If we let X1 = V1, X2 = V2 and X3 = I3, the Chua's circuit is The Jacobian matrix is where

  25. Chua’s circuit (cont.) • At (0,0,0) we have • Eigenvalues are

  26. Bifurcation • Bifurcation diagram starting value α = -1 (AUTO 2000) • Plot shows norm of the solution ||x|| versus parameter α.

  27. Periodic orbits • Following Hopf bifurcation, two periodic orbits appear. The first with period 2.2835 (for α =8.19613) and the second with period 19.3835 (for α=11.07941) 1st periodic orbit 2nd periodic orbit

  28. Periodic orbit (cont.)

  29. Sensitivity to initial data To show that this dynamical system is sensitive to small changes in the data (one sign of the presence of chaos), we solve the system again for α=8.196 (not=8.196013). However, we obtain a different periodic orbit, which seems to “encircle” the previous one.

  30. Strange attractors

  31. Strange attractors (cont.)

  32. Strange attractor (cont.) Finally, we compute another strange attractor solution to Chua’s circuit, which is known in literature as double-scroll attractor. This type of attractor has been mistaken for experimental noise, but they are now commonly found in digital filter and synchronization circuits.

  33. Conclusions • Chua’s circuit is simple and has a rich variety of phenomena: • Equilibrium points, periodic orbits • Bifurcations and chaos • Signs of chaos: • Sensitivity to initial data • Strange attractors • Unpredictability • Chaos can be understood with elementary knowledge of linear algebra and differential equations

  34. References [1] W. E. Boyce, R.C. DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations, seventh edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2003) [2] L. Dieci and J. Rebaza, “ Point to point and point to periodic connections”, BIT, Numerical Mathematics. To appear, 2004. [3] E. Doedel, A. Champneys, T. Fairgrieve, Y. Kuznetsov, B. Sandstede, and X. Wang. AUTO 2000: Continuation and bifurcation software for ordinary differential equations. (2000). ftp://ftp.cs.concordia.ca. [4] J. Hale and H. Kocak, Dynamics and Bifurcations, third edition, Springer Verlag (1996). [5] M. P. Kennedy, “Three steps to chaos, I: Evolution”, IEEE Transactions on circuits and Systems, Vol. 40, No 10 (1993) pp. 640-656. [6] M. P. Kennedy, “Three steps to chaos, II: A Chua’s circuit primer”, IEEE Transactions on circuits and Systems, Vol. 40, No 10 (1993) pp. 657-674. [7] Lawrence Perko, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems. Springer-Verlag, New York. (1991). [8] L. Torres and L. Aguirre, “ Inductorless Chua’s circuit”, Electronic letters, Vol. 36, No 23 (2000) pp. 1915-1916.

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