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Learn about Zig-Zag graph product, expansion parameters, spectral analysis, and expander construction techniques in this seminar outlining theory and algorithmic research by O. Reingold, S. Vadhan, and A. Wigderson from UCSD in April 2005.
Zig-Zag Expanders Seminar in Theory and Algorithmic ResearchSashka DavisUCSD, April 2005“ Entropy Waves, the Zig-Zag Graph Product, and New Constant-Degree Expanders”O. Reingold, S. Vadhan, A. Wigderson
Talk Outline Introduction: notations, definitions, facts. Zig-Zag graph product: • Overview • Construction • Analysis – Intuition • Analysis
Expansion, Expanders For undirected graph G=(V,E) • Vertex expansion parameter is defined as: ε = min |Γ(S)\S| / |S|. S | |S| ≤|V|/2 • G is a good expander if for any S, s.t. |S| ≤|V|/2, then |Γ(S)|≥(1+ε) |S|.
Family of Expander Graphs A family of expander graphs {Gi} is a collection of graphs such that for all i: • Gi is d-regular. • |V(Gi)| is strictly increasing. • ε ≥c, for some constant c.
Undirected D-regular Graphs Notation: Let G be undirected D-regular, then: • the adjacency matrix is A(G). • the normalized adjacency matrix is M= 1/D A(G). • Spectrum σ(A)={λ0,λ1,…,λn-1}. • λ(G)= λ1. • Each row/column adds up to D • A(G) is (real) symmetric, therefore • A(G) is similar to a diagonal matrix. • σ(A)={λ0,λ1,…,λn-1} are real. • Rⁿ has an orthonormal basis consisting of eigenvectors of A(G). • (D,1n) is an eigenpair.
Expansion, Convergence, and λ(G) • G is a good expander then λ(G) is small Cheeger & Buser: (d-λ1)/2D ≤ e ≤ 2√(d-λ1)/D • Random walk on G converges to the uniform distribution rapidly if λ(G) is small. • Proof: (on board) We use Rayleligh-Ritz Theorem λ(G) = max <Mx,x>/<x,x> = max ||Mx||/||x|| x perp. to uniform
Talk Outline • Introduction: notations, definitions, facts. Zig-Zag Graph product: • Overview • Construction • Analysis – Intuition • Analysis
Zig-Zag Graph Product • Delivers a constant degree family of expanders. • Construction is iterative. • The analysis is algebraic. • Notation: G is (N,D,μ)-graph meaning V(G)=N, G is D-regular and has λ(G) at most μ.
Standard Operations • Squaring G: new edge are paths in G of length 2 (N,D,λ)2 = (N,D2,λ2) • Tensoring G (Kronecker product) (N,D,λ) (N,D,λ) = (N2,D2,λ)
Expander Construction Using the Zig-Zag Graph product • Start with a constant-size expander H. • Apply simple operations to Hto construct arbitrarily large expanders. • Main Challenge: prevent the degree from growing. • New Graph Product: compose large graph w/ small graph to obtain a new graph which (roughly) inherits • Size of large graph • Degree of small graph • Expansion from both
z The Zig-Zag Graph Product: Theorem 1 Let G1 be (N,D,λ1)-graph and G2 be(D,d,λ2)-graph, then (G1 G2) = (ND, d2, λ1+ λ2+ λ22) Proof: Later. (Big portion of remaining 23 slides...)
Talk Outline • Introduction: notations, definitions, facts. Zig-Zag graph product: • Overview • Construction • Analysis – Intuition • Analysis (all the gory details..)
z The Construction • Building block: Let H be (D4,D,1/5)-graph • Construct a family{Gi}ofD2-regulargraphs such that • G1=H2 • Gi+1= (Gi)2 H Theorem 2 For every i, Gi is (D4i, D2, 2/5)-graph. Proof: By induction (on the board).
z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Zig-Zag Graph Product – Construction (by example) Vertices in V(G1 G2) = V(G1) V(G2) G2 u G1 v
z Zig-Zag Graph Product – Construction (by example) Vertices in G1 G2 = G1G2 (u,1) (u,2) (v,1) (v,2) (u,3) (v,3)
z 1 1 2 3 3 2 Consider ((u,1),0,0) - edge(0,0) incident to vertex (u,1). Edge of G1 G2 = VE2E2 (u,1) 0 (u,2) 1 0 1 1 0 1 (v,1) 2 (v,3) (u,3) 0 1 3 3 0 1 1 0 2 (v,2)
1 1 2 3 3 z Vertex (u,1) and all its neighbors. Edges of G1 G2 (u,1) 0 1 (u,2) 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 (v,1) 2 (v,3) 0 (u,3) 1 3 3 0 1 1 0 (v,2) 1 1 (w,1) 0
(u,1) 0 (u,2) 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 3 2 (v,1) 2 (v,3) (u,3) 0 1 3 3 3 0 1 1 0 (v,2) z • Connect (u,i) and (v, j) iff i, j such that • 1. i and i connected in G2 • 2. (u, i ) and (v, j ) correspond to same edge of G1 • 3.j and j connected in G2 Edges of G1 G2 = VE2E2
z G = G1 G2 G1 is (N,D,λ1)-graph and G2 is (D,d,λ2 )-graph |V(G)| = |V(G1)||V(G2)| = ND Degree of G = deg(G2)2=d2 Edge set of G: • a step in G2 • a step in G1 • a step in G2 λ(G) ≤ λ1 +λ2 +λ22
z z The Eigenvalue Bound • Need to show: Random step on G1 G2 makes non-uniform probability distributions closer to uniform. • Random step on G1G2 • 1. random step within “cloud”. • 2. jump between clouds. • 3. random step within new cloud.
z Analysis, Intuition (cont.) A,C – normalized adjacency matrices of G1,G2 M – normalized adjacency matrix of G • Must show: G1 G2-matrix M shrinks every vector αNDthat is perp. to uniform (Rayeigh-Ritz Thm, for 2-nd eigenvalue). • Decompose α=α||+ α, where α||is probability distribution, where distribution within clouds is uniform, and α is a distribution, where probabilities within cloud are far from uniform.
Case I: Non-uniform Distribution • Case I:α very non-uniform (far from uniform) within “clouds” • Step 1 makes α more uniform (by expansion of G2 ). • Steps 2 & 3 cannot make α less uniform.
Case II: Uniform Distribution Case II:α uniform within clouds. • Step 1: does not change α. • Step 2: Jump between clouds random step on G1 Distribution on clouds themselves becomes more uniform (by expansion of G1)
Analysis of λ(G) To show that λ(G) ≤ (λ(G1) + λ(G2)+λ(G2)2) suffices to prove that to show that for any αND, perpendicular to 1ND <Mα,α> ≤ (λ(G1) + λ(G2)+λ(G2)2) <α,α > <Mα,α> ≤ (λ1+λ2+λ22)<α,α >
z Normalized Adj. Matrix of the Product A,C – normalized adjacency matrices of G1,G2 M – normalized adjacency matrix of G1 G2 • M=ĈÂĈ, where • Ĉ = IN C •  is a permutation matrix (length preserving), where element (u,v) goes to the v-th neighbor of v in G1. • We relate  to A next:
 is.. Given any αND,α=α11, …,α1D,…, αN1, …,αND • For i[N], define: • (α)i D, (α)i=α11, …,α1D distribution within the cloud. • βi=∑j=1,Dαij “distribution” on clouds themselves. • (α)i||= (βi/D) 1D • (α)i= (α)i-(α)i|| • L: ND →N, L(α) = (β1,…, βN)= β N • LÂ(β 1D))= Aβ • Â(β 1D) = Aβ 1D
Proof (cont.) • <Mα,α> = <ĈÂĈα,α> = αT ĈÂĈα = (Ĉα)TÂ(Ĉ α) = <ÂĈα, Ĉα> • α= α||+α • Ĉα|| = α|| • Ĉα = Ĉ(α+α||) = α|| +Ĉα
Proof (cont.) Ĉα = Ĉ(α + α||) = α|| +Ĉα <Mα,α>=|<ÂĈα,Ĉα>|=<Â (α||+Ĉα),(α||+Ĉα)> = <Âα||,α||>+<Âα||,Ĉα>+<ÂĈα,α||>+<ÂĈα,Ĉα> ≤<Âα||, α||>+||Âα||||||Ĉα||+||ÂĈα|||| α||||+<ÂĈα,Ĉα> =<Âα|| ,α||>+ 2||α||||.||Ĉα|| + ||Ĉα||2
Proof (cont.) <Mα,α>≤|<Âα|| ,α||>|+ 2||α||||.||Ĉα|| + ||Ĉα||2 Claim1: ||Ĉα|| ≤ λ(G2)||α|| = λ2||α|| Claim2: <Âα|| ,α||>≤λ1<α|| ,α||>=λ1||α||2 α|| = β UD Âα|| = Â(β UD) = Aβ UD By expansion of G2 - Aβ≤λ1 β <Âα|| ,α||> = <AβUD ,β UD > = < λ1 βUD ,β UD > <Âα|| ,α||> ≤λ1<α|| ,α||>= λ1||α||2
Proof. <Mα,α>=<ÂĈα,Ĉα> ≤ λ1||α||||2+2λ2||α||||.||α||+ λ22.||α||2 ||α||2=||α + α|||| 2 =||α||2 +||α||||2 <Mα,α> /<α,α> = <Mα,α> / ||α||2 =λ1||α||||2/||α||2 + 2λ2||α||||.||α|| /||α||2 + λ22||α||2 /||α||2 <Mα,α>/<α,α> ≤ λ1+λ2+ λ22 Q.E.D.
z The Zig-Zag Graph Product: Theorem 1 Let G1 be (N,D,λ1)-graph and G2 be(D,d,λ2)-graph, then (G1 G2) = (ND, d2, λ1+ λ2+ λ22). Theorem 2 For every i, Gi is (D4i, D2, 2/5)-graph.