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Ilona LELONEK HUSTING Policy Officer, ‘Tourism, Emerging and Creative Industries’ Unit Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW).

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  1. Ilona LELONEK HUSTING Policy Officer, ‘Tourism, Emerging and Creative Industries’ UnitDirectorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) EU actions and tools to support sustainability and innovation in tourismNECSTouR & CoR technical debate 16 September 2019, Brussels17 November 2016 Silvia FERRATINI Team Leader, ‘Sustainable Production, Products & Consumption Unit’ Directorate-General for the Environment (DG ENV)

  2. Facts & figures Key Figures Policy Framework

  3. EU tourism policy priorities General objective: enhance the competitiveness of EU tourism sector and complement actions of EU Member States

  4. Sustainable tourism «Environmental, economic and socio-cultural aspects » Targets: 8.9 - By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promote local culture and products 12.B - Develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism 14.7 - sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable managemnt of tourism

  5. Sustainable tourism • Cross-cutting economic activity - several EU policies can act in complementarity to improve its sustainability: transport, construction, food, water and waste, energy, oceans…. • Climate Neutral Europe, Circular Economy, … • EU supporting destinations and businesses

  6. European Destinations of Excellence "EDEN" Objectives: Enhancing visibility of the emerging, non-traditional European tourist destinations of excellence Rewarding sustainable forms of tourism Promoting networking between awarded destinations to persuade other destinations to adopt sustainable tourism development modes 2007 – rural tourism 2008 – local intangible heritage 2009 – protected areas 2010 – aquatic tourism 2011 – tourism and regeneration of physical sites 2013 – accessible tourism 2015 – Tourism & local gastronomy 2017- cultural tourism 2019 – health and well-beingtourism 158 destinations awardedso far http://ec.europa.eu/eden

  7. An initiative proposed by the European Parliament as a Preparatory Action, implemented by the European Commission. It awards the title of European Capital of Smart Tourism through an EU-wide competition to those cities that implemented the most outstanding measures in tourism and gives the opportunity to European cities to share their exemplary practices as smart tourism destinations.

  8. For EU cities of more than 100 000 inhabitants. Apart from showcasing exemplary practices by cities as tourism destinations in: Accessibility, Sustainability, Digitalisation, Cultural Heritage and Creativity the initiative aims to establish a framework for the exchange of best practices between cities and creates opportunities for cooperation and new partnerships. • Compendium of Best Practices and more information: www.smarttourismcapital.eu • European Capitals of Smart Tourism 2019: Helsinki and Lyon • European Capitals of Smart Tourism 2020 willbeannounced on 9th October

  9. 2019 COSME - Call for proposals COS-TOURCOOP-2019-3-01: Boosting sustainable tourism development and capacity of tourism SMEs through transnational cooperation and knowledge transfer. Total budget 5M EUR, max EU co-financing 1M EUR per project (75% of eligible costs). 5-7 projects to be co-financed. It aims at: -supporting tourism SMEs, fostering their capacities and skills to explore and uptake solutions, which would improve their sustainable management • -fostering innovative solutions for sustainable tourism through cross-sectoral and transnational cooperation Deadline for electronic submissions: 24 October 2019 https://ec.europa.eu/easme/en/section/cosme/cos-tourcoop-2019-3-01-boosting-sustainable-tourism-development

  10. EU funds supporting transition towards circular economy • - European Structural and Investment Funds • (7.1 bln EUR e.g on eco-innovative technologies and to support the implementation of the EU waste legislation) • - Horizon 2020 • (1.4 bln EUR on sustainable process industries, waste & resources management, circular bio-economy; among which 350 M EUR to making plastic circular) • - European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)-2.1 bln EUR • - LIFEprogramme - 100 M EUR • (amounts are for the 2016-2018 period) • The Circular Economy Action Plan promotes close cooperation with Member States, regions and municipalities, businesses, research bodies, citizens and other stakeholders. • European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform • https://circulareconomy.europa.eu/platform/

  11. EU Ecolabel & EMAS: unique tools for a Circular Economy • Saving resources • saving energy • Reducing CO2 emissions • Improve environmental management • Increase re-use • Reliable and easy to recognise • Enable consumers to make conscious choices, with high quality service • Stimulate consumers towards sustainable lifestyles • Promote sustainable goods/services • Improving waste management • Decreasing waste production including food waste

  12. EMAS and EU Ecolabel are based on complementary commitments • EMAS = continuously improve and demonstrate environmental performance High EU ECOLABEL SCOPE EMAS SCOPE Environmental performance • EU Ecolabel= comply with criteria proving environmental excellence Low Time

  13. EU Ecolabel Ambassador: Camping Blue Ocean Within 7 years: 280’651kw = €32,000 18,407.37 m3 = €64,365 180,801 kg = €49,860 14,840kg recycled data collected in 2015 Environmental excellence = excellent savings!!!!

  14. Best Environmental Management Practices under EMAS www.takeagreenstep.eu EU Ecolabel Toolkit for Tourism Accommodations: https://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/digital_toolkit.html

  15. EU Ecolabel and EMAS… • are drivingbehavioural changes in economicoperatorsbut alsocitizens • test for sustainable, low- or zero- carbon and circular solutions, but also an opportunity to upscalesuch solutions! • have hugeuntappedpotential… Let’s work together to foster their uptake!!!

  16. Thank you for your attention DG GROWUnit F.4 - Tourism, Emerging and Creative IndustriesGROW-F4@ec.europa.eu http://ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/tourism/index_en.htm DG ENV Unit B.1 – SustainableprouctionnProducts and Consumption https://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/https://ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/index_en.htm

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