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Issues in Environmental Science ENVR 1302

Issues in Environmental Science ENVR 1302. Introductory Lecture. The Earth, Life on Earth and how we go where we are. The Big Bang, Plate Tectonics, Evolution and how we got into this pickle?. Introductory Lecture Topics. Science The Earth Evolution of Life Human Evolution

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Issues in Environmental Science ENVR 1302

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  1. Issues in Environmental ScienceENVR 1302

  2. Introductory Lecture • The Earth, Life on Earth and how we go where we are. • The Big Bang, Plate Tectonics, Evolution and how we got into this pickle?

  3. Introductory Lecture Topics • Science • The Earth • Evolution of Life • Human Evolution • Agricultural Revolution • Industrial Revolution

  4. Science

  5. Critical Thinking

  6. The Scientific Method • Ask a question • Make additional observations or conduct an experiment • Make a Testable hypothesis • Make a Prediction • Test Prediction

  7. Science • a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences. 2.systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. • 3.any of the branches of natural or physical science. • 4.systematized knowledge in general. • 5.knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study. • 6.a particular branch of knowledge.7.skill, esp. reflecting a precise application of facts or principles; proficiency.

  8. Scientific Code of Ethics • Basic Values of scientific cooperation • “honesty, generosity, a respect for evidence, openness to all ideas and opinions”

  9. Junk Science • a term for faulty scientific research, data, and claims created for financial or political gain

  10. What is a theory? • Some scientific explanations are so well established that no new evidence is likely to alter them. The explanation becomes a scientific theory. In everyday language a theory means a hunch or speculation. Not so in science. In science, the word theory refers to a comprehensive explanation of an important feature of nature that is supported by many facts gathered over time. Theories also allow scientists to make predictions about as yet unobserved phenomena.[1]

  11. List of Theories • 1. The Atomic Theory2. The Theory of Matter and Energy: Conservation of Matter and Energy3. The Cell Theory4. The Germ Theory5. The Theory of Plate Tectonics6. The Theory of Evolution7. The Big Bang Theory8. Chaos Theory9. The “Gaia” Theory of a Sustainable Earth which is illustrated with the idea of Spaceship Earth10. The Theory of Quantum Mechanics11. The Theory of Special Relativity which subsumes The Theory of General Relativity which subsumes Newtonian theories of motion12. The Photon Theory of Light Energy and its speed of light13. The Theory of Electromagnetism as begun by Maxwell and continued with the work of others14. The Theory of Radioactivity or Nuclear Theory15. The Theory of Molecular Bonds16. The Theory of States of Matter—or is this part of the Atomic Theory and the Molecular Bond Theory?17. The Theory of Thermodynamics—hey, I guess this theory takes care of the States of Matter and the Molecular Bond theories.18. The Theory of Homeostasis within Living Organisms19. The Constructivist Theory of Learning20. The theories of self and development of mental processes in the brain.21. Theory of Gravity

  12. The Earth

  13. Big Bang

  14. Geologic Timeline • 13.7 Billion Years Ago –Big Bang • 4.6 Billion Years Ago – Origin of the Solar System/Age of the Earth • 3.5 Billion Years Ago – Life on Earth

  15. Earth’s Accretion

  16. Earth’s Density Willamette Meteorite

  17. Earth’s Differentiation

  18. Interior of the Earth

  19. Plate Tectonics

  20. Plate Tectonics

  21. Plate Tectonics

  22. Pangea Pangea Breakup http://www.classzone.com/books/earth_science/terc/content/visualizations/es0806/es0806page01.cfm?chapter_no=visualization

  23. Fossil Distribution

  24. Plate Tectonics

  25. Worldwide Earthquake Distribution • Earthquakes highlight plate boundaries

  26. Volcanic Eruptions & Earthquakes • Expression of plate tectonics

  27. Climate System

  28. Earth Systems

  29. Earth’s Engines • Internal Processes • Internal Heat • Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes and Earthquakes • External Processes • Solar Energy • Weathering and Erosion • Weather • Life • Hydrologic Cycle

  30. GeoDynamo

  31. Magnetic North Pole

  32. Uniformitarianism “no vestige of a beginning - no prospect of an end” -James Hutton Siccar Point, Scotland

  33. Gaia Hypothesis • Video

  34. Gaia

  35. Gaia 2010

  36. Evolution of Life

  37. Evolution of Life Worm-like Pikaia the first know chordate dated at over 500 MYA

  38. 5 Lines of Evidence for Evolution • #1 The Branching Organization of Life • #2 Homology • #3 Vestigial Structures and Other imperfections • #4 Embryonic History • #5 Biogeography

  39. 5 Lines of Evidence for Evolution • #1 The Branching Organization of life • Family Tree • Human DNA 98% identical to Chimpanzee

  40. Primate Family Tree

  41. 5 Lines of Evidence for Evolution • #2 Homology • Organs with striking different functions commonly built from the same basic parts • Arms used for flying or swimming

  42. Fish Evolution to Amphibians

  43. 5 Lines of Evidence for Evolution • #3 Vestigial Structures and Other imperfections • Vestigial structures are remnants • Human Tailbone, appendix, ear-wiggling muscles and wisdom teeth • Whales and pythons have remnants of hip bones

  44. Whale Evolution

  45. 5 Lines of Evidence for Evolution • #4 Embryonic History • Embryonic history replicates evolutionary history

  46. #4 Embyonic History

  47. 5 Lines of Evidence for Evolution • #5 Biogeography • Unrelated Animals have evolved to occupy similar niches

  48. Human Evolution

  49. Evolution of Man Timeline • 7 Million Years ago – Split Early Man and Chimpanzees • 3.5 Million Years Ago - Lucy • 40,000 Years ago – Modern Man • 11,000 Years ago – Agricultural (Neolithic) Revolution • 200 Years ago – Industrial Revolution

  50. Human Phylogeny

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