WordPress maintenance Almost everything requires maintenance. Keeping your website well maintained can save your lot of time, each task will be completed without any issue, keep away from hacking and errors etc. Lot of companies promise to deliver best WordPress maintenance services; but you should be aware enough to track there performance.
Step 1:- Backup Your Website Very often user backup their data. But it’s more important when you desperately need that but you can’t get it. It’s like an insurance policy. Your all hard work can be erased in the blink of an eye. Creating backup is the first and important tasks for your website. Here are the few rules:- • Create multiple backups in different locations. You can keep your copies locally and in the cloud. • Make sure backing up your database including all files. • Keep a minimum of 3 backup version at all times over a reasonable period of time. Nothing is worse than backing up and overwriting a clean version of your website with a copy that was hacked yesterday.
Step 2:- Keep Your Files Up to Date WordPress comes with the built-in option which updates WordPress core, plugins and themes. You should use the latest version and keep all your plugin and theme updated. This update reduces the chances of your file being effected. There is few situation when the files are outdated. Like when premium plugin or theme’s license expired and it failed to check for an update. You have to check manually for the updates. Make sure everything should be running in the latest version. This is as important as backing up your website.
Step 3:- WordPress Core Files Updating WordPress core files is important because updating this reduces the chances of being hacked. WordPress issues regular updates to address any security concerns. You can check your updates manually.
Step 4:- Plugins After updating core files head over to your list of plugins and make sure they are all up to date as well. Plugins can be suspicious if they are poorly maintained. They often don’t undergo the same level of scrutiny that WordPress itself does, despite the fact that the WordPress security team will often notify and work with Plugin developers to resolve known vulnerabilities.
Step 5:-Theme Files If you’re using a 3D theme, it’s critical to keep the files up to date. Installing themes with plugins create greater security risk than WordPress itself. If theme gets an update available, do it as soon as possible for better performance.
Step 6:- Delete unused Plugins and Themes If you’re like most people like to use or experiment different types of themes and plugins on your website, it’s fine. But remember to delete which is being unused by you. Here are few problems which occur:- • Active and unused plugins can cause conflicts or make it difficult to diagnose the source of conflicts. • Every theme and plugin on your site increase the potential attack surface for hackers. Fewer themes and few plugins mean fewer potential vulnerabilities.
Step 7:- Check and Delete Spam Comments In WordPress, if you are using Akismet to combat comment spam then it automatically keeps spam away from your comment moderation queue. However, sometimes Akismet may end up making a legitimate comment as spam. Once in a while, you need to take a quick look at the spam comments to ensure that there are no real comments incorrectly marked as spam. Once you are done, you can safely delete all spam comments from your website. If you have thousands of spam comments, then you should use this method to batch delete all spam comments in WordPress. It wouldn’t necessarily improve performance, but it will ensure that you don’t miss out genuine comments.
Step 8:- Optimize Images on Your WordPress Site Images take longer to load hence they decrease your page load speed. Some of them you’ll discover during the performance checkup of your site. However, you will definitely miss those in your less popular articles. If you run a multi-author WordPress site, then some of your authors may not be as careful about image sizes as you are. Adding image and media library review to your WordPress maintenance checklist, allows you to stay on top of the issue. You can perform this check to find out images that can be reduced in size or images that are just too large.
Step 9 :- Clean Up Your Internal Link Structure Nothing keeps Googlebot happier than a website that’s easy to crawl. For a small WordPress website, this isn’t really a huge issue. With only a few internal links, it’s easy to check things manually. But as your website grows, you should stop wasting your valuable time testing each individual link. There are two easy-to-use options that will save you a ton of time and keep your internal linking structure well-maintained and in perfect running order.
Step 10:- Google Search Console The first place to look is in your Google Search Console. Although Googlebot won’t catch every error, this is a great place to start. Simply head to your GSC and in your left navigation head to Crawl>>Crawl Errors. Here you find a list of all errors detected by Google. You can fix each one and mark them as resolved in the console.
Step 11:-Change All Your WordPress Passwords Passwords are your first priority against unauthorized access to your website. Always use strong unique passwords for your WordPress Website, FTP accounts, and database.
Step 12:- Review WordPress Security Logs Some WordPress users are not aware of their site that site is under attack until it slows down or their search rankings drop. We have already mentioned some security precautions like changing a password and creating manual backups as proactive measures. You also need to check your review of your site’s access and error logs, if there is any unusual activity on your website.