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Introduction to a Territorial Approach to Climate Change. TACC Training Module 1. Objectives of the Module. Raise the importance of addressing climate change at the sub-national level Summarize objectives, programme areas and activities of the global TACC initiative
Introduction to a Territorial Approach to Climate Change TACC Training Module 1 1
Objectives of the Module • Raise the importance of addressing climate change at the sub-national level • Summarize objectives, programme areas and activities of the global TACC initiative • Introduce expected workshop outcomes, structure and methodology Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Overview • Section 1: Introduction to the Climate Change Challenge and Green Economy from a Sub-national Perspective • Section 2: Role of Sub-national authorities in promoting a Green Economy and addressing Climate Change • Section 3: Introduction to the Territorial Approach to Climate Change (TACC) Initiative Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
The Growing Importance of Climate Change “Climate change, and how we address this issue, is a defining issue of our era.” Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, 2007 “Local governments have a critical role to play in the fight against climate change – National and local governments must work more closely together in tackling climate change if the world is going to mount an effective response to the problem.” Ban Ki-moon, 2009 Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
The Climate Change Challenge in a Nutshell • Average surface temperature rose by 0.89°C from 1901 to 2012. • Expected rise in global temperature of 3°C or more by the end of the century • Temperature rise results in extreme weather events and impacts (e.g. flooding, droughts, sea level rise, etc.) • Human action mainly responsible for observed and projected climate change • Risk of major economic and social disturbances particularly in developing countries • Swift action required to: • Reduce the causes of climate changes (mitigation) • Prepare for the impacts of climate change (adaptation) Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
A Green Economy • Improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities • low carbon • resource efficient • socially inclusive • Driven by socially inclusive investments that reduce carbon emissions and pollution, enhance energy and resource efficiency, and prevent the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Key Findings Green Economy Report (2011) A Green Economy: • Recognizes the value of, and invests in, natural capital • Is central to poverty alleviation • Creates jobs and enhances social equity • Substitutes renewable energy and low-carbon technologies for fossil fuels • Promotes enhanced resource and energy efficiency • Delivers more sustainable urban living and low-carbon mobility • Grows faster than a brown economy over time, while maintaining and restoring natural capital Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
TheNeedtoTakeConcertedAction • The transition to a Green Economy and response to climate change require concerted action at multiple levels and by different actors… • International, national, sub-national and local level of governance • Different sectors (e.g. agriculture, energy, transport, etc.) • Government, private sector and civil society • Developed and developing country (based on common but differentiated responsibilities) Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Why is Climate Change Important from a Sub-national Perspective? • Climate related challenges are directly experienced at the sub-national level • Many planning and investment decisions are taken at the sub-national rather than national level • Global climate change action creates opportunities for moving towards a green economy • Investment opportunities to support climate resilient and low carbon development Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Defining the Sub-national Level of Governance • Many countries have multiple levels of governance, ranging from national to local • Sub-national governance level refers to governance units below the national level • Depending on the country, sub-national governments may include two levels: • Regions, states, provinces, prefectures, territories, etc. • Municipal and local governments • In federal system at least two levels of governance exist below the national level • In some countries, municipal governments are directly below national governments Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Overview • Section 1: Introduction to the Climate Change Challenge and Green Economy from a Sub-national Perspective • Section 2: Role of Sub-national authorities in promoting a Green Economy and addressing Climate Change • Section 3: Introduction to the Territorial Approach to Climate Change (TACC) Initiative Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
What can Sub-national Authorities do to transition towards a Green Economy? • Apply the “polluters pays” principle and get cost recovery for water/waste management services • Mobilize large scale financial resources by catalyzing and leveraging private investment (through green incentives, brown taxes) • Stimulate eco-innovation, environmental technologies and green businesses • Sustainable public procurement – leading to long-term demand and incentive to invest Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
What is the Role of Sub-national Authorities in the UNFCCC Process? • The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is an international agreement with autonomous states being members/parties • Sub-national authorities do not participate directly in the negotiations, but opportunities for indirect participation include: • Participation as members of national delegations • Participation through an observer association • Participation in side events • Informal discussions/lobbying Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Why is Adaptation Relevant at the Sub-national Level? • Impacts of climate change are directly felt at the sub-national/local level • Local authorities are the first to receive the complaints/requests from the affected population • Most adaptation actions will be deployed at the local level • Adaptation measures have direct benefits for local population and ecosystems • Sub-national/local development planning well suited to integrate adaptation Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Why is Mitigation Relevant for Sub-national Authorities? • Planning decisions with mitigation potential often taken at the sub-national level, for example • Public transport • Local energy supply • Energy efficient buildings and construction • Waste disposal sites • Sub-national level can become front-runners in promoting a green economy • Significant potential to reap co-benefits (e.g. health benefits of reduced air pollution) Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Setting the Framework for Local Climate Change Plans • Engaging stakeholders • Ensuring that all relevant parties are aware of the challenge of climate change and committed to addressing it • Understanding local climate change contribution and impacts • Identifying climate threats and measuring the contribution of the city to climate change • Assessing vulnerable places, people and sectors • Analyze patterns of vulnerability to identify key locations and groups for building resilience • Participatory strategic planning for climate change • Mobilizing stakeholders to create an overall vision for responding to climate change • Monitoring and evaluation • Ensure the desired outcomes are achieved Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Planning and Implementing Climate Change Activities at Sub-National Level • In what ways can sub-national authorities incorporate climate change planning at the territorial level? • Examples: • Integrate climate change priorities into existing development policies and plans • Design integrated climate change plans • Be consistent with the national development priorities and needs Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Overview • Section 1: Introduction to the Climate Change Challenge and Green Economy from a Sub-national Perspective • Section 2: Role of Sub-national authorities in promoting a Green Economy and addressing Climate Change • Section 3: Introduction to the Territorial Approach to Climate Change (TACC) Initiative Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
TACC: A Global Partnership to Support Sub-national Climate Change Action • Partnership of UN organizations, sub-national authorities and associations of regions • Recognition that climate change requires enhanced action at the sub-national level • Focus on integrating climate change into sub-national planning and investment decision-making • Launched at the 2008 World Summit of Regional Governments on Climate Change in Saint-Malo (France) • Spearheaded by UNDP and UNEP within the UN System and expanded in 2009 to include UN HABITAT and UNITAR Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
What Does the Workshop Try to Achieve? • That participants will have enhanced knowledge and understanding concerning… • International climate change policy and its implications for national and sub-national action • Causes and effects of climate change and how to access sources of credible scientific information • Objectives, benefits and methods of developing sub-national climate change policies and plans within a multilevel governance framework • Fostering sustained capacity development, including human resource and skills development • Sources and mechanisms of financing available to support sub-national action Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Regional Associations and Other TACC Partners • Global Forum for Associations of Regions (FOGAR) • Assembly of European Regions (ARE) • International Association of Francophone Regions (AIRF) • Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) • Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development (NRG4SD) • The Northern Forum • The Climate Group • Organization of Latin American Intermediary Governments (OLAGI) • Individual sub-national authorities worldwide Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Global TACC Objective • Increase resilience to climate change impacts and reduce carbon footprint in sub-national territories… • ...by empowering sub-national governments in developing countries and countries with economies in transition to take action on climate change mitigation and adaptation • ...within a sustainable development and poverty reduction context. Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
TACC Programme Areas • Needs Assessment Survey (2010) among more than 100 sub-national authorities: low to medium levels of awareness (UNEP) • Awareness raising workshops for groupings of sub-national authorities (UNEP) • Projects at the sub-national level to develop low emission and climate resilient development plans (UNDP) Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Workshops for Groupings of Sub-national Authorities • Series of awareness-raising workshops in 2010-2012 and beyond • Objectives: • Review international climate change policy developments from a sub-national perspective • Raise awareness and facilitate knowledge sharing concerning climate change action • Share knowledge and tools relevant for strengthening climate change science, adaptation, mitigation, and financing at the sub-national level • Explore fostering of a green economy at the sub-national level • Catalyze interest in developing low emission and climate resilient development plans Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Regional Workshops in 2010-2012 • Belarus, June 2013 • Azerbaijan, November 2012 • Ukraine, May 2012 • South Africa, March 2012 • Philippines, February 2012 • South Korea, November 2011 • Egypt, January 2011 • Uruguay, November 2010 • Mexico, August 2010 • Thailand, August 2010 • Uganda, June 2010 • Albania, June 2010 Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
TACC Workshop Modules http://www.uncclearn.org/tacc 1: Introduction to the Territorial Dimension of Climate Change 2: Climate Change Science, Causes and Impacts 3: International Climate Change Policy Framework 4: Climate Change Adaptation 5: Mitigating Climate Change 6: Integrated Planning and Governance to Address Climate Change 7: Financial Sources to Support Climate Change Action 8: Strengthening Information Exchange and Taking Action Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
QuestionsfortheWorkshop… • Do sub-national authorities have sufficient information about international and national climate change processes and initiatives? • Are climate data and models available to assess vulnerability at the sub-national level? • Are capacities sufficient for sound adaptation and mitigation planning? • Which actions need coordination with the national level? Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
QuestionsfortheWorkshop… • When is a proactive stance possible? • Which financial sources and tools are available to support sub-national climate change action? • How can sub-national authorities effectively contribute to international climate change processes? • Any other important questions? Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1
Further resources http://www.uncclearn.org/tacc http://www.unep.org/greeneconomy Territorial Approach to Climate Change - Phase 1