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ELSA datasets and documentation available from the archive or by special arrangement

http://www.ifs.org.uk/elsa. ELSA datasets and documentation available from the archive or by special arrangement. Kate Cox National Centre for Social Research (NatCen). English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. ELSA data and documentation in archive. Wave 1 datasets Core variables

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ELSA datasets and documentation available from the archive or by special arrangement

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  1. http://www.ifs.org.uk/elsa ELSA datasets and documentation available from the archive or by special arrangement Kate Cox National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) English Longitudinal Study of Ageing

  2. ELSA data and documentation in archive • Wave 1 datasets • Core variables • Financial derived variables • Pensions wealth • Wave 1 documentation • Questionnaire • Field documents, coding & editing info etc. • User guides for all datasets

  3. Wave 1 Core Variables Dataset (1) Includes • Current version - 2.1 • Individual level file • Data for all wave 1 respondents (N=12,100) • Key variables - serial no.s, sample type, weighting • All non-disclosive numeric variables in questionnaire • Non-questionnaire variables: • Admin variables - e.g. date of interview, no. of people in HH • HSE variables • Key derived variables - e.g. highest qualification

  4. Wave 1 Core Variables Dataset (2) Excludes - potentially disclosive variables: • Full date of birth • Full interview date • Detailed ethnicity and country of birth • Text variables • Geography variables

  5. Questionnaire documentation • Word document (pdf) • Question wording for all modules (including self-completion) • Interview instructions and checks • Filtering • Variables for multiple-response and open questions • Annotations: • Variables excluded from dataset (@) • Questions asked of proxy respondents as well as standard respondents (*) • Questions asked ONLY of proxy respondents (**)

  6. Core dataset user guide • Sample info • Weighting • Structure of the questionnaire • Key variables - e.g. serial numbers, outcome codes • Excluded variables • Coding and editing information • Missing values • List of all variables not annotated in questionnaire

  7. Wave 1 field documents • Self completion questionnaire • Cognitive function booklet • Showcards • Codebook and edit instructions • Project instructions • Consent forms • Advance letters

  8. Future data to archive • Wave 0 (HSE 98, 99, 01) • Index file for linking • Wave 1 household level data • Wave 1 derived variables • Wave 2 interview data • Wave 2 nurse data and other data • Time series data

  9. Wave 0 datasets • Separate dataset for each year - 1998, 1999, 2001 • Common variables dataset • Interview and nurse visit data • Health data • Other data - income, benefits, work, housing, other members of household

  10. ELSA datasets - not in archive (1) • Geography (HSE & ELSA Wave 1) • Government Office Region • Standard Statistical Region • Local Authority • Strategic Health Authority • Health and Social Care Directorate • Population Density • Index of Multiple Deprivation • Urban/Rural Indicator

  11. ELSA datasets - not in archive (2) • Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) • Mortality and cancer data • DWP and HMRC admin. data

  12. Provision of non-archivable data • Special datasets • Match variables on at NatCen • NatCen Data Enclave

  13. Contacts Kate Cox, NatCen Email: k.cox@natcen.ac.uk Tel: 020 7549 8542 ELSA in UK archive: http://www.esds.ac.uk/longitudinal/access/elsa/introduction.asp ELSA website: http://www.ifs.org.uk/elsa

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