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Introduction. Physical Growth & Development. Introduction. The totality of man What makes us what we are ? Nature VS Nurture Hereditary Physical appearance Height Weight Hair and eye color. Nature vs. Nurture. Intellectual potential Parent IQ

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction Physical Growth & Development

  2. Introduction • The totality of man • What makes us what we are ? • Nature VS Nurture Hereditary Physical appearance Height Weight Hair and eye color

  3. Nature vs. Nurture • Intellectual potential • Parent IQ • Regression toward the mean • Mom 130, Dad 115 , Child ?? • Mom 75,Dad 50, Child ?? • Personality • Introvert/Extrovert • Quiet/Temper • Examples: • Dad temper: modify • Beliefs/attitudes

  4. Environment • Environment • Well being:food & shelter • Will we reach our potential • Environmental intervention • Examples: Stu/Jeff; Rob?Robin • Twins:Identical / Fraternal • Monozygotic / Dizygotic • Brother and sister

  5. Examples • Motor Ability • Ken Griffey JR. • Magic Johnson’s son • Kareem Abdul-Jabbar • Genes or environment • Motor Terms • Phylogenetic: Automatic reach,grasp,crawl&walk • Ontogenetic: Must be learned • Ride a bike,skate, drive a car

  6. Summary • YMCA Triangle: Total development • Spirit, mind and body • Have all kinds to work with • Babies • Toddlers • Children • Athletes • Disabled • Senior citizens

  7. Metaphors • You have a philosophy • Metaphors • The metaphor of production • The metaphor of growth • The metaphor of travel • Summary • Children are different • Groups/ stereotypes • Treat fairly

  8. Other Factors • Pre natal care/development • Early motor experiences • Emotional care • Self concept • The physical educators role

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