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PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Health and Wellness Benefits. Lesson 5.1 S.JETT, NBCT MONTEVALLO MIDDLE Fitness for life – Corbin & lindsey. Hypokinetic Diseases and Conditions.
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY:Health and Wellness Benefits Lesson 5.1 S.JETT, NBCT MONTEVALLO MIDDLE Fitness for life – Corbin & lindsey
Hypokinetic Diseases and Conditions Perhaps you are not convinced that a lifetime plan for physical activity is important for you. You might think that exercise is only for others. Whether you are reluctant to exercise or already have your own program, this lesson will help you understand how important PA really is. You will learn how PA reduces your risk of hypokinetic diseases and increases your personal wellness. A hypokinetic disease is associated with or caused by lack of regular PA.
Cardiovascular Disease Did you know that since 1900, cardiovascular disease has been the leading cause of death in the U.S. every year but one? In recent years more than 42% of all deaths have been related to cardiovascular disease. Currently about one in every four Americans has one or more forms of cardiovascular disease. Many cardiovascular diseases are hypokinetic because they were caused by sedentary living or inactivity and this is a primary risk factor for heart problems. A primary risk factor is considered a major contributor to disease.
Cardiovascular Diseases Atherosclerosis is a disease in which certain fatty substances builds up inside the walls of the arteries causing them to become clogged, and the heart has to work harder to pump blood. Arteries are pipelines that carry blood from the heart to all parts of your body. Atherosclerosis begins early in life. However, research shows that regular PA helps reduce the fatty build ups.
Heart Attack 2. A heart attack occurs when the blood supply into or within the heart is severely reduced or cut off. As a result, an area of the hear muscle can die. Coronary arteries can be blocked, a blood clot, a spasm in the muscle of the artery, or a combination of these causes. The heart may beat abnormally or stop altogether. Medicines are often used to stabilize the beat of some in distress. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is often performed to restore circulation of oxygen to the body. People that participate in regular PA have fewer heart attacks.
Stroke A stroke occurs when the oxygen in the blood supply to the brain is reduced or cut off. A blood clot can block any artery. A stroke can also occur when an artery to the brain bursts. Since a stroke damages the brain, it can affect a person’s ability to move, think, and speak. Regular PA can reduce some risk factors that cause stroke. PA can also help stroke and heart attack patients recover. Each time your heart beats, it forces blood through your arteries causing the blood to push against the walls. This force is called blood pressure.
Blood Pressure When the doctor checks your pressure, he/she looks for 2 readings: systolic pressure is the highest pressure exerted by the blood and the diastolic is the lowest pressure. Hypertensionor high blood pressure, is a disease in which blood pressure is consistently higher than normal. High blood pressure is a hypokinetic condition because PA is one way to help lower blood pressure. Hypertension is a primary risk factor to stroke, heart attack and kidney damage. What is normal BP?
Cancer Cancer is more than 100 different diseases characterized by uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells. Cancer cells invade normal cells, steal their nutrition, and interfere with their functions. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the US. When diagnosed early, many forms of cancer can be treated and even cured through surgery, chemical or radiation therapy or medication. It is not clear why PA helps reduce cancer. Certain forms of cancer are considered hypokinetic problems – colon and breast cancer.
Diabetes Diabetes is when a person’s body can not regulate sugar levels. A person with diabetes will have excessively high blood sugar unless he/she gets medical assistance. Over time, diabetes can damage the blood vessels, heart, kidneys, and eyes. A very high level of sugar in the blood can cause coma and death. Several effective medical treatments exists to help diabetes so that patients can lead normal lives. One kind of diabetes is Type I – which is not a hypokinetic condition.
Type II Diabetes and Obesity Type II diabetes accounts for approximately 90% of diabetics. People who do regular PA are less likely to develop diabetes because it helps control body fatness. Obesity is a condition in which a person has a high percentage of body fat that is often linked to inactivity. Having too much fat contributes to other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
Osteoporosis When the structure of the bones deteriorates and they become weak, it is called osteoporosis. It is most common among older people, but has its beginnings in youth because you develop your greatest bone mass when you are young. Those who exercise develop stronger bones. When you build stronger bones, they do not deteriorate as fast. Lack of calcium in the diet, especially when young, is also a major contributor. Women are also more prone because of hormonal changes as they get older.
PA and Wellness PA plays an important role in your health and wellness. Health is more than freedom from disease; it means being positively healthy. Some of the benefits of PA include: Improved appearance Greater work capacity Greater capacity to enjoy leisure Improved sense of emotional well-being Increased opportunity for successful experiences and fun Added functional years Increased ability to meet emergencies
Hyperkinetic conditions You’ve probably heard of the saying that “too much of a good thing can be bad.” This can be true of PA. Just because PA is good doesn’t mean that more PA is better. Some people experience problems from doing too much PA. Overuse injuries – bones and other tissues become damaged – stress fractures, shin splints, blisters. Activity neurosis is when a person is overconcerned about getting enough exercise and often continue even when sick or injured. Eating disorders – Usually result from an extreme desire to be thin – anorexia and bulimia