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教育行政領導理論專題研究. The nature of leadership Gardner,J.W.(1990). On leadership . New York: The Free Press. 報告人 葉孟宗( 7 )台中縣益民國小 蘇春地( 8 )台中縣益民國小 吳秋慧( 19 )台中縣光正國小 林緯志( 27 )苗栗縣五穀國小. John William Gardner. Born : October 8, 1912 Died : February 16, 2002 Political party : Republican

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  1. 教育行政領導理論專題研究 The nature of leadership Gardner,J.W.(1990). On leadership. New York: The Free Press. 報告人 葉孟宗(7)台中縣益民國小 蘇春地(8)台中縣益民國小 吳秋慧(19)台中縣光正國小 林緯志(27)苗栗縣五穀國小

  2. John William Gardner • Born:October 8, 1912 • Died:February 16, 2002 • Political party:Republican • President of the CarnegieCorporation • the founder of two influential national U.S. organizations: “Common Cause” and“Independent Sector‘’ • He authored books on improving leadership in American society and other subjects.

  3. The nature of leadership • Distinctions:區別/特性 • Leaders and managers:領導者與管理者 • The many kinds of leaders: 許多種類的領導者 • Leaders and history: 領導者與歷史 • Settings: 環境/背景 • Judgments of leaders: 領導者的評價 • Devolving initiative and responsibility:主動性與責任的移轉 • Institutionalizing leadership:制度化的領導

  4. Introduction: Leadership • the process of persuasion or example • Individuals or a leadership team • induces a group to pursue objectives-held by leaders or shared by leaders and followers • Leaders can’t be thought apart from historic context, setting, and system

  5. Distinctions:區別/特性 ≠ • Leadership status • Leadership power ex. 1.military dictator 2. thug with gun • Leadership official authority “Whether the subordinates become followers depends on whether the executives act as leader” • Leadership =elite? ≠ ≠

  6. Leaders and managers • The 6 distinguish respects of a leader 1.think longer term 2.grasp its relationship to large realities (external conditions, global trends) 3.Influence constituent beyond their jurisdictions 4.heavy emphasis on vision, values, and motivation and understand the nonrational and unconscious elements in leader-constituent interaction 5.Political skill to cope with conflicts 6.think in terms of renewal • Manager is more tightly linked to an organization; • leader may have no organization.

  7. The many kinds of leaders • Leaders come in many forms, with many styles, and diverse qualities. (eloquence/judgment/courage) 1.Churchill 2.Gandhi 3.Lenin • Military leadership 1.Marshall 2.Mac Arthur 3.Eisenhower 4.Patton 5.Montgomery • many kinds of leaders has implications for leadership education—provideexamples for young people to move toward the models that are right for them

  8. Leaders and history • We tend to eliminate the contradictions that make historic leaders distinctive. • The first step to view the leaders in a mature way is to accept the complexity and context. • “Does the leader make history?” or “Does the historical moment make the leader” • The balanced view: • Churchill Leader : Particular characteristics History : Historical force Context: emerging leaders

  9. Settings • Historical moment • Makeup of the group 1.Age level 2.Educational background and competence 3.Size 4.Homogeneity and cohesiveness 5.Motivation and morale 6.Rate of turnover

  10. Judgments of leaders~1 • People tend to exaggerate the capacity of leaders to influence events. • Leaders act in the stream of history, multiple forces beyond their control and knowledge. • Consequences are not a reliable measure of a leadership. (Roosevelt,1930) • Leaders suffer from the mistakes of predecessorsand leave some of their own misjudgment as time bombs for successors. • Changes take time

  11. Judgments of leaders~2 • Changes take time 1.Lots of year 2.Public debate 3.Slow shifts in attitude • Leaders may see little in their life time, but may be setting the stage for victories that come after them. • “Verdict of history” • The judgment of a leader should be multidimensional. (strength/mediocrity/flaw) • Leaders change (Churchill / Lincoln)

  12. Devolving initiative and responsibility • Most forward-looking business concerns are working in quite imaginative ways to downward and outward through their organizations to develop lower levels of leadership. • In many of our large corporate, governmental, and nonprofit organizations we still make it all too difficult for potential leaders down the line to exercise initiative. • To emphasize the need for dispersed leadership does not deny the need fro highly qualified top leadership. • High-level leaders will be more effective in every ways if the systems……are made vital by dispersed leadership.

  13. Institutionalizing leadership • To exercise leadership today, leaders must institutionalize their leadership. • The issues are too technical and the pace of change too swift to expect a leader to solve personally the major problems. • If the leaders fail to institutionalize the problem-solving process, their departure leaves the system crippled. • No individual has all the skills and the time to carry out all the complex tasks of contemporary leadership

  14. Insights 啟示 • 領導:引領船前進方向;管理使船前進過程中不會翻覆 • 領導者可以從歷史典範中汲取領導經驗,將危機轉換成激勵,維持士氣外,創造新局面 • 儘管環境變動快速,領導者必須要有能力洞悉未來的發展與變化 • 領導者要正視自己的不完美,並懂得分散領導,借重別人的專才來補足弱點 • 制度的建立與制度追隨是領導力展現的成果,唯有如此,才不會因領導人的離去而造成系統癱瘓

  15. Questions問題

  16. 感謝您的聆聽

  17. Leaders come in many forms, with many styles and diverse qualities. There are quiet leaders and leaders one can hear in the next county. Some find strength in eloquence, some in judgment, some in courage. • Our problem is not to find better values but to be faithful to those we profess. • “We can fire the leader, but we can’t fire the historical force.”

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