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Bijeenkomst gebruikerscommissie. VICI project 08075: Pocket Negotiator. 2e Gebruikerscommissiebijeenkomst. Catholijn M. Jonker. Mens -Machine Interactie groep. Agenda. 16:15: Introductie door Catholijn Aanwezigen/Afwezigen Opening en Agenda Mededelingen
Bijeenkomst gebruikerscommissie VICI project 08075: Pocket Negotiator 2e Gebruikerscommissiebijeenkomst Catholijn M. Jonker Mens-Machine Interactiegroep
Agenda 16:15: Introductie door Catholijn • Aanwezigen/Afwezigen • Opening en Agenda • Mededelingen 16:30: Verslag van voortgang project 18:00: Diner 19:00: Demo automatisch onderhandelen 19:45: Laatste agenda items en koffie • Utilisatie en Publicaties • Datum en plaats volgende vergadering • Rondvraag • Sluiting
Pocket Negotiator – Synergy between man and machine • Begrijpenwat de gebruikerwil en kan, ookwaarom • De gebruikerhelpenmbv • Trainingsmodules • Uitlegtijdens en van allefasen van onderhandelen • Omgaan met emoties (beideonderhandelaars) • Loven en bieden • Analyses van het proces • Zorgendat de gebruikerweetwat PN kan en nietkan
Private preparation: Domain modelling User modelling Opponent modelling Alternatives Joint exploration: Domain modelling User preferences Opponent modelling Relationships Closing: Contract Relationships Reflection Bidding: Strategy determination Bid evaluation Next bid determination Bidding analysis Fasen in onderhandelen
Pocket Negotiator Domain models Bidding support HCI&Explanations CCI DUO-modelling UO-interaction support Pocket Negotiator - Architectuur
Voortgangsrapportage 16:30: Wietske: Automatisch redeneren over preferenties 16:50: Alina: Acceptatie Pocket Negotiator en meten van preferenties. 17:10: Joost: Emoties en onderhandelen 17:30: Dmytro: Automatisch onderhandelen
Deel 2 18:00: Diner 19:00: Demo automatisch onderhandelen 19:45: Laatste agenda items en koffie • Utilisatie en Publicaties • Datum en plaats volgende vergadering • Rondvraag • Sluiting (20.30)
Utilisatie en nieuwesamenwerkingen • Belangstellingvanuitzorginstellingenvoor het opstellen van zorgplannen • InternationaleSamenwerking • Eva Hudlicka (USA): emotion modelling • Sarit Kraus (Israel): GENIUS • Nationalesamenwerking • TU Delft Technology, Policy & Management: Horizontal governance (proposal) • Utrecht / TNO: explanation agents • TU Delft Industrial Design: Emotions
Publicaties (1/5) • Koen Hindriks,Catholijn Jonker and Dmytro Tykhonov, Eliminating Issue Dependencies in Complex Negotiation Domains, In: Multiagent and Grid Systems, accepted, ISSN: 1574-1702, 2010. • Koen V. Hindriks, Dmytro Tykhonov, and Mathijs M. de Weerdt, Qualitative One-to-Many Multi-Issue Negotiation: Approximating the QVA, accepted to Group Decision and Negotiation Journal, ISSN: 0926-2644, 2010. • Eva Hudlicka, JoostBroekens (2009). Foundations for Modelling Emotions in Game Characters: Modelling Emotion Effects on Cognition. In: Proceedings of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) 2009. pdf • JoostBroekens, Catholijn M. Jonker, John-Jules Ch. Meyer (2009). Getting a Grip on Emotions in Negotiations: the Possibilities of ICT Willem-Paul Brinkman, In: Proceedings of the IAT Conference, HAI Workshop 2009. pdf
Publicaties (2/5) • JoostBroekens, Willem-Paul Brinkman (2009). AffectButton: Towards a Standard for Dynamic Affective User Feedback. In: Proceedings of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) 2009. pdf • Pommeranz, A., Brinkman, W.P., Wiggers, P., Broekens, J., and Jonker, C.M., "Towards design guidelines for negotiation support systems: An expert perspective using scenarios", European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, ISBN 9789513863395, pp. 323-330, Julkaisija, September, October 2009. *Media:DesignGuidelinesECCE09_final-2.pdf • Wietske Visser, Koen V. Hindriks and Catholijn M. Jonker. Argumentation-Based Preference Modelling with Incomplete Information. Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA-X), J. Dix, M. Fisher and P. Novák (eds.), September 9-11, 2009, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 156-171. pdf • Koen V. Hindriks, Catholijn M. Jonker, WouterPasman, "Exploring Heuristic Action Selection in Agent Programming", PROMAS'09, 2009.
Publicaties (3/5) • Koen Hindriks, Catholijn Jonker, Wietske Visser, Reasoning About Multi-Attribute Preferences (Extended Abstract), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009), K. Decker, J. Sichman, C. Sierra and C. Castelfranchi (eds.), May 10-15, 2009, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1147-1148. pdf • Koen Hindriks, Catholijn M. Jonker and Dmytro Tykhonov, "The Benefits of Opponent Models in Negotiation", In Proceedings of IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology ,ISBN: 978-0-7695-3801-3, pp.439-444, Milan, Italy, September 2009. pdf • Koen V. Hindriks and Dmytro Tykhonov and Mathijs de Weerdt, "Approximating the Qualitative Vickrey Auction by a Negotiation Protocol", In Proceedings of The Eleventh International Workshop on Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce (AMEC 2009), May 2009. pdf • Koen V. Hindriks, Catholijn M. Jonker and Dmytro Tykhonov, "A Multi-Agent Environment for Negotiation", In: Multi-Agent Programming: Languages, Tools and Applications, Bordini, R.H.; Dastani, M.; Dix, J.; El FallahSeghrouchni, A. (Eds.),ISBN: 978-0-387-89298-6 pp. 333-363, Springer US, 2009. pdf
Publicaties (4/5) • Koen Hindriks, Catholijn Jonker, Wietske Visser, Reasoning About Multi-Attribute Preferences, Proceedings of the Twenty-first Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2009), T. Calders, K. Tuyls and M. Pechenizkiy (eds.), October 29-30, 2009, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 319-320. pdf • Koen Hindriks, Catholijn Jonker, Dmytro Tykhonov, "Using Opponent Models for Efficient Negotiation (Extended Abstract)", In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009), K. Decker, J. Sichman, C. Sierra and C. Castelfranchi (eds.), ISBN:978-0-9817381-7-8, May 10-15, 2009, Budapest, Hungary,pp. 1243-1244. pdf • Koen Hindriks, Catholijn M. Jonker, Sarit Kraus, Raz Lin, Dmytro Tykhonov, "GENIUS - Negotiation Environment for Heterogeneous Agents", In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009), K. Decker, J. Sichman, C. Sierra and C. Castelfranchi (eds.), ISBN:978-0-9817381-7-8, May 10-15, 2009, Budapest, Hungary,pp. 1397-1398. pdf
Publicaties (5/5) • Raz Lin and Sarit Kraus and Dmytro Tykhonov and Koen Hindriks and Catholijn M. Jonker, "Supporting the Design of General Automated Negotiators", In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiations (ACAN'09), May 2009. pdf • Santen, W. van, Jonker, C.M., and Wijngaards, N., (2009). Crisis Decision Making Through a Shared Integrative Negotiation Mental Model. In, J. Landgren, U. Nulden and B. Van de Walle, (eds.): Proceedings of the 6th International ISCRAM Conference – Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2009. • Hofstede, G.J., Jonker, C.M., Verwaart, T., (2009). A Multi-agent Model of Deceit and Trust in Intercultural Trade. In: N.T. Nguyen, R. Kowalczyk, S.-M. Chen, (eds.), Computational Collective Intelligence: Semantic Web, Social Networks and Multiagent Systems, ICCCI 2009, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, LNAI 5796, pp. 205-216.