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Screening event Cherokee Nation. T h e Diabe t e s Pr e v en t i o n Pr o g r am is ho st i n g a. Pr e diab e t e s S c r ee n i ng. When : J a n ua r y 26 , 20 1 1 T i me : 10 : 00a m — 12 : 0 0 pm Whe r e : T r iba l Co u n ci l C ha m be rs
Screening event Cherokee Nation TheDiabetesPreventionProgramishostinga PrediabetesScreening When:January26,2011Time:10:00am—12:00pm Where:TribalCouncilChambers Therearemorethan57million AmericanswhohavePrediabetes.Thisisthecondition that precedesdiabetes.Didyouknowthatdiabetescan be prevented ordelayedby making somesimplelifestylechanges?Thisscreeningisaneffortto recruiteligibleparticipantsfor the upcomingTahlequahclassscheduled to begininMarch. Stop by tocheckyourriskfordiabetes andseeifyou’reeligibleto becomea participantin theDiabetes PreventionProgram(DPP). T-shirtsforScreeningParticipants!!!! Screeningincludes afinger stickand ADADiabetesRisk Test. Thisactivity issponsoredbytheCherokeeNationDiabetesPreventionProgram Formoreinformation,contactTonyaat918.453.5776ortollfreeat800.256.0671