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AP Chemistry Chapter 8 and 9 Jeopardy

Test your knowledge on chemical bonding concepts and molecular geometry theories with this interactive Jeopardy game for a fun learning experience!

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AP Chemistry Chapter 8 and 9 Jeopardy

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  1. AP ChemistryChapter 8 and 9 Jeopardy Jennie L. Borders

  2. Round 1 – Chapter 8 Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding

  3. Round 2 – Chapter 9 Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theories Click to go to Round 2

  4. Lattice Energy 100 Define lattice energy. Lattice energy is the energy required to completely separate a mole of a solid ionic compound into its gaseous ions.

  5. Lattice Energy 200 Which factors govern the magnitude of lattice energy of an ionic compound? The magnitude of charge and the size of the ions.

  6. Lattice Energy 300 Explain the following trend in lattice energy: BaO > KF. BaO has a larger magnitude of charge (+2 and -2), KF only has +1 and -1.

  7. Lattice Energy 400 Explain the following trend in lattice energy: CaF2 > BaF2. CaF2 has a smaller cation, so lattice energy is larger.

  8. Lattice Energy 500 Arrange the following compounds in order of lowest to highest lattice energy: ScN, KBr, MgO, NaF. KBr, NaF, MgO, ScN

  9. Polarity 100 Of the following pair, which one is a molecular substance and which one is an ionic substance: PbCl4 or RbCl. PbCl4 = molecular RbCl = ionic

  10. Polarity 200 What is the most electronegative atom in the following set: Ge, As, P, Sn. P

  11. Polarity 300 Which of the following bonds are polar: B – F, Cl – Cl, Se – O, or H – I. All of them except Cl – Cl.

  12. Polarity 400 Draw the dipole moment for the following bond O – P. O – P

  13. Polarity 500 Draw the dipole moments for the following molecule: NO3-. 3 resonance structures, dipoles point toward the O’s

  14. Lewis Dot Structures 100 Draw the Lewis dot structure for SiH4.

  15. Lewis Dot Structures 200 Draw the Lewis dot structures for CO.

  16. Lewis Dot Structures 300 Draw the Lewis dot structure for C2H2.

  17. Lewis Dot Structures 400 Draw the Lewis dot structure for ClO2-.

  18. Lewis Dot Structures 500 Draw the Lewis dot structure for AsO33-.

  19. Formal Charge 100 Determine the formal charges on the atoms of ClO4-. Formal charge on Cl = +3 and on all the O = -1

  20. Formal Charge 200 Determine the formal charges on the atoms of NO+. Formal charge on N = 0 and O = +1

  21. Formal Charge 300 Determine the formal charges on the atoms of SO2. Formal charge on S = 0 and on both O = 0

  22. Formal Charge 400 Determine the formal charges on the atoms of SO3. (make sure all atoms follow the octet rule) Formal charge on S = +2, on the double bonded O = 0, and on the 2 single bonded O = -1

  23. Formal Charge 500 Determine the formal charges on the atoms of SO32-. (make sure all atoms obey the octet rule) Formal charge on S = +1 and on all O = -1

  24. Resonance 100 Draw the resonance structures for NO2-.

  25. Resonance 200 Draw the resonance structures for NO2+.

  26. Resonance 300 Use resonance structures to explain why the C – C bonds in benzene are all the same length. Benzene can be drawn with alternating single and double bonds. Since resonance structures can be drawn, each bond is considered a 1.5 bond .

  27. Resonance 400 Predict the ordering of the C – O bond lengths in CO, CO2, and CO32-. CO, CO2, CO32-

  28. Resonance 500 Based on the Lewis structures, predict the ordering of N – O bond lengths in NO2-, NO3-, and NO+. NO+, NO2-, NO3-

  29. Surprise 100 What is the difference in an ionic, covalent, and metallic bond. An ionic bond is the transfer of electrons between two atoms. A covalent bond is the sharing of electrons between two atoms. A metallic bond is the attraction of the positive metal nuclei for the sea of valence electrons.

  30. Surprise 200 Define electronegativity and list the periodic trends. Electronegativity is the ability of an atom of attract an electron. Electronegativity increases as you go across a period and decreases as you go down a group.

  31. Surprise 300 Write the electron configuration for Fe2+ and Fe3+. Fe2+ = 1s22s22p63s23p63d6 Fe3+ = 1s22s22p63s23p63d5

  32. Surprise 400 What is the electronegativity difference for nonpolar, polar, and ionic? Nonpolar <0.5 Polar 0.5 – 2.0 Ionic >2.0

  33. Surprise 500 How do you calculate bond enthalpy for a reaction?

  34. Vocabulary 200 What does VSEPR stand for? Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion

  35. Vocabulary 400 What is a hybrid orbital? An orbital that has the properties of more than one orbital.

  36. Vocabulary 600 What is the difference in molecular geometry and electron domain geometry? Molecular geometry is the geometry solely based on the arrangement of atoms. Electron domain geometry is the geometry based on both the location of the atoms and the location of the lone electron pairs.

  37. Vocabulary 800 What are localized and delocalized electrons? Localized electrons can be located because they are associated with only 2 atoms. Delocalized electrons occur in molecules with resonance and cannot be located because they are associated with many atoms.

  38. Vocabulary 1000 What is a sigma bond and a pi bond? Sigma bonds are single bonds and the electron density is concentrated between the 2 nuclei. A pi bond is located in all multiple bonds and is located above and below the central axis of the nuclei.

  39. Bond Angles 200 What are the bond angles in the following molecule: BF3. Bond angles = 120o

  40. Bond Angles 400 What are the bond angles in the following molecule: SF6. Bond angles = 90o

  41. Bond Angles 600 What are the bond angles in the following molecule: ClO4-. Bond angles = 109.5o

  42. Bond Angles 800 What are the bond angles in the following molecule: PCl5. Bond angles = axial 90o equatorial 120o

  43. Bond Angles 1000 Explain the bond angle differences in CH4, H2O, and NH3. The bond angles decreases as more lone pairs are added since lone pairs take up more space than bonded electrons.

  44. VSEPR Model 200 What is the molecular geometry and electron domain geometry of the following molecule: XeF2. MG = linear EDG = trigonal bipyramidal

  45. VSEPR Model 400 What is the molecular geometry and electron domain geometry of the following molecule: BrF4. MG = square pyramidal EDG = octahedral

  46. VSEPR Model 600 What is the molecular geometry and electron domain geometry of the following molecule: XeF4. MG = square planar EDG = octahedral

  47. VSEPR Model 800 What is the molecular geometry and electron domain geometry of the following molecule: ClF3. MG = T-shaped EDG = trigonal bipyramidal

  48. VSEPR Model 1000 What is the molecular geometry and electron domain geometry of the following molecule: SF4. MG = seesaw EDG = trigonal bipyramidal

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