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Welcome to Health. Summer School. A Few things about Your Teacher Mr. K. Teaching at Troy for almost 14 years Born and raised in So. Cal High School Attended: Magnolia -Water Polo & Swimming -Baseball Favorite Hobbies: Sport card collection & memorabilia, hiking, fishing, and traveling
Welcome to Health Summer School
A Few things about Your Teacher Mr. K • Teaching at Troy for almost 14 years • Born and raised in So. Cal • High School Attended: Magnolia -Water Polo & Swimming -Baseball • Favorite Hobbies: Sport card collection & memorabilia, hiking, fishing, and traveling • Meals: Good Old fashion BBQ • Favorite TV shows: House
Get to Know People Activity • Meet in your table groups and ask the following questions: -Names (all people in your group) -Family members -Favorite: food, movies, places to go, stores **What is the best comedy you have ever seen -See which group can come up with the best joke
Things to Remember for this Class • Attendance is critical (20 min = loss of an hour) • 10 hrs lost you will be dropped from the class • Tests will given every other day (morning) • Multiple chapters will be covered • Intro Questions (IQ’s) will be everyday which journals your work • All work & assignments will be turned in the day you take the test. (no late work accepted) • The class will include discussions, videos, guest speakers, group work, presentations
Tentative Schedule Week #1: 7/5 Ch. 1, 2, 3 7/5 – 7/7 7/6 Ch. 4, 5, 6 7/7 Ch. 7, 8, 9 Week #2: 7/11 Ch. 10, 11, 25 7/11 – 7/14 7/12 Ch. 12, 13 7/13 Ch. 21, 22, 23 7/14 Internet Safety & Birth Control
Introductory Questions #1 • A state of well-being comes from a balance of three things. Name these three aspects. • Does “being healthy” mean that you never get sick? Briefly explain your response. • What is the key to “wellness”? • Where do most people fall on the health continuum on Pg. 5? Why is this the case? • After looking @ the list of lifestyle factors that can promote good health on pg. 6, write three factors that you can easily work on this week. • What are the two main goals for “Healthy People 2010”?
Chapter 1 Living a Healthy Life
Unit #1: A Healthy Foundation • Includes topics from Chapters 1-3 • Define what it means to be “Healthy” • We will identify and discuss: • Behaviors • Health risks • Decision Making and Goal Setting • How to build character • Consumer choices • Factors in the environment: media, friends, family • Managing problems
Myth or Fact? Teens need more sleep than adults do.
Myth or Fact? FACT Because you are still developing, your body needs more rest than fully developed adults.
Myth or Fact? Being an effective communicator can improve your health.
Myth or Fact? FACT Communicating effectively can help reduce unnecessary stress that can result from misunderstandings, petty arguments, etc.
Myth or Fact? The health decisions you make as a teen have little impact on your health as an adult.
Myth or Fact? MYTH Teens who practice healthful behaviors (choosing nutritious foods and getting regular physical activity, for example) lower the risk of many diseases, both now and in the future.
Myth or Fact? Two 10-minute walks provide nearly the same health benefits as a continuous 20-minute walk.
Myth or Fact? FACT
Myth or Fact? Water is a nutrient.
Myth or Fact? FACT
Myth or Fact? Setting goals can only help you achieve long-term accomplishments, such as establishing a career.
Myth or Fact? MYTH Goal setting can help people achieve both short- and long-term goals
Myth or Fact? Acne flare-ups are a result of eating chocolate and greasy foods.
Myth or Fact? MYTH Food plays no role in triggering acne or making it worse.
Myth or Fact? Tanning beds are safe because they use UVA light, which doesn’t cause burns.
Myth or Fact? MYTH!! UVA damages skin and increases the risk of cancer. There is no such thing as a safe tanning bed.
Myth or Fact? All stress is negative and should be avoided.
Myth or Fact? MYTH Some stress energizes people and helps them strive to reach goals.
Myth or Fact? The relationships you have with family, friends and peers do not affect your physical health.
Myth or Fact? MYTH Relationships do affect physical health, both positively and negatively.
Look at the picture on pages 2-3 • Describe the teenagers • What makes them look healthy? • What decisions do you think they’ve made that had positive effects on their health? • QuickWrite • “Last week”
Your Health & Wellness (pg. 4-5) • “The combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being” • It encompasses ALL aspects of your life • It just means being the best you can at any given time • Strive for a high degree of Wellness • Health Continuum • Dynamic vs. static • Changes can be both gradual and sudden—FOR EXAMPLE? • Look at Figure 1.1 pg. 5, where on this continuum do you want to be?
Promoting You Health (pg. 6-7) • Wellness is a result of responsible decisions • Lifestyle Factors (habits): • these can affect health and happiness, but also your longevity (how long you live) • Prevention: • Practicing health and safety habits to remain free of disease and injury
Promoting You Health (pg. 6-7) • Health education: • The providing of accurate health information to help people make healthy choices • Healthy People 2010 • Goals of HP2010: • 1. Increase the quality & years of life • 2. Remove health differences that result from factors such as gender, race, education, disability and location. • Individuals, families and communities must work together to achieve these goals.
Health Literacy (pg. 8-9) • Health Literacy: • A person’s capacity to learn about & understand basic health information & services & use these resources to promote his/her health & wellness • You also need to be: • A critical thinker • A responsible, productive citizen • A self-directed learner • An effective communicator
Introductory Questions #1 A state of well-being comes from a balance of three things. Name these three aspects. Does “being healthy” mean that you never get sick? Briefly explain your response. What is the key to “wellness”? Where do most people fall on the health continuum on Pg. 5? Why is this the case? After looking @ the list of lifestyle factors that can promote good health on pg. 6, write three factors that you can easily work on this week. What are the two main goals for “Healthy People 2010”?
Introductory Questions #2 • Name the three elements that make up the health triangle. What happens when one side receives too much or too little attention? • Being physically healthy involves many factors. Name five factors. 3. Matching the factors with each statement. Making/keeping friends P: Physical Enjoying challenges M/E: Mental getting proper medical checkups S: Social Getting adequate sleep Avoiding harmful substances Communicating with others Eating nutritious meals
Introductory Questions #2 cont’d • What role does your culture play in regards to your health? • The way you view situations is referred to as your _________ which can be positive or negative. • How can the media effect your health? • Name six important influences on your health. (pg. 12) Why are the last three more important according to the text? • What role does your culture play in regards to your health? • The way you view situations is referred to as your _________ which can be positive or negative.
Lesson 2: Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle Health Triangle Social Physical • Energy for daily activities & to cope with stress • Resist disease • Prevent injury • Adequate sleep • Eating well • Good hygiene • How you get along with others • Ability to make & keep friends • Seeking & lending support • Respecting & caring for yourself & others • Regular medical checkups • Avoiding harmful substances • Feelings about yourself • Enjoy challenges • Mistakes= opportunities to grow & change • Stand up for your beliefs/values • Deal w/frustrations Mental/Emotional
Health Triangle • Keeping a balance is crucial • What happens to social if mental/emotional is weak? • ALL are equally important!
Heredity Environment Physical Social Culture Attitude Behavior Media Technology Influences on your health (pg. 12-13)
Introductory Questions #3 • What is the first step in becoming responsible for your own health? What’s the second step? • What did the results of the CDC survey show regarding teens and risk behaviors? (pg. 18) • Give two examples of a cumulative risk. • Why is abstinence the most effective way to avoid harmful consequences? • Read the section “Eye on the Media” and think about the questions asked. Name a popular show that depicts teens in the best way and another show that depicts teens in the worst way. ***Which is the best and worst show out there???
Lesson 3: Your Behavior & Reducing Health Risks • Risk behaviors: • Actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others • For example?
Cumulative Risks & Consequences • Cumulative risks: • Related risks that increase in effect with each added risk • Abstinence: • Avoiding harmful behaviors • Tobacco • Alcohol • Other drugs • Consequences include: disease, accidents, death • Sexual activity • Unplanned pregnancy & premature parenthood • STDs • Emotional problems
Introductory Questions #4 • List three effective strategies for effective communication. (TND listening activity) • Write three ways you can reinforce your decision to say “NO”. • The process of ending a conflict is through and . 4. Name the five strategies suggested to overcome the negative effects of stress. • How are internal influences different from external influences? Provide an example for each. • What are the most reliable sources for information? • Why is advocacy an important skill to have?
Introductory Questions #5 • Write your goals for the “Quick Start Q’s” on pg. 33. (Lesson 2) • How many steps are there to the decision making process? Which step(s) do you or other people typically miss or don’t consider significant? • Every goal involves . If you never reach your goal what is the best thing for you to do?
Chapter 2 Building Health Skills and Character