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A Multistep Flux-Corrected Transport (MFCT) Jin Lee Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) NOAA. Continuity equation Monotonic advection. Conservation & Monotonicity. Conservative and monotonic tracer transport scheme. Montonoticity : no new maximum/ no new minimum
A Multistep Flux-Corrected Transport (MFCT)Jin LeeEarth System Research Laboratory (ESRL)NOAA
Continuity equationMonotonic advection Conservation & Monotonicity Conservative and monotonic tracer transport scheme • Montonoticity: no new maximum/ no new minimum • Consistency: q=1, then tracer eq -> continuity eq.
Two approaches for monotonic transports : Flux limiters: -which constraint the fluxes based on the monotonic subgrid distributions. FluxCorrected transports: - which include the diffusive and antidiffusive stages designed to limit fluxes in strong gradient regions and over smooth parts of solution, the maximum allowable high-order flux is restored to the low-order solution without violating the monotonicity.
Extension of Zalesak FCT to AB3-MFCT scheme Low-order monotone sol: discontinuous function / strong gradients.High-order AB3-sol: smooth function.
Analytical test of “Cosine Bell Advection over poles” in one of Williamson et. al. (1992) standard test cases (dx~240 km).
Cosine Bell Advection:(dx~120 km) Curve A: analytic Curve B: MFCT Slotted cylinder:(dx~120 km) Curve A: analytic Curve B: MFCT
Smooth Functon No-FCT MFCT
Discontinuous Functon No-FCT MFCT
FIM model/ system • Contributors • FIM DESIGN • Jin Lee • Sandy MacDonald • Rainer Bleck • Jian-Wen Bao • John M. Brown • Jacques Middlecoff • Ning Wang • Stan Benjamin Jeff Whitaker, SOS project: Bob Lipschutz David Himes Beth Russell Steve Albers Tom Kent + dozens more… ESMF, Subversion Tom Henderson Chris Harrop Bill Moninger Brian Jamison Susan Sahm Ed Szoke Georg Grell EnKF data assimilation WorkFlow Manager, xml real-time scripts Verification, Web page, Evaluation FIM- chemistry, aerosols
Results of FIM medium-range weather forecastsFIM real time forecasts initialized with GFS initial condition at 00 and 12 UTC(comparisons of FIM and GFS 500 mb ACC) • Interpolate GFS initial data to Icosahedral grid. • Perform hydrostatic initialization. • Perform 7-day fcst with dx~30km. • Same initial condition, terrain & sfc parameters, physics package runing at similar model resolutions (dx~30 km)
Same IC, terrain & sfc parameters, physics package, runing at similar model resolutions (dx~30 km) Effect of different numerics, e.g., spectral v.s. finite-volume, on tracer transports.
A generalMFCTtracer algorithm is developed to achieve conservative and monotonic transports in any multistep dynamical cores which provide mass fluxes by which tracers are transported. AB3-MFCThas been implemented on our Icosahedral SWM and tested with continuous and discontinuous analytical test cases as well as real time medium range weather forecasts. The advection accuracy to the monotonic constraint ? Final remarks