1. Crohns Disease In memory of the recent Andrew Melville
By: Jake Gibbons & Ryan Woods
2. What is it? An inflammatory disease in the intestines that effects the entire alimentary canal.
Mostly located in the large intestines and the ileum
Poor, poor Andrew Melville.
3. What Causes it? Bacteria in foods causes the gathering and swelling of white blood cells.
Harmless GI Bacteria
Unknown Triggers
4. Symptoms? Abdominal Pain
Rectal Bleeding
Weight Loss
Slowed growth /development in Children
5. Diagnosis Check for Symptoms with Physical Exam
Blood Tests
Stool Sample (Fecal matter test)
Barium X-Ray (Drink Barium before x-ray)
Possible Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy (Intestine image taken)
6. Treatments/Medications (Pending location, Seriousness of infection, and Past treatment)
Drugs (Anti-inflammatory)
Diet (High calorie liquids/Foods)
Surgery including removal of infected intestinal area and replacement
7. Important Vocab anti-inflammatory -preventing or reducing inflammation.
colectomy - an operation to remove all or part of the colon.
colonoscopy - a test to look into the rectum and colon. The doctor uses a long, flexible, narrow tube with a light and tiny lens on the end. This tube is called a colonoscope.
fistulas -an abnormal passage between two organs or between an organ and the outside of the body. Caused when damaged tissues come into contact with each other and join together while healing.
ileum - the lower end of the small intestine.
sigmoidoscopy - looking into the sigmoid colon and rectum with a flexible or rigid tube, called a sigmoidoscope.
8. Works Cited http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/crohns_ez/index.aspx