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Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei. The Father of Modern Science. Galileo Galilei. Galileo Galilei who became the father of the modern science was born in Pisa, Italy on 15 th of February, 1564. http://www.familiaperosio.com.ar/imagenes/Galileo_Galilei.jpg. My childhood .

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Galileo Galilei

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  1. Galileo Galilei The Father of Modern Science

  2. Galileo Galilei • Galileo Galilei who became the father of the modern science was born in Pisa, Italy on 15th of February, 1564. http://www.familiaperosio.com.ar/imagenes/Galileo_Galilei.jpg

  3. My childhood • I wanted to be a monk, but my father who could not afford for his son not to have income persuaded to become a doctor. • So when I was at age of 17 I started studying medicine in the Pisa university. • However when studying medicine, I found out that mathematic has more interest.

  4. First Discovery • When I was 19years old I daydreamed and looked at the lamp in Pisa cathedral. • I realized that no matter how wide or how narrow the lamp swung the period of the time it took to come back to the dead centre always remained the same.

  5. First Discovery • However what I found out was entirely odd to the theory of Aristoteles who was a famous ancient Greek philosopher. • According to Aristotles the rate which an object sing is determined by the weight of the object.

  6. First Discovery • I realized the theory of Aristotle was not true. • However to prove the false of what was believed, I needed to make evidences by experiments.

  7. Job • Because of the success, I became the professor ofPauda University in Venice. • In there I made many discoveries which still influence scientists now.

  8. The Science Instruments • In 1609, Imade my own telescope. • I was not the first one who made telescope, but I was the first one to look at Universe with telescope.

  9. What I saw through the Telescope • The moon was believed as perfectly round ball. • As I looked I discovered that the moons were also the planet with mountains and craters.

  10. The Jupiter • After 7 days of observation I discovered that the Jupiter has 4 moons which goes around Jupiter in particular pattern.

  11. Biggest believe • After many years I was able to find out that the sun is in the centre of the Earth. • However this theory made a huge problem to the

  12. The book • With these information, I made a book called “The Starry Messenger” • This book influence scientists now and the heliocentric theory.

  13. How Galileo influence renaissance • Now in modern the world believe the heliocentric theory is the truth

  14. What made him the father of modern science? • I made the Science as how natures are amdthrowedaway the oldtheory of how nature shouldbe.

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