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Hello!. Galaxy Morphology, SuperMassive Black Holes and all that. Galaxies Near and Far. Ajit Kembhavi IUCAA, Pune. Sudhanshu Barway Yogesh Wadadekar Vinu Vikram Abhishek Rawat C.D. Ravi Kumar Habib Khushroshahi. Hubble’s Tuning Fork. Lenticular.

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  1. Hello!

  2. Galaxy Morphology, SuperMassive Black Holes and all that Galaxies Near and Far Ajit Kembhavi IUCAA, Pune Sudhanshu Barway Yogesh Wadadekar Vinu VikramAbhishek Rawat C.D. Ravi Kumar Habib Khushroshahi

  3. Hubble’s Tuning Fork Lenticular

  4. Bulges of lenticulars are very similar to ellipticals. Their disk are similar to those of early type spirals, but they have no spiral arms. B/T ratios, colors and spectral properties, neutral and molecular gas fraction, star formation rate, average luminosity, M/L ratio are intermediate to ellipticals and spirals. Lenticular galaxies are a morphological transition class between ellipticals and early type spirals.

  5. Surface Brightness Distribution

  6. NGC 661 V

  7. Surface Brightness Profile

  8. 2 = (oi-mi)2/i2 Bulge –Disk Decomposition UGC 1250

  9. Bulge-Disk Decomposition

  10. Morphological Parameter Correlations

  11. The Fundamental Plane

  12. log re = A log  +B logIe + c

  13. Fundamental Plane for Morphological Mix of Galaxies

  14. The Photometric Plane

  15. 2-D Correlations Ellipticals and Early Type Bulges

  16. Photometric Plane Ellipticals and Early Type Bulges Khoshroshahi etal ApJL 2000 Ellipticals Early type bulges

  17. Residuals Photometric Plane Ellipticals Lenticulars Dwarf Ellipticals Bulges Ravikumar etal AA 2006

  18. Bulge-Disk Correlations in Lenticular Galaxies Barway etal ApJL 2007 Barway etal MN 2009 Barway etal MN 2010 Barway etal 2011

  19. N-body simulations indicate that the bulge component of massive (luminous) lenticulars formed from major mergers. • But bulges in the less luminous elliptical probably formed from minor mergers or accretion events. Stripping of gas from the halo and disk lead to a change in morphology. • Correlation between photometric parameters can be a signature of the formation mechanism.

  20. Luminosity Distribution Bright field lenticulars observed in the K band: 35 Barway etal 2006 Less luminous field and cluster lenticulars with 2MASS data:49 Bedregal etal 2006 Barway BAM06

  21. field Bulge-Disk Correlation cluster <B/T>=0.63 R=-0.57 99.9% R=0.6 99.9% <B/T>=0.55 <B/T>=0.19

  22. Positive correlation in low-luminosity lenticulars implies that they formed by the stripping of gas from spirals, whose bulges formed through secular evolution. Bulges of more luminous lenticulars have likely formed through major mergers and rapid collapse. Luminosity as Differentiator

  23. Kormendy Relation Faint lenticulars Bulges of bright lenticulars and ellipticals show similar tight correlation. These bulges are therefore more virialized than those of faint lenticulars. Bright lenticulars Ellipticals x Bright lenticulars with bars - Faint lenticulars with bars

  24. Correlations With Sersic Index

  25. Photometric Plane bright = 0.019 faint = 0.038 Bright lenticulars: Log n = 0.15 log re – 0.06b(0) + 1.05

  26. Sersic index and B/T ratio Bright lenticulars with low n, low b(0), low re, low B/T. These are outliers in re-rd plot. but well correlated here.

  27. Bar Fraction and Luminosity M(K)=-24.5 UGC + SDSS + 2MASS + Hyperleda, 385 galaxies Barred M(r)=-24.5 Unbarred Faint barred galaxies occur more frequently in groups and clusters than their bright counterparts. 83% barred lenticulars belong to the faint group. Bars are found in 21% of the faint group, but in only 6% of the bright group.

  28. Environmental Dependence Kormendy Relation Cluster lenticulars appear to have faded relative to field lenticulars. They could be early type spirals which have lost gas due to ram pressure stripping or galaxy harassment. Faint field lenticulars Faint cluster lenticulars Field lenticulars show clear anti-correlation. Cluster lenticulars are restricted to a limited region and show downward scatter. This is consistent with removal of gas from the disk (and bulge) in cluster lenticulars.

  29. Color-color relations for S0 galaxies UV-optical-nir colors Ellipticals – Δ Bright S0s –  Faint S0s – 

  30. Color-color relations for S0 galaxies UV-optical-nir colors Ellipticals – Δ Bright S0s –  Faint S0s – 

  31. A Mass Fundamental Plane for SuperMassive Black Holes

  32. Ferrarese & Ford 2004

  33. SMBH Systematics All nearby galaxies with a significant bulge contain super-massive black holes The black hole mass is proportional to the bulge mass, and to the fourth power of the central velocity dispersion The relation has been extended to lower masses, as in Seyferts Ferrarese & Merritt 2000; Gebhardt etal 2000 Kormendy & Richstone 1995

  34. Scatter 0.79 Ellipticals 0.40 Scatter 0.34 All Galaxies

  35. SMBH Host Galaxies

  36. The Fundamental Plane for SMBH Galaxies Scatter 0.068

  37. The Mass Fundamental Plane for SMBH Scatter 0.061

  38. Black Hole Mass from the Mass Fundamental Plane Scatter 0.19

  39. Black Hole Mass from Fundamental Plane of Galaxies M~

  40. Black Hole Masses for Coma Ellipticals

  41. SMBH to IMBH SMBH Ho, Green 04Barth etal 05

  42. Younger etal arXiv:0804.2672.v2 Self-regulated growth of SMBH via major mrgers, minor mergers and disk instabilites through simulations.

  43. Thank You

  44. re – rd Correlation

  45. Rotation and Random Motions Kormendy & Kennicutt ARAA 2004

  46. Disk Central Surface Brightness and Scale Length Faint lenticulars Bright lenticulars Bulges of early type spirals

  47. 2-Dimensional Relations

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