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Learn about FHHS A+ Program eligibility, paperwork deadlines, tutoring assignments, behavior expectations, and time sheet submission instructions. Follow guidelines for successful participation.
FHHS A+ ProgramSpring 2018 A+ is a Missouri State Program that pays for approximately two years at any public community college or technical school in the state of Missouri.
Four Year Colleges that offer some money for A+ • Iowa Wesleyan Lindenwood • Avila Truman Webster • Columbia College UMKC Stephens • Culver Stockton Missouri Western • Evangel Missouri Valley • Drury Northwest MO State • Fontbonne Park University • Hannibal La Grange William Woods • Hickey College Missouri State
What does it take to be A+ Eligible? • Turn in 50 tutor hours to Mrs. Davis in the main office • Have a 2.5 cumulative UNWEIGHTED GPA • Good citizenship • 95% attendance • Complete FAFSA senior year • For a list of all eligibility requirements, please see the A+ website: https://dhe.mo.gov/ppc/grants/aplusscholarship.php • Score proficient or advanced on Algebra I EOC or refer to the chart below ACT Math ScoreGPA 17 or greater and 2.5 or greater 16 and 2.8 or greater 15 and 3.0 or greater
Paperwork • All placement paperwork is due to Mrs. Reilmann in Guidance by Tuesday, November 21st. • All time sheets are due to Mrs. Davis in the Main Office by Thursday,May 10th. • Parent email MUST be provided. All correspondence from the A+ office, including drop letters, will be sent via email.
Tutoring Assignments • All tutoring assignments must be assigned by Mrs. Reilmann. • Every attempt will be made to give you your first choice, but you must be willing to settle for your second or third choice. • Assignments cannot be changed once given. • Tutoring assignments must be picked up in the Guidance Office on Wednesday, December 13th. Stop by before or after school, or between classes. Guidance will write you a pass to your next class.
Attendance • Attendance is required. You are responsible to show up on your assigned dates and times. If an emergency happens you MUST call your supervisor to let them know you will be late or you will not be there. Not calling when you are absent is not acceptable. • If you are removed from an assignment due to poor attendance or any other reason, you will not be given another one. • If you miss one of your days, you must check with your supervisor about making up hours before the end of the semester.
Behavior • Behave like you are at work. Be respectful to your supervisor and others in your environment and be helpful. • Have a positive attitude. • Do what you are asked. • Be sensitive to the special needs of children and maintain confidentiality. • Turn off your cell phone. • Adhere to the FHSD Student Code of Conduct and Dress Code.
Please Do Not… • Do not have physical contact with the children. • Do not go or be anywhere with children without a supervisor present. • Do not be late. • Do not complain at work. • Do not use inappropriate language. • Do not stand around waiting to be instructed to do something. Take the initiative and do something to help.
Turn in Time Sheetto Mrs. Davis in the Main Office • You are expected to complete your 50 hours within the time period assigned. Only one placement is given per student. • You must use a time sheet to record all hours and have all hours signed by your supervisor. Due to Mrs. Davis by May 10th. You alone are responsible to turn in your time sheet; do not allow a time sheet to be turned in by your supervisor. • Any forgery or dishonesty of hours will result in removal from the A+ program.
Contacting Supervisor • Contact your supervisor before the assignment starts to introduce yourself. You will be given their contact information when you pick up your placement. If you do not get a hold of your supervisor you should still attend on your regular scheduled days. • You should ask your supervisor in advance about the dress code and adhere to each time you tutor. • You should give your supervisor a copy of your schedule and your evaluation sheet. Remind them when you are almost finished with your assignment to complete the evaluation and give to you or mail to Mrs. Davis. • Be sure to give your supervisor a thank you card or letter on your last day. • Be sure to let kids know when your last day will be as well.
It is your responsibility to: • Turn in all documented hours to Mrs. Davis in the Main Office once you have 50 hours. Due by Thursday, May 10th. YOU are responsible to turn in the time sheet(s), not your supervisor. • Be present for every assigned day and call your supervisor when sick or late. • Adhere to all policies at your assigned tutoring location. • Maintain required GPA, attendance, and behavior requirements. • Print out extra time sheets from the A+ website if you need them. • Make an appointment to talk with Mrs. Reilmann if you have significant concerns about your placement, or an illness or injury that prevents you from completing you’re A+ hours in the assigned semester. • Parents should check email for any A+ correspondence. FHHS A+ Website: https://fhsdfhhs.sharpschool.net/guidance/a__program
A+ Important Dates • Tuesday, November 21st: Turn in A+ Paperwork to the Guidance Office. • Wednesday, December 13th: Come to guidance to pick up A+ Assignment. • May 10th: A+ Timesheets Due: Remember you must complete all 50 hours before the end of the semester. No credit is given unless you personally turn in your timesheet to Mrs. Davis.
Training Orientation Sign Off • I was unable to attend the training meeting. I have reviewed all slides in the A+ PowerPoint presentation and understand all of the directions. I will stop by the guidance office to pick up the rest of the paperwork and turn in and sign up for tutoring placement by November 21st. • Student’s Name (Print)_________________ • Student ID__________________________ • Student Signature_____________________ • Parent Signature______________________