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Advance Report

Advance Report. E2GRIS1 Rolando Navarro / Omar Palomino International Potato Center Itacuruça (Brazil), 2-15 November 2008. User. message1. message2. cip-structre.sh BASH FILE. message n. UI. parametric.djl. - The parallel Type implemented is based Parametric Mode.

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Advance Report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Advance Report E2GRIS1 Rolando Navarro / Omar Palomino International Potato Center Itacuruça (Brazil), 2-15 November 2008

  2. User message1 message2 . . . cip-structre.sh BASH FILE message n UI parametric.djl

  3. - The parallel Type implemented is based Parametric Mode. - Bash file implemented in UI to generate JDL file and each argument that is used to run the program. - Test the script for several values.

  4. BASH SCRIPT echo "Welcome to Structure, please enter the following information" echo "" echo -n "Enter k min:" read "Kmin" echo -n "Enter k max:" read "Kmax" echo -n "Enter runs: " read "nrun" cont=0; cont2=0; cont3=1;

  5. while [ $cont -lt $nrun ]; do cont2=$Kmin #let cont=cont+1 echo "Esta es la corrida: $cont3" echo "El contador2 es $cont2" while [ $cont2 -le $Kmax ]; do message="message${cont3}.sh" echo -n "/usr/local/bin/structure -K $cont2 " > $message let cont2=cont2+1 echo $cont2 let cont3=cont3+1 done let cont=cont+1 done

  6. ##### JDL creation ##### echo "[" >> test_structure.jdl echo "JobType = \"Parametric\";" >> test_structure.jdl echo "Executable = \"/bin/sh\";" >> test_structure.jdl echo "Arguments = \"message_PARAM_.sh\";" >> test_structure.jdl echo "InputSandbox = { \"message_PARAM_.sh\",\"/home/app09/test2/inputs/mainparams\",\"/home/app09/test2/inputs/extraparams\",\"/home/app09/test2/inputs/testdata1\"};" >> test_structure.jdl echo "Parameters= $cont3;" >> test_structure.jdl echo "ParameterStep =1;" >> test_structure.jdl echo "ParameterStart = 1;" >> test_structure.jdl echo "StdOutput = \"results_f\";" >> test_structure.jdl echo "StdError = \"myerror_PARAM_.txt\";" >> test_structure.jdl echo "OutputSandbox = {\"results_f\", \"myerror_PARAM_.txt\"};" >> test_structure.jdl echo "ShallowRetryCount = 1;" >> test_structure.jdl echo "]" >> test_structure.jdl glite-wms-job-submit -a -o ID_structure.txt test_structure.jdl

  7. NEXT STEPS - Create Web Interface based on PHP that permit users execute the program in s easy way.

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