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Macbeth Act III, Scene IV. By: Adam Cohen Group: Adam Cohen, Max Vasckovic, Tyler Benson, and Eric Cohen. Summary. The two murders Macbeth sent to kill to Banquo and Fleance wait patiently for them to get to back to kill the one’s Macbeth said betrayed them.
Macbeth Act III, Scene IV By: Adam Cohen Group: Adam Cohen, Max Vasckovic, Tyler Benson, and Eric Cohen.
Summary • The two murders Macbeth sent to kill to Banquo and Fleance wait patiently for them to get to back to kill the one’s Macbeth said betrayed them. • Then mysteriously a third murderer comes out of nowhere and tells him that Macbeth has sent him. • Banquo finally gets there and they kill him. While they are killing him Fleance runs away and is saved.
Characters in Scene • Banquo: The Thane of Fife, father to supposed future king Fleance. One of Macbeth’s friends before he goes insane. • Fleance: Son to Banquo (Thane of Fife), supposed heir to Macbeth’s throne. • Murderers 1 and 2: Both told by Macbeth that Banquo is their enemy and also told to kill him. • Murderer 3: Supposedly sent by Macbeth to help Murderers 1 and 2 to help kill Banquo.
Murderer 3, Sent by Macbeth or Not? • Supposedly Murderer 3 was sent to help Murderers 1 & 2 to kill Banquo. He could have been there for other reasons. • He could have been a spy for either Donalbain or Malcolm. • It is possible Banquo could have caught wind of the murderers and sent somebody to make sure Fleance escaped, this could be possible because Murderer 3 turns on the lamp that alerts Banquo and Fleance to there presence. • It could have been as simple as Macbeth sending him just to make that they killed both of them. • Lady Macbeth could have sent him to stop Macbeth from killing anymore. • It could have been also one of the other lords that sent him just to find Banquo but decided to find out what the other two people were doing.
Quotes • 1. “Fair is foul, and foul is fair.“ -All Witches • 2. “Screw your courage to the sticking-place.” -Lady Macbeth • 3. “Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”-All Witches • 4. “Out, damned spot! out, I say!” –Lady Macbeth • 5. “Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it.” -Macbeth
Quotes (contd.) • 6. “What's done is done.” – Lady Macbeth • 7. “When our actions do not, Our fears do make us traitors” –Lady Macduff • 8. “By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes.” –Witch 2 • 9. “If you can look into the seeds of time,And say which grain will grow, and which will not, Speak.” –Banquo
Quotes (contd.) • 10. “Here's the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh, oh!” –Lady Macbeth
Effect of killing Banquo • Macbeth would soon turn insane because he did this. • It would lead him down a path of even more murders. • It would also lead Lady Macbeth down the path of depression to suicide.
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