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C entro U niversitario UAEM E catepec Unidad de Aprendizaje: Inglés C 2 UNIT OF COMPETENCE E: Getting to know people and giving personal information Topic: INTERROGATIVE FORMS Elaborado Por: Lic. en Psic . Andrea Jacobo Mata 2016. ENGLISH C2 UNIT OF COMPETENCE E:
Centro Universitario UAEM Ecatepec Unidad de Aprendizaje: Inglés C2 UNIT OF COMPETENCE E: Getting to know people and giving personal information Topic: INTERROGATIVE FORMS Elaborado Por:Lic. en Psic. Andrea Jacobo Mata 2016
ENGLISH C2 UNIT OF COMPETENCE E: Getting to know people and giving personal information Objective: Students will be able to ask and give personal details: full name, age, address, occupation, telephone numbers, skills, interests, etc. Topic: Interrogative forms Objective: To identify the interrogative form to ask and give personal information in a job interview, using the most appropriate tense
Guión Pedagógico • El enfoque comunicativo hace referencia al uso de formas gramaticales en un contexto significativo para la personas; por lo que en este material, se pretende que el alumno encuentre la relación entre el tiempo gramatical adecuado para preguntar y responder en cada una de las secciones de una entrevista de trabajo.
Guión Pedagógico • Ejemplo: al preguntar sobre la experiencia laboral, se hace referencia a la forma gramatical del «presente perfecto», al hablar de expectativas en el trabajo el alumno identificará que es necesaria alguna de las formas del «futuro»; por lo que el alumno no sólo revisa la forma sino la función en un contexto real.
Guión Pedagógico • Al finalizar la presentación, se procede a realizar la simulación de la entrevista, por lo que se propone una rúbrica para su evaluación, por lo que el alumno practicará de manera oral y escrita las preguntas, dentro de un contexto.
Remember… These verbs can be both: VERBS and AUXILIRIES ( ? / - )
BE VERB AS AN AUXILIAR • Used as an auxiliar in continuous tenses. • She is playing. • They were watching TV. • I have been working. • To express feelings and states. • I am happy. • I was worried. • They will be angry. • She has been busy.
DO VERB AS AN AUXILIAR • Used as an auxiliar in simple tenses. • Tip: • Auxiliar in present: DO • Auxiliar in past: DID • Present Simple: • Do you have a job? • I don’t have a job. • Past Simple: • Did you go to the party? • I didn’t go to the party • Tip: Learncollocations (do homework, do thedishes, etc) • I alwaysdohomework. • Mymotherwill do thedishes.
Do: Verb and as an auxilar PRESENT PAST
HAVE VERB AS AN AUXILIAR • Used as an auxiliar in perfect tenses • Tip: • Auxiliar in present perfect: HAVE /HAS • Auxiliar in past perfect : HAD • Present Perfect Simple: • Have you ever worked? • I have never worked. • Tip: Learncollocations (have a job, have a baby, etc) • Possession • I have a job. • Shehas a baby. • I willhave a new car.
Have: Verb and as an auxilar PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE
Activity 1: Complete the phrases using “be”, “have” or “do” AS VERBS.
Interrogativeforms: Directquestions • Yes / No questions
Interrogativeforms: Directquestions • WH-questions
JOB INTERVIEW Makesureyouhave a good CV orrèsumè. There are differentsections in a job interview. Practicebasicinterrogativeformstoask and give personal information.
1. CV VS RÈSUMÈ CV RÈSUMÈ • Is used when applying for contracts, advanced research or post-secondary teaching positions • Academic work with an emphasis on research and teaching • Provides comprehensive information • Often five, 10, 20 or more pages • Is used for work search • Nonacademic work with an emphasis on related competencies • Summarize key information • One to two pages (University of Victoria, s/f)
Rapport • In thissection, theinterviewer tries tomakecomfortabletothecandidate. Try basicquestionslike: • How are you? • What’syourname? • Howold are you?
Personal Information. Youmay use Present simple and continuous • Where do you live? • Who do you live with? • Are you studying at the moment? • Are you currently working?
Personal Information. Youmay use Present simple and continuous
Education. Youmay use past simple: • What did you study? • Where did you study? • How long did you study? • Were you responsible at school?
Totalkaboutexperiences, youmay use presentperfect: • Have you ever worked? • How long have you worked? • Where have you worked?
Totalkaboutabilities, youmay use modal verbslike «CAN» • Can you drive? • Can you use the computer? • Can you speak another language?
Totalkaboutobligationsinsthejob, youmay use modal verbs: • Obligation: • Youhavetowear a uniformeveryday. • Youmust be responsible. • Prohibition • Youmustn’tsmoke in the office.
Totalkaboutabilities and obligations, youmay use modal verbs:
Totalkaboutintentions, use thefutureform «WILL»: • What do you plan to do whenyouget a job? • I willbuy a house. • I willsavesomemoney.
Activity 2: The girl in the photo sent you her rèsumè, write 5 YES/NO questions and 5 WH-questions for her job interview.
References • Latham-Koening, C., & Oxenden, C. English File Intermediate. Oxford University Press. • Live-Career Résumés examples. https://www.livecareer.com/resume-examples • University of Victoria. (S/F). Résumés and CVs. http://www.uvic.ca/coopandcareer/career/applications/resumes/index.php