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A Case Study in Network Design Jean-Charles Regin

Explore network design applications through the ROCOCO project, focusing on principles of modeling, methods, integration, and valuable lessons learned from real-world problems. Understand the importance of flexibility, symmetries, global constraints, and catalyzing constraints in network design. Learn the impact of relevant and redundant constraints on problem-solving efficiency.

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A Case Study in Network Design Jean-Charles Regin

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  1. A Case Study in Network DesignJean-Charles Regin

  2. Plan • Real world Problems • Modeling: principles • Network Design application: the ROCOCO project • Presentation • Methods • Integration • Conclusion • Lessons

  3. Real world problems • Almost all are over-constrained • Not pure • Decomposable • Small or Large number of variables (10,000) and constraints (100,000) • Scalable but not solvable for n/10 or n/100 • ad-hoc efficient heuristic • everything is possible • need flexibility • Want optimized not optimal

  4. Real world problems • Flexibility causes no problem: add new constraints to the solver • Be careful with objective functions: relaxation is not good for CP (the constraints are weak and no pruning occurs)

  5. Plan • Real world Problems • Modeling: principles • Network Design application: the ROCOCO project • Presentation • Methods • Integration • Conclusion • Lessons

  6. Modeling: principles • What a good model is? • Symmetries • Implicit constraints • Global constraints • Relevant and redundant constraints • Back propagation • Dominance rules

  7. Good Model? • A good model is a model that leads to an efficient resolution of a given problem

  8. Good Model? • A good model is a model that leads to an efficient resolution of a given problem • Deals with several notions: Symmetries Catalyzing constraints Global constraints Relevant and redundant constraints Back propagation Dominance rules

  9. Symmetries • Tutorial on this topic at CP’04 • The complexity of a problem can often be reduced by detecting intrinsic symmetries • When two or more variables have identical characteristics, it is pointless to differentiate them artificially: • The initial domains of these variables are identical • These variables are subject to the same constraints • The variables can be permuted without changing the statement of the problem • Usually symmetries are removed by introducing an order between variables

  10. Catalyzing constraints • An catalyzing constraint makes explicit a property that satisfies any solution implicitly. • D(x1)=D(x2)=D(x3)=D(x4)={a,b,c,d} • Constraints: b,c and d have to be taken at least 1

  11. Catalyzing constraints • An catalyzing constraint makes explicit a property that satisfies any solution implicitly. • D(x1)=D(x2)=D(x3)=D(x4)={a,b,c,d} • Constraints: b,c and d have to be taken at least 1 • Filtering algorithm: if b is not assigned and if there is only one variable x that contains b in its domain then x=b

  12. Catalyzing constraints • A catalyzing constraint makes explicit a property that satisfies any solution implicitly. • D(x1)=D(x2)=D(x3)=D(x4)={a,b,c,d} • Constraints: b,c and d have to be taken at least 1 • Filtering algorithm: if b is not assigned and if there is only one variable x that contains b in its domain then x=b • Problem: if x1=a and x2=a then nothing is deduced

  13. Catalyzing constraints • A catalyzing constraint makes explicit a property that satisfies any solution implicitly. • D(x1)=D(x2)=D(x3)=D(x4)={a,b,c,d} • Constraints: b,c and d have to be taken at least 1 • Filtering algorithm: if b is not assigned and if there is only one variable x that contains b in its domain then x=b • Problem: if x1=a and x2=a then nothing is deduced • Implicit constraints: a can be taken at most 1b,c,d can be taken at most 2 • From the simultaneous presence of some constraints implicit constraints can be deduced

  14. Global constraints • A global constraint is a conjunction of constraints. This conjunction often takes into account implicit constraint deduced from the simultaneous presence of the other constraints • This is the case for the previous example with the global cardinality constraint • Use the strongest filtering algorithm as you can at the beginning • It is rare to be able to solve a problem with weak FA and not to be able to solve it with strong FA

  15. Global constraint: Alldiff results • Color the graph with cliques:c0 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} c1 = {0, 5, 6, 7, 8}c2 = {1, 5, 9, 10, 11}c3 = {2, 6, 9, 12, 13} c4 = {3, 7, 10, 12, 14} c5 = {4, 8, 11, 13, 14} • clique size:27 Global: #fails: 0 cpu time: 1.212 s Local: #fails: 1 cpu time: 0.171 sclique size:31 Global: #fails: 4 cpu time: 2.263 s Local: #fails: 65 cpu time: 0.37 sclique size:51 Global: #fails: 501 cpu time: 25.947 s Local: #fails: 24512 cpu time: 66.485 sclique size:61 Global: #fails: 5 cpu time: 58.223 s Local: ?????????????

  16. Relevant Constraints • At first glance it seems that adding a constraint which removes some symmetries, or which is an implicit or a global constraint improves the current model. This is FALSE • Because: • The new filtering algorithm can delete no value, because everything is already deduced by the combination of constraints • The new filtering algorithm can remove some values and impacts the variable-value strategy (more backtracks can be needed to reach the first solution)

  17. Relevant constraints • A constraint is relevant w.r.t. a model if the introduction of this constraint: • Is needed by the definition of the problem • Or if it permits to remove some symmetries, or it is an implied or a global constraint, and the introduction of this constraint improves the search for the solution in term of performance • A constraint is redundant w.r.t. a model if the constraint is not relevant w.r.t. the model.

  18. Back propagation • Consider an optimization problem with an objective variable obj. • The back propagation is the consequences of the modifications of the variable obj • Example:∑x = obj. Back propagation = modification of the x variable when obj is modified

  19. Back propagation • Try to improve the back propagation, because when a solution with a cost c is found the constraint obj < c is added and a new solution is sought. • It is important to use constraints involving cost variable. For instance : gcc with cost

  20. Dominance rules • A dominance rule is a rule that eliminates some solutions that are not optimal, or some optimal solutions but not all • This is a kind of symmetry breaking in regards to the optimality • An example is given in the resolution of the next problem

  21. A bad model? • Golomb ruler (see CSP lib):“A Golomb ruler may be defined as a set of n integers 0=x1 < x2 < … < xn s.t. the n(n-1)/2 differences (xj - xi) are distinct. Goal minimize xn.” • with CP difficult for n > 13. • x1,…,xn = variables; (xi-xj)= variables. Alldiff involving all the variables.

  22. Alldiff 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |x1-x2| |x1-x3| |x2-x3| x1 x2 x3 Not a good solution Bad incorporationof constraint|xi – xj| in alldiff

  23. Plan • Real world Problems • Modeling: principles • Network Design application: the ROCOCO project • Presentation • Methods • Integration • Conclusion • Lessons

  24. A Case Study in Network Design • Very good example and benchmark: • To illustrate the advantages and drawbacks of different optimization techniques • To illustrate the improvements that can be thought of when things do not work well • To test new ideas • To think about what we do: introspection

  25. The ROCOCO Project (1) • France Telecom R&D ISE • Problem and benchmark definition • Algorithm validation • Research laboratories: INRIA Numopt, LRIOrsay, PRiSM Versailles, Evry, … • Lower bounds: Lagrangean relaxation, column generation, cuts • Optimization techniques: genetic algorithms • ILOG • Optimization techniques: constraint programming, mixed integer programming, column generation

  26. The ROCOCO Project (2) • Two cycles • Solution to the « basic » problem • Improvements and study of the influence of additional constraints

  27. The Problem (1) • Routing of Communications • Mono-routing: each demand from a point p to a point q must follow a unique path • Dimensioning of Links • The capacity of each link must exceed the sums of the demands going through the link • Additional Constraints • Depend on the customer for whom the network is designed

  28. The Problem (2) • Data: • Customer traffic demands • Possible links, capacities and costs 27Kb/s S2 S1 S4 115Kb/s S3 Result: • Minimal cost network able to simultaneously respond to all the demands • Route for each demand S2 S1 S4 Rented capacity 256Kb/s S3

  29. The Problem (3) 115Kb/s 256Kb/s • Cost minimization principle • Traffic demands share link capacities S2 S1 512Kb/s 128Kb/s S3

  30. The Problem (4) 256Kb/s 128Kb/s 128Kb/s 64Kb/s 64Kb/s 128Kb/s 64Kb/s 64Kb/s 64Kb/s 64Kb/s Demands share links •  demandsij  capacityij • Technological constraints

  31. The Problem (5) 64Kb/s 64Kb/s 64Kb/s 64Kb/s • Side constraints • Quality of service • Reuse of existing equipment (limit on the number of ports, maximal traffic at a node) • Commercial and legal constraints • Possible future network evolution • Network management (e.g., traffic concentration)

  32. Benchmark Elaboration (1)

  33. Optional Constraints • Security: some commodities to be secured cannot go through unsecured nodes and links • No line multiplication: at most one line per arc. • Symmetric routing: demands from node p to node q and demands from node q to node p are routed on symmetric paths. • Number of bounds (hops): the number of arcs of the path used to route a given demand is limited. • Number of ports: the number of links entering into or leaving from a node is limited. • Maximal traffic: the total traffic managed by a given node is limited. 64Kb/s 64Kb/s 64Kb/s 64Kb/s

  34. Numerical Characteristics (1)

  35. Particular Cases • Loop network (C10) • Unidirectional lines (C11) • Extension of an existing network (C16) • Several commodities (with different « security » and « number of hops » constraints) between different sites and a central site (C20)

  36. Comparison / Other Benchmarks

  37. Mathematical Model • Develop model on the board? • Anticipate difficulties?

  38. Mixed Integer Programming (1) • Explicit problem definition • Linear constraints • Real (floating point) and integer variables • One optimization criterion • Separation between problem definition and problem solving • The continuous relaxation (when fractional values are allowed for integer variables) is solvable in polynomial time • Bound on optimization criterion • Guidance for solving the MIP problem by branch-and-bound (rounding, cuts, …)

  39. Mixed Integer Programming (2) • Routing variables: xijd (D*M 0-1 variables) • Dimensioning variables: capacity levels yijk (M*K0-1 variables) • Main constraints: Sj xijd= 1 if i is the origin of d Si xijd= 1 if j is the destination of d Si xijd=Sk xjkd if j is neither the origin nor the destination of d Sk yijk£ 1 Sd Demd xijd£Sk Capaijk yijk

  40. Mixed Integer Programming (3)

  41. Constraint Programming (1) • Explicit problem definition • Separation between problem definition and problem solving • Systematic deduction of the consequences of made decisions (constraint propagation) Partial constraint propagation è development of heuristic search algorithms to generate and optimize solutions • Incremental constraint propagation (with global fix point semantics) • Localized definition of the constraint propagation process (each constraint propagates independently of other constraints) è many different types of constraints viewed as as many sub-problems

  42. Constraint Programming (5) • Routing variables: paths (D set variables) • A set of arcs joining the origin to the destination of the demand • Basic functions : impose or forbid an arc (or a node) • Dimensioning variables: chosen capacity levels (M enumerated variables) • Specific constraints and constraint propagation algorithms

  43. Constraint Programming (6) Decision: forbidden node Nodes and arcs forbidden by propagation Nodes and arcs imposed by propagation Decision: forbidden node

  44. Path representation in CP • “Classical” model:Graph represented by the nodes:One variable per nodeValue = possible neighboor • Path from s to t: alldiff on nodes.

  45. Path representation in CP s a d e b f c t D(s)={a,b}, D(a)={s,b,c,d}, D(b)={s,a,c}, D(c)={a,b} D(d)={a,e,f}, D(e)={d,t}, D(f)={d,t}, D(t)={s}

  46. Path representation in CP s a d e b f c t D(s)={a,b}, D(a)={s,b,c,d}, D(b)={s,a,c}, D(c)={a,b} D(d)={a,e,f}, D(e)={d,t}, D(f)={d,t}, D(t)={s}

  47. Path representation in CP s a d e b f c t Problem if some variables do not belong to the path:What is the value assigned to these variables?

  48. Path representation in CP s a d e b f c t A dummy value is added to each domain: BAD IDEA D(s)={a}, D(a)={c}, D(c)={b}, D(b)={dummyb}, D(d)={e}, D(e)={t}, D(f)={dummyf}, D(t)={s}

  49. Path representation in CP s a d e b f c t Loops are allowed (var links to itself): GOOD IDEA D(s)={a}, D(a)={c}, D(c)={b}, D(b)={b}, not possible: b has been already taken by c

  50. Path representation in CP • “Classical” model:- One var per node- Alldiff constraint: cost for the matching: O(m) per modification

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