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Learn about the different types of accelerators, acceleration techniques, and the physics behind their operation. Discover how accelerators produce high-energy particles, detect rare processes, and make precision measurements. Explore linear accelerators, storage rings, colliders, and more.
HEP Accelerators M. Cobal
Few things about Accelerators M. Cobal, University of Udine Thanks to Prof. F. Fabbri
Contents • Introduction - Terms and Concepts • Types of Accelerators • Acceleration Techniques • Current Machines
Rutherford’s Scattering (1909) • Particle Beam • Target • Detector
Sources of Particles • Radioactive Decays • Modest Rates • Low Energy • Cosmic Rays • Low Rates • High Energy • Accelerators • High Rates • High Energy
Why High Energy? Resolution defined by wavelength
Energy Scales • Particles are waves • Smaller scales = HE • 1 GeV (109 eV) =1 fm (10-15m) 1 MeV electron 1 MV
Roads to Discovery • High Energy • High Luminosity Probe smaller scales Produce new particles Detect the presence of rare processes Precision measurements of fundamental parameters
Cross-section • Area of target • Measured in barns = 10-24 cm2 • Cross-section depends upon process Hard Sphere - 1 mbarn = 1 fm2 - size of proton about 16 pb (others fb or less)
Luminosity • Intensity or brightness of an accelerator • Events Seen = Luminosity x cross-section • In a storage ring Rare processes (fb) need lots of luminosity (fb-1) Current Spot size More particles through a smaller area means more collisions
Accelerator Physics for Dummies Lorentz Force • Electric Fields • Aligned with field • Typically need very high fields • Magnetic Fields • Transverse to momentum • Cannot change |p|
Types of Accelerators • Linear Accelerator (one-pass) • Storage Ring (multi-turn) • electrons (e+e-) • protons (pp or pp) • Fixed Target (one beam into target) • Collider (two beams colliding)
Circle or Line? • Linear Accelerator • Electrostatic • RF linac • Circular Accelerator • Cyclotron • Synchrotron • Storage Ring
History of accelerator energies e+e- machines typically match hadron machines with x10 nominal energy
Colliding Beams DESY HERA 1990s
Center of Mass Energy To produce a particle, you need enough energy to reach its rest mass. Usually, particles are produced in pairs from a neutral object. To produce requires 2x175 GeV = 350 GeV of CM Energy Head-on collisions: One electron at rest: Need 30,000,000 GeV electron...
Secondary Beams • Fixed-target: still useful for secondary beams neutrinos pions -> muons protons NuTeV Neutrino Production
Accelerator Types • Static Accelerators • Cockroft-Walton • Van-de Graaff • Linear • Cyclotron • Betatron • Synchrotron • Storage Ring
Static E Field Particle Source Just like your TV set Fields limited by Corona effect to few MV -> few MeV electrons
Van-de Graaff - 1930s Generator and accelerator (1929, Princeton, New Jersey)
Construction of the first big generator Spectacular demonstrations
Van-de Graaff II First large Van-de Graaff Tank allows ~10 MV voltages Tandem allows x2 from terminal voltage 20-30 MeV protons about the limit Will accelerate almost anything (isotopes)
Cockroft-Walton - 1930s electric circuit that generates a high DC voltage from a low voltage AC or pulsing DC input. Good for ~ 4 MV FNAL Injector Cascaded rectifier chain
Linear Accelerators • Proposed by Ising (1925) • First built by Wideröe (1928) Replace static fields by time-varying periodic fields
Linear Accelerator Timing Fill copper cavity with RF power Phase of RF voltage (GHz) keeps bunches together Up to ~50 MV/meter possible SLAC Linac: 2 miles, 50 GeV electrons
LINAC 1 per Protoni del CERN E = 50 MeV Courtesy: CERN
Linac 2 @ CERN Courtesy: CERN
Linac del Laboratorio Fermi Chicago Courtesy: Fermilab
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) Campus 280 Freeway Research yard 2 miles Linac Linear elettronsaccelerator, working in the period: 1962 and 1966. Emax = 30 GeV
Taylor, Friedman e Kendall Premio Nobel 1990 1968 Deepinelasticscattering of electrons on nucleons. A sort of Rutherford experiment to study the nucleonsinner part. Resultsconsistent with the presenceofo 3 diffusion centers with fractionalcharge,
Cyclotron Proposed 1930 by Lawrence (Berkeley) Built in Livingston in 1931 4” 70 keV protons Avoided size problem of linear accelerators, early ones ~ few MeV
“Classic” Cyclotrons Chicago, Berkeley, and others had large Cyclotrons (e.g.: 60” at LBL) through the 1950s Protons, deuterons, He to ~20 MeV Typically very high currents, fixed frequency Higher energies limited by shift in revolution frequency due to relativistic effects. Cyclotronsstillusedextensivelyinhospitals.
M.S.Livingston e E.O.Lawrence Ciclotrone da 8 MeV (68 cm, 1934) Courtesy: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory