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Visualization and Data Treatment Software Based on PV‑WAVE and IDL Packages

Visualization and Data Treatment Software Based on PV‑WAVE and IDL Packages. E.I. Litvinenko Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia litvin@nf.jinr.r u. Topics. Licensed VDA software at FLNP PV-WAVE applications OpenG2 Overview Openg2_spn2

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Visualization and Data Treatment Software Based on PV‑WAVE and IDL Packages

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  1. Visualization and Data Treatment Software Based on PV‑WAVE and IDL Packages E.I. Litvinenko Frank Laboratory of Neutron PhysicsJoint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia litvin@nf.jinr.ru

  2. Topics • Licensed VDA software at FLNP • PV-WAVE applications • OpenG2 • Overview • Openg2_spn2 • Openg2_yumo • DN2_viewer • Bean • MWPC detector DAQ application • IDL applications • LAMP – developed in ILL (Grenoble, France) • Idl_deconv_tool • Comparison of features • Standard data types • Standard widgets • Object oriented approach • Standard visualization tools • Documentation • Distribution of created applications • Conclusions NEC-2003, Varna

  3. Licensed VDA software at FLNP • The aim - development of the unified tools for visualization and analysis of experimental data. • Visual Data Analysis (VDA) improves traditional data analysis by giving user a more active role in the analysis process. • 1996 – FLNP purchased PV-WAVE license. First applications - PV-WAVE Point&Click data imports and IBR-2 monitoring data processing server. • 1997, 2000 – 3D visualization (dn2_viewer). • 1998-2000 – Openg2 and Bean core developments (collaboration with HMI). • 1999 - FLNP purchased IDL license. LAMP (ILL) program installation. • http://www.ill.fr/data_treat/lamp/front.html • 2000-2002 – OpenG2 YuMO module. • 2002 - OpenG2 SPN-2 module. IDL based deconvolution tool (collaboration with ILL). • 2003 – PV-WAVE application for MWPC detector data acquisition system (collaboration with HMI) NEC-2003, Varna

  4. PV-WAVE • http://www.vni.com/products/wave/index.html • interactive programming environment • array based programming language to build and deploy VDA applications • PV-WAVE borrows much of its semantics from the programming language APL. The main advantages over APL are syntax and control mechanisms plus visualization capabilities. • set of high-level and low-level widgets • "Super-widgets"allow non-programmers to do animation, image analysis, line plots, scatter plots, surface plots, contour plots, histogram plots, color table manipulation, variable manipulation and data import/export • programs written in PV-WAVE are shorter and execute fasterthan programs written in other programming languages. • allows users to rapidly import, manipulate, analyze and visualize data of any size and complexity • includes a set of analysis routines based on the industry-standardIMSL Numerical Librariesfor reliable and precise numerical analysis NEC-2003, Varna

  5. IDL • http://www.rsinc.com/idl/ • software for data analysis, visualization, and cross-platform application development • interpreted language • language specifically designed for visualizing large and complex datasets - from simple 2D plots to OpenGL-accelerated 3D graphics • rich library of built-in image processing, math, statistics, and analysis routines • user interface toolkit and drag-and-drop GUI builder • reads and writes virtually any data format, type and size • "My overall experience with IDL is that you can write code in less than 20% of the lines required in C or FORTRAN“ Robert Velthuisan - H. LeeMoffittCancer Center and Research Institute, University of South Florida NEC-2003, Varna

  6. OpenG2 program • access, reduction, visualization and express-analysis of the data measured on different neutron instruments • Input: • Sonix http://nfdfn.jinr.ru/~kirilov/Sonix/sonix_index.htm • FLNP CAMAC DAQ systems formats • 1,2,3 column ASCII • NeXus http://www.neutron.anl.gov/NeXus/ • MAD format ( ILL) http://www.ill.fr • CARESS format (HMI) http://www.hmi.de • Output: • 2,3 column ASCII • NeXus • Rietveld-Pruf • Operates under PV-WAVE environment • GUI, multiple windows • Analysis options: • automatic execution preliminary data treatment procedures for some of the IBR-2 neutron instruments • typical operations on workspaces with automatic recalculation of statistical errors • coordinates conversions (for TOF instruments) • tools to create new workspaces (background workspace) • tools for easy one-dimensional fitting using mouse clicks on the plot • tools for merging data NEC-2003, Varna

  7. Openg2 workspaces NEC-2003, Varna

  8. OpenG2 – SPN-2 Small Angle mode NEC-2003, Varna

  9. YuMO, curved PSD –beam intensity map in real detector coordinates NEC-2003, Varna

  10. OpenG2 YuMO workspaces – curved PSD data in (Q, φ) coordinates NEC-2003, Varna

  11. Merged data from YuMO PSD NEC-2003, Varna

  12. DN2_viewer program NEC-2003, Varna

  13. Bean program NEC-2003, Varna

  14. MWPC PCI DAQ Data Access Tool (PV-WAVE) NEC-2003, Varna

  15. IDL based deconvolution tool NEC-2003, Varna

  16. PV-WAVE Standard data types: Asarr list IDL UInt, ULong pointer Comparison (differences) Standard widgets: • Low - WwList,… • Middle – WoList,… • High – WzImport,… • Widget_List,… • Cw_FSlider,… • Live_Export,… Object oriented programming: • IDL ObjectsNamed IDL structures Object heap variables • Object Graphics classes (IDLgrPlot,…) • No Standard visualization tools: • VDA Tools : WzPlot,… • Live Tools: LivePlot,… • iTools (NEW, IDL 6.0) Documentation: • PDFs on WWW • Tips on WWW • Excellent technical writers Distribution of created applications: • License (run-time) • Can be free (NEW, IDL 6.0) NEC-2003, Varna

  17. Hardware rendering in PV-WAVE –VTK(Open Source / OpenGL) • PV-WAVE users (versions 7.5 and higher) can create high quality, interactive graphics through the use of the PV-WAVE link to the Visualization Toolkit (VTK). • VTK is an Open Source toolkit for creating both simple and complex visualizations in 3D using OpenGL, a low-level software interface to graphics hardware, for high performance, accelerated graphics. • PV-WAVE excels at data access, data manipulation, numerical algorithms, data filtering, user interface development, and many interactive 2D graphical tasks. The Visualization Toolkit is a best for creating complex 3D visualizations. • VTK documentation: http:// public.kitware.com The Visualization Toolkit User's Guide William J. Schroeder, Lisa S. Avila, Kenneth M. Martin, William A. Hoffman, C. Charles Law 380 pages, ISBN 1-930934-05-X, Kitware, Inc. The Visualization Toolkit An Object-Oriented Approach To 3D Graphics Will Schroeder, Ken Martin, Bill Lorensen 646 pages, ISBN 0-13-954694-4, Prentice Hall Example: vtkWINDOW, /Free, Background='000077'XL, /NoRender vtkSURFACE, HANNING(20,20)*20.0, Shades=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5] vtkTEXT, 'Transparent Surface', Position=[10, 10, 20], $/Follow, Color='green' vtkRENDERWINDOW NEC-2003, Varna

  18. References • M. Fromme, G. Hoffmann-Schulz, E. Litvinenko, P. Ziem, ”BEAN - A New Standard Program for Data Analysis at BER-II”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 47-2, 272 (2000) • A.G. Soloviev, E.I. Litvinenko, G.A. Ososkov, A.Kh. Islamov, A.I. Kuklin, "Application of wavelet analysis to data treatment for small-angle neutron scattering", Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 502 (2003) 500-502 • A. Soloviev, E. Litvinenko, G. Ososkov, A. Islamov and A. Kuklin, “Comparative study of smoothing techniques with reference to data treatment for small-angle neutron scattering” , Communications of the JINR, Dubna 2002, E11-2002-293, 1-15 • B. Gebauer, Ch. Schulz, G. Richter, F.V. Levchanovsky, A. Nikiforov, “Development of a hybrid MSGC detector for thermal neutron imaging with a MHz data acquisition and histogramming system”, Proceedings of the Imaging 2000 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 28 - July 1, 2000, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 471 (2001) 249-253 • V. Butenko, V. Drozdov, B. Gebauer, F.V. Levchanovski, A. Nikiforov, V. Prikhodko, “Application of DSPs in Data Acquisition Systems for Neutron Scattering Experiments at the IBR-2 Pulsed Reactor”, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP’2001), Sept. 3-7, 2001, Beijing, China, 560-561 • Ch. Schulz, B. Gebauer , G. Richter, B. Namaschk, L.N. Balykov, F.V. Levchanovski, A. Nikiforov, V.I. Shashkin, A.Yu. Klimov and V.V. Rogov, “Development of hybrid MSGC detectors with high position and time-of-flight resolution for neutron scattering experiments at ESS”, Proceedings of SPIE's 47th Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, July 7-11, 2002 NEC-2003, Varna

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