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This project focused on promoting entrepreneurship education, empowering young people for active citizenship, and developing essential skills using innovative methods. The specific goals included creating training programs for youth, establishing a network of universities, companies, and NGOs, and organizing Ideate and Innovate Camps. The project was managed by a team coordinating activities across partner organizations, with key events such as Kickoff Meeting, Project Management Meetings, and a Final Conference in Sofia. Activities included a Facilitator Training Programme, a Guide for Organizing Ideanovaship Camps, and an Audiovisual Manual. Infodays and a Closure Event were organized for stakeholder engagement and project dissemination.
IDEANNOVASHIP “Innovate and Ideate for Social Entrepreneurship” Project BG01-KA205-022771 Final Conference Sofia, Bulgaria 30th of January 2018
IDEANNOVASHIP SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES : • To develop a training program specific for Youth based on skills for Social entrepreneurship; • To train trainers so that the training program is developed in different institutions also outside the partnership; • To pilot the Ideate and Innovate Camps in different countries so to evaluate the differences between the participant countries; • To break the fears and motivate the youth lead their working life;
IDEANNOVASHIP SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES : • To develop a sustainable a network of Universities, companies and NGOs and associations working for Youth to contribute to the "Agenda for new skills and jobs" by: 1. improving flexibility and security in the labour-market, 2. equipping young students and NEETs with the right skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow, and 3. improving the conditions for job creation;
G. Project Management (NAMCB, Bulgaria) A group of 6 people (1 per partner) was formed to coordinate the process of running project activities. Project management team was constantly in communication with partner organizations and has prepared annual reports in a certain periods. 1) Kick off Meeting (Month 2) – in Palermo, Italy; 2) Project Management Meetings in Valencia, Spain (Month 10); 3) Project Management Meetings in Volos, Greece (Month 17); 4) Final meeting of the project will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria (Month 23) with a duration of 2 days and 1 representative from each partner.
ACTIVITIESO1.Facilitator Training Programme on Social Entrepreneurship (FTP-SE) Duration: M1- M6 ( NAMCB) The project partner organizations have developed an innovative Facilitator Training Programme on Social Entrepreneurship (FTP-SE). First, partner organizations of the task have assigned an expert for FTP-SE Programme Development Team. Programme Development Team was led by the experts from NAMCB. The training programme has developed the capacities of Youth workers as facilitators for ideation camps and youth workers were trained on social entrepreneurship. It took 3 steps: Step 1 (2 months) - problem identification and needs assessment" steps to develop the Facilitator on Social Entrepreneurship Training Programme. Step 2 (2 months) - goals and objectives, steps to develop the Facilitator on Social Entrepreneurship Training Programme. Step 2 (3months) - FTP-SE - implementation steps to develop the Facilitator on Social Entrepreneurship Training Programme.
O2.Development of a Guide for Organizing IDEANNOVASHIP Camps Duration: M6 - M10 (CSC) • The partnership has developed a manual with the compilation of what it was decided and reported in O1 and wrote a guide on how to organize an INDEANNOVASHIP Camp. The manual was also used as a chapter in FTP-SE Programme. Experts from each organization worked to prepare the manual. Again, Groups were made during the 2nd Project Meeting so they can collaborate in the Manual Development. CSC has compiled and edited the online manual. The manual was uploaded in the UTH MOOC page.
O3.IDEANNOVASHIP´s Audiovisual Manual Duration: M11 - M23 (PANEPISTIMIO THESSALIAS) A training video was valuable Intellectual Output. It was shot along the participant’s experiences and was collected throughout the different project stages. The Audiovisual production was subtitled in English, and the partners were also able to translate it into their own languages, if required. It was used as training material, since it has provided real experiences and testimonies. Videos were uploaded on the UTH MOOC platform. Partners have participated to provide their ideas before and during the development of the work. Short videos were uploaded in the Social Networks as a tool of dissemination.
E1,2,3,4,5,6; IDEANNOVASHIP infodays Duration: M9-M10 (all partners) An infoday was organised in each participating country during the first year of project development. We wanted to impact stakeholders and multiplier target groups (youth associations, counsellors, local development agencies, businesses associations, chambers of commerce, labour employment services, education policy-makers, NGOs, trade unions, business incubators, business accelerators) as soon as possible, as well as to integrate their views on the materials developed within the IDEANNOVASHIP Camps. Each seminar has integrated 20 persons. They were provided with the project leaflet and the project website and social networks were also used as tools to keep the participants updated after the seminar.
E7. Closure Event Duration: M23 (NAMCB) During the last months of the project, a closure event was organised by NAMCB in order to disseminate the project results and getting to know the use of the outputs generated. The target groups that were primarily involved in the conference are: Youth (under 25)education ministries (at regional or national levels), business incubators, business associations, institutions providing continuous training, universities, etc. Partners have counted with 60 participants (15 internationals and 45 locals). All partners have cooperated, led by NAMCB to organise the event, to disseminate it and to invite and bring participants to the same.
C1. Youth Worker´s Capacity Building and Skills Training Sessions. Duration: M10 (all partners) As Facilitators on Social Entrepreneurship and Ideation Camps (Train the trainers): 2 Youth Workers selected by each partner organization, were trained by the Experts from partner organizations as facilitators on the methodology to develop these IDEANNOVASHIP Camps for Youth. It lasted 5 days. From every partner, 1 teacher/coacher has presented to perform the "training of the trainers“. At the end of the training program, the 10 workers were able to organize and facilitate ideation camps for young people on their countries
C2. Pilot Innovative Ideation Camp Duration: M15 - M20 (all partners) During 5 days a pilot "Ideate Camp" was conducted with 18 Youth coming from the 6 countries (3 per country) and sent by each partner organization. Previously, there was a selection of the Youth by interviewing about their experience, motivation, work/non work, knowledge on Social Innovation etc. Teams were created and the Youth had to be able at the final day to present their business ideas.
H.1. Impact The impact that IDEANNOVASHIP´s activities had on the participants and target group were: - 80 Youth (students, recent graduates) motivated and with entrepreneur and creativity skills acquired through the training provided - 15 teachers and trainers trained in the IDEANNOVASHIP´s methodology - 10 companies defined after the training camps IDEANNOVASHIP´s impact on participating organisations was: - Direct 10 teachers and trainers trained in the IDEANNOVASHIP´s methodology (C1) - 6 national IDEANNOVASHIP´s infodays provided (E1 to E6) - 1 international Train the Trainer workshop organised (C1) - 1 Pilot IDEANNOVASHIP Camp organized and performed (C2) - 1 international closure/dissemination event organised with relevant stakeholders (E7)
H.2. Dissemination and Use of Projects' Results (CSC) As lead of the dissemination action, CSC was able to give a strong visibility to the project. Indeed, CSC involved the following targets in its dissemination processes: NGOs, public sector bodies, trainers and teachers, students, educational institutions (universities, VET, schools, colleges), umbrella organizations of trainers, teachers and institutional partners. Institutional partners - Council of Palermo, Sicilian Region; Chambers of Commerce in Sicily; University of Palermo, various school networks. CSC had a strong potential for dissemination, as it has reached up to 1700 people through Facebook and CSC’s newsletter has reached about 2250 subscribers (Italian version) and 500 subscribers (English version) . CSC’s local network includes 900 contacts from press (newspapers, journalists etc.). As well, the rest of the partners were contributed and spread to their network the dissemination products delivered by CSC (news letter, sharing written information from the social networks.
H.2. Dissemination and Use of Projects' Results (CSC) Therefore, advertisement was carried using the following: a) Specialised publications reaching the target group - inserts in specialised magazines, brochures, other specialised publications; advertisements in newspapers b) Internet - Project website (created within the first 3 months of the project) - Partners’ websites (link to the IDEANNOVASHIP´s website published within the first 3 months of the project). - Social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…) c) Addresses from partners databases d) Presentations e) Other: Newsletter, every 4 months with the updates and achievements more relevant from the project.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATENTION! National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria Tanya IvanchevaE-mail:ivancheva@namcb-org.bgWeb site: www.namcb-org.bg