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Mapping Industry-Startup Trends in Software Education: A Study

Explore how software industry and startup trends influence teaching strategies in software engineering education. Identify key stakeholders and collaboration efforts enhancing courses. Evaluation of recent research contributions and publication trends. Utilize systematic mapping study methodology to assess adoption of industry practices in education. Key findings highlight common goals, utilized models/processes, stakeholder collaborations, and research types.

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Mapping Industry-Startup Trends in Software Education: A Study

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  1. Orges Cico Letizia Jaccheri Department of Computer Science How software industry and startups intersect with education: a systematic mapping study

  2. Background and motivation Software engineering in education (SEE) and software industry Teaching approaches have continuously evolved over the last decades Driving force • Industry demand for skilled employees and filling the technical dept • Education concerns about teaching relevant SE practices Motivation • Evaluate the adoption of industry and startup processes, models and methods in teaching approaches in software engineering education • Identify which stakeholders have worked together in enhancing software engineering courses We conduct a systematic mapping study, methodology from Kai Petersen • Kai Petersen et al. “Systematic Mapping Studies in Software Engineering”. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering. EASE’08. Italy: BCS Learning & Development Ltd., 2008, pp. 68–77.

  3. Interest over time on Google trends software industry lean startups software education

  4. Research context utilized in the SLM

  5. Research questions • RQ1: To what extent software industry and startup trends influence teaching strategies in software engineering education? • RQ1.1: To what extent models, processes and methods used from industry and startups, are adopted from software engineering education? • RQ1.2: Which stakeholders have worked together in enhancing software engineering education according to industry and startup practices? • RQ2: What are the recently proposed research and contribution type? • RQ3: How publications have evolved over time? What are the research and publication trends? Contributions • Assessment of the current practices in SEE teaching strategies • Comparison of the teaching strategies with industry practices • Stakeholder joint efforts and participation in industry and SEE in filling the learning gap

  6. Systematic search results Selection process of primary studies

  7. Classification scheme

  8. Data extraction • Based on the summary an initial 30 paper set • Contributing to the mapping of the rest of the papers

  9. Key findings of our RQs RQ1: To what extent software industry and startup trends influence teaching strategies in software engineering education? • KF1: Common goals between industry and education are identified from encountered challenges and trends, e.g. global SE, innovative practices • KF2: Education concerns are primarily towards relevance for industry knowledge obtained during the curricula, while industry struggles more and more in filling the competence gap, throughout training • KF3: Startup formation is becoming more and more of an important approach from both sectors.

  10. Key findings of our RQs RQ1.1: To what extent models, processes and methods used from industry and startups, are adopted from software engineering education? • KF1: The most utilized models/processes are the Agile and Lean. Common usage of the two practices together, is only observed in startup formation • KF2: Mixing of methods such as Scrum and Kanban has been explored and solutions are proposed from both industry and education, to contribute in startup formation • KF3: Agile and Scrum are the frequent used practices for addressing global SE challenges

  11. Key findings of our RQs RQ1.2: Which stakeholders have worked together in enhancing software engineering education according to industry and startup practices? • KF1: Education stakeholders are very keen on collaborating / simulating industry stakeholders within their courses, providing industry-relevant teaching approaches. • KF2: Industry stakeholders are primarily concerned about innovation in improving software engineering practices. • KF3: Industry and education stakeholders are finding collaboration grounds and realistic software development provide better learning outcomes. • KF4: Globalization of SE is equally explored in both industry and education settings, but still little efforts are made in a collaborative manner.

  12. Key findings of our RQs RQ1.2: What are the recently proposed research and contribution type? • KF1: In education context, most frameworks/methods are evaluated by simulating industry scenarios with an experimental classroom setting. • KF2: Proper guidelines for collaboration in both industry and education context are missing. • KF3: Little effort is put in developing collaborative tools designed for being utilized in both context of software development and teaching practices. • KF4: Validation and evaluation research are the most frequent research types conducted in both education and industry setting. • …

  13. How did knowledge evolve? RQ3: How publications have evolved over time? What are the research and publication trends? ~50% Place your screenshot here

  14. Conclusions Research Teaching approaches adopted were proposed mainly as models, methods, and validation research. Effort More effort can be put into evaluating teaching approaches with realistic industry case studies. Emerging trends Emerging trends in the software industry, such as tech startups adopting lean/agile methodology Stakeholders Collaboration among stakeholders is still low Publication number The growing number of publications in the last two years provides a promising perspective. Future work Empirical investigation of tech startup practices and their adoption to the education setting.

  15. Many thanks to ... Letizia Jacheri - IPIT project leader Jingyue Li Barbara Ericson Mark Guzdial He (Jason) Zhang Xiaoying Bai

  16. Thank you! Questions? orges.cico@ntnu.no letizia.jaccheri@ntnu.no

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