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Theodore Roosevelt's Big Stick Diplomacy: Panama Canal & Foreign Policy

Learn about Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy, including the Big Stick Diplomacy, Panama Canal history, Dollar Diplomacy, and Wilson's Missionary Diplomacy. Explore US interventions, treaties, and their impact in the Caribbean and Latin America.

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Theodore Roosevelt's Big Stick Diplomacy: Panama Canal & Foreign Policy

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  1. What is this saying about Theodore Roosevelt and his foreign policy? "speak softly, and carry a big stick.“ Theodore Roosevelt TR and his big stick in the Caribbean - 1904

  2. Roosevelt, 1904 • Chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in a general loosening of ties of civilized society, may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation, and in the western hemisphere, the adherence of the U.S. to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of wrongdoing or impotence, to the exercise of international police power. • What is Roosevelt saying??

  3. The Roosevelt’s Foreign Policy • 1901 became President - What do we already know about him? • 1904 Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine • “international police power” • Caribbean = America’s lake • “Speak softly and carry a big stick”… Big Stick Diplomacy

  4. Panama or Bust," The New York Times, 1903, artist unknown

  5. Corbis The Man Who Can Make Dirt Fly

  6. Why build a canal through Panama?

  7. The Panama Canal • Panama was given to Colombia by Spain in 1821 • French tried to build a canal in 1880s • Sold rights to US, $40 million / Philippe – Bunau Varilla • 1902 USA and Colombia negotiated, but Hay-Herran rejected was rejected by Colombia • Panamanian Revolution in 1903 then independent • US warships were sent • Roosevelt, “Panama rebelled as one man” • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty of 1903 • 10 mile wide strip, $10 million, $250,000 annual, guaranteed Panamanian independence • 1914 canal opened • 25,000 died in total - $375 million

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lufdPIRgxtY (223 ish)

  9. Big Stick Diplomacy • “I took the Canal Zone and let Congress debate; and while the debate goes on the Canal does also.” Roosevelt • "You could no more make an agreement with them than you could nail currant jelly to a wall," Roosevelt • How it works: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vi19z4LEi0

  10. American Diplomacy Outside of the Americas • 1900 China becomes an “Open Door” • In 1907, Roosevelt sent the “Great White Fleet” of 16 U.S. warships on the first world naval tour in history • demonstrate military strength. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKr5KUIA6gQ

  11. How do Taft and Wilson Compare? • Taft – Dollar Diplomacy • Wilson – Missionary Diplomacy • Based on the names, what do you think each of these men’s foreign policy will entail?

  12. William Howard Taft: 1909-1913 • Dollar Diplomacy - “substituting dollars for bullets” • American development would create long lasting peace and security • America would use the military and diplomacy to help promote U.S. business interests overseas Non colonial imperial expansion… huh??? • Why is long term stability in Latin America important to the USA? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d_J-fUG_b0

  13. Dollar Diplomacy in Action: Central America • Honduras • owed British lots of money • America paid off debts & American business men remained in Honduras • Nicaragua • Revolution 1909 America intervened & helped rebels & put in new government • Revolution of 1911 America defended existing government against rebels • Took control of country’s finances • Any unintended consequences? • Is dollar diplomacy negative or positive? • How does dollar diplomacy compare to big stick diplomacy?

  14. Are any elements of White Man’s Burden part of Dollar Diplomacy?

  15. Woodrow Wilson: 1913-1921 Missionary aka Moral Diplomacy What does this name imply?

  16. Woodrow Wilson’s Foreign Policy “American Exceptionalism” America’s job to spread our ideals, i.e., ___________ Missionary (Moral) Diplomacy – The US will only support, or recognize democratic countries • Wilson, “I am going to teach the South American republics to elect good men.”

  17. Missionary Diplomacy in Action: Mexico • 1877-1910 Diaz – maintains order & stability in Mexico, HOWEVER a dictator: • No freedom press, jailed opponents, foreign $ • 1910 election, uprisings & F. Madero President • 1913 General Huerta overthrew, jailed then executed Madero • Americans in Mexico asked for help…. Why? • 4 Mexican armies rise up all fighting for control & US arrives & supports Carranza • 1914-1920 Carranza Rules • 1916 – Pancho Villa retaliates • US goes on a Villa man hunt

  18. Besides Mexico, Wilson got involved in: • Haiti • Dominican Republic • Nicaragua

  19. Which foreign policy would you consider the most effective?

  20. From Brooks Adams, The New Empire, 1902.TRUE???? • The West Indies drift toward us, the Republic of Mexico hardly longer has an independent life, and the city of Mexico is an American town. With the completion of the Panama Canal all Central America will become part of our system. We have expanded into Asia, we have attracted the fragments of the Spanish dominions, and reaching out into China we have checked the advance of Russia and Germany. . . . . We are penetrating into Europe, and Great Britain especially is gradually assuming the position of a dependency. . . . The United States will outweigh any single empire, if not all empires combined. The whole world will pay her tribute. Commerce will flow to her from both east and west, and the order which has existed from the dawn of time will be reversed.

  21. Questions to think about • How would you describe America’s foreign policy during the first 20 years of the twentieth century? • Has it changed much today, how so?

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